Household decision-making to the MenACWY vaccination: How mom and dad and teenagers cope with a teen vaccine decision. BACKGROUND Coronary microvascular dysfunction and obstruction (CMVO) is a strong predictor of a poor prognosis in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Although research has suggested that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) exacerbates CMVO after primary percutaneous coronary intervention, data supporting a correlation between OSA and CMVO are limited. This study was performed to investigate whether OSA is associated with CMVO, detected as microvascular obstruction on cardiovascular magnetic resonance images, in patients with STEMI. METHODS Patients (N = 249) with a first STEMI underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention. CMVO was evaluated on cardiovascular magnetic resonance images based on the presence of microvascular obstruction. OSA was classified into four levels of severity based on the respiratory event index (REI) absent (REI of less then 5), mild (REI of ≥5 to less then 15), moderate (REI of ≥15 to less then 30) and severe (REI of ≥30). RESULTS The REI was significantly higher in the presence of microvascular obstruction (n = 139) than in its absence (n = 110) (REI of 12.8 vs. 10.7, respectively; p = 0.023). Microvascular obstruction was observed in 42%, 58%, 57% and 70% of patients in the absent, mild, moderate and severe OSA groups, respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that severe OSA was associated with increased odds of microvascular obstruction (odds ratio (OR), 5.10; 95% confidence interval (CI),1.61-16.2; p = 0.006). Mild and moderate OSA were also associated with increased odds of microvascular obstruction (mild OSA OR, 2.88; 95% CI, 1.19-7.00; p = 0.019 and moderate OSA OR, 3.79; 95% CI, 1.43-10.1; p = 0.008). CONCLUSION Severe OSA was associated with CMVO after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with STEMI.In women who conceived with or without assisted reproduction, we evaluated endothelial function by EndoPATTM [Reactive Hyperemia Index (RHI)], circulating numbers of endothelial cells (CEC) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPC), and their function before, during and after pregnancy. IVF pregnancies were stratified by method of conception and corpus luteum (CL) number-controlled ovarian stimulation (>1 CL) or programmed (0 CL) cycles, and spontaneous, singleton pregnancies (1 CL). We observed (1) comparable gestational decline of RHI in the three participant groups secondary to gestational rise of baseline, pre-occlusion pulse wave amplitude (PWA) incorporated into the RHI calculation by EndoPATTM software; (2) progressive rise in "normalized" RHI throughout pregnancy (calculated by substituting pre-pregnancy baseline, pre-occlusion PWA into the RHI equation), greater in spontaneous conception versus IVF cohorts; (3) similar gestational increase of maximum PWA and time to maximum PWA after the ischemia stimulus among the three participant groups; (4) modest gestational increase of ischemia response (reactive hyperemia) in the spontaneous conception group, and no change or significant decline, respectively, in women who conceived using programmed or controlled ovarian stimulation cycles; (5) enhanced basal nitric oxide production by early (primitive) outgrowth EPC during pregnancy in women who conceived spontaneously, but not through IVF; and (6) gestational increase in CEC in all three participant cohorts, more pronounced in women who conceived by IVF using programmed cycles. On balance, the evidence supported enhanced endothelial function during pregnancy in spontaneous conceptions, but less so in IVF pregnancies using either controlled ovarian stimulation or programmed cycles.Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate effects of self-Thai foot massages (STFMs) on the foot skin blood flow, the foot skin temperature, and range of motion (ROM) of the foot and ankle in type 2 diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy. Design A randomized crossover study. Subjects Twenty five diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy were recruited. Interventions Participants were randomly assigned to either STFM or Thai foot massage (TFM) performed by a massage therapist; then, they were switched to the other group after a 1-week washout period. In both groups, the foot massage was performed in a seated position on the dominant lower leg and foot for 25 min. Outcome measures Before and immediately after treatment, foot skin blood flow, foot skin temperature, and ROM of the foot and ankle were evaluated. Heart rate was measured throughout the treatment. Results After a single treatment of the massage, foot skin blood flow and ROM of the foot and ankle significantly improved in both groups (p  less then  0.05). Foot skin temperature did not change in STFM, whereas it significantly increased in TFM. Heart rate significantly increased in STFM, whereas it tended to decrease in TFM. Conclusions Both STFM and TFM by a massage therapist could improve foot skin blood flow and ROM of the foot and ankle in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy. An STFM could be a promising alternative treatment that patients can perform at home.This report describes an experience of the first international health for peace conference held in November 2018 in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. This paper discusses the panel on peace education in medical and paramedical schools and the way for the future. © 2020 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http//, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The discussions held by the congress panels can be boiled down to the following convictions. Health professionals, especially those who are working in the Middle East region, have to promote peace as part of their professional responsibility. Moving towards this objective can be realized through a number of measures. It is both necessary and feasible to increase research to identify the causes and consequences of war and violence; and to appropriately translate the findings to politicians, health professionals and masses of people. These can be achieved by means of boosting cooperation between international organizations and of bolstering the position of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on a global scale. Showing respect to other societies and civilizations, encouraging cultural interactions between societies, and elevating public intellectuality and general demand for reduction of violence can be effective in decreasing the latter and the effects thereof. Of the engagements that health professionals must seriously take on is employing health diplomacy and curbing the accumulation of unrestricted power and unilateralism through enforcing international treaties.