hat this mechanism allows pathogenic E. coli to regulate its motility dependent on the stage of infection, activating flagellar expression upon initial contact with the host epithelium, when motility is beneficial, but reducing it within the host to delay the immune response. Copyright © 2020 Laganenka et al.Streptococcus pneumoniae (or pneumococcus) is a highly prevalent human pathogen. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) function as immune sensors that can trigger host defenses against this bacterium. Defects in TLR-activated signaling pathways, including deficiency in the adaptor protein myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), are associated with markedly increased susceptibility to infection. However, the individual MyD88-dependent TLRs predominantly involved in antipneumococcal defenses have not been identified yet. Here we find that triple knockout mice simultaneously lacking TLR7, TLR9, and TLR13, which sense the presence of bacterial DNA (TLR9) and RNA (TLR7 and TLR13) in the phagolysosomes of phagocytic cells, display a phenotype that largely resembles that of MyD88-deficient mice and rapidly succumb to pneumococcal pneumonitis due to defective neutrophil influx into the lung. Accordingly, TLR7/9/13 triple knockout resident alveolar macrophages were largely unable to respond to pneumococci with the production receptors (TLRs), to sense the presence of bacteria. We show here that pneumococci are predominantly detected by TLRs that are located inside intracellular vacuoles, including endosomes, where these receptors can sense the presence of nucleic acids released from ingested bacteria. Mice that simultaneously lacked three of these receptors (specifically, TLR7, TLR9, and TLR13) were extremely susceptible to lung infection and rapidly died after inhalation of pneumococci. Moreover, tissue-resident macrophages from these mice were impaired in their ability to respond to the presence of pneumococci by producing inflammatory mediators capable of recruiting polymorphonuclear leucocytes to infection sites. This information may be useful to develop drugs to treat pneumococcal infections, particularly those caused by antibiotic-resistant strains. Copyright © 2020 Famà et al.Viral diseases cause significant losses in aquaculture. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/selonsertib-gs-4997.html Prophylactic measures, such as immune priming, are promising control strategies. Treatment of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) with the double-stranded RNA analog poly(I·C) confers long-term protection against infection with ostreid herpesvirus 1, the causative agent of Pacific oyster mortality syndrome. In a recent article in mBio, Lafont and coauthors (M. Lafont, A. Vergnes, J. Vidal-Dupiol, J. de Lorgeril, et al., mBio 11e02777-19, 2020, https//doi.org/10.1128/mBio.02777-19) characterized the transcriptome of oysters treated with poly(I·C). This immune stimulator induced genes related to the interferon and apoptosis pathways. This response overlaps the response to viral infection, and high expression levels of potential effector genes are maintained for up to 4 months. This work opens the door to characterization of the phenomena of immune priming in a poorly studied invertebrate model. It also highlights the importance of interferon-like responses for invertebrate antiviral immunity. Copyright © 2020 Martins.Legionella pneumophila governs its interactions with host cells by secreting >300 different "effector" proteins. Some of these effectors contain eukaryotic domains such as the RCC1 (regulator of chromosome condensation 1) repeats promoting the activation of the small GTPase Ran. In this report, we reveal a conserved pattern of L. pneumophila RCC1 repeat genes, which are distributed in two main clusters of strains. Accordingly, strain Philadelphia-1 contains two RCC1 genes implicated in bacterial virulence, legG1 (Legionella eukaryotic gene 1), and ppgA, while strain Paris contains only one, pieG The RCC1 repeat effectors localize to different cellular compartments and bind distinct components of the Ran GTPase cycle, including Ran modulators and the small GTPase itself, and yet they all promote the activation of Ran. The pieG gene spans the corresponding open reading frames of legG1 and a separate adjacent upstream gene, lpg1975 legG1 and lpg1975 are fused upon addition of a single nucleotide to encode a protkeleton dynamics. We provide evidence that one or more RCC1 repeat genes are distributed in two main clusters of L. pneumophila strains and have divergently evolved to target different components of the Ran GTPase activation cycle at different subcellular sites. Thus, L. pneumophila employs a sophisticated strategy to subvert host cell Ran GTPase during infection. Copyright © 2020 Swart et al.Temperate bacteriophages are common and establish lysogens of their bacterial hosts in which the prophage is stably inherited. It is typical for such prophages to be integrated into the bacterial chromosome, but extrachromosomally replicating prophages have been described also, with the best characterized being the Escherichia coli phage P1 system. Among the large collection of sequenced mycobacteriophages, more than half are temperate or predicted to be temperate, most of which code for a tyrosine or serine integrase that promotes site-specific prophage integration. However, within the large group of 621 cluster A temperate phages, ∼20% lack an integration cassette, which is replaced with a parABS partitioning system. A subset of these phages carry genes coding for a RepA-like protein (RepA phages), which we show here is necessary and sufficient for autonomous extrachromosomal replication. The non-RepA phages appear to replicate using an RNA-based system, as a parABS-proximal region expressing a noncoding RNplication functions that vary in copy number, stability, host range, and compatibility. These plasmids expand the toolbox available for genetic manipulation of Mycobacterium and other Actinobacteria, including Gordonia terrae. Copyright © 2020 Wetzel et al.Pathogenicity islands and plasmids bear genes for pathogenesis of various Escherichia coli pathotypes. Although there is a basic understanding of the contribution of these virulence factors to disease, less is known about variation in regulatory networks in determining disease phenotypes. Here, we dissected a regulatory network directed by the conserved iron homeostasis regulator, ferric uptake regulator (Fur), in uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) strain CFT073. Comparing anaerobic genome-scale Fur DNA binding with Fur-dependent transcript expression and protein levels of the uropathogen to that of commensal E. coli K-12 strain MG1655 showed that the Fur regulon of the core genome is conserved but also includes genes within the pathogenicity/genetic islands. Unexpectedly, regulons indicative of amino acid limitation and the general stress response were also indirectly activated in the uropathogen fur mutant, suggesting that induction of the Fur regulon increases amino acid demand. Using RpoS levels as a proxy, addition of amino acids mitigated the stress.