Although the use of guidelines may be tenable, decisions often take into consideration the patient's choice and then weighed against the moral values of healthcare specialists and those required in the profession.Advances in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture over the last 10 years have led to the development of a plethora of methods for cultivating tumor models. More recently, cellular co-cultures have become a suitable testbed. The first portion of this review focuses on co-culturing methods that have been developed in recent years utilizing the multicellular tumor spheroid model. The latter portion describes techniques that are used to analyze the proteomes of mono- or co-cultured tumor models, with a focus on mass spectrometry (MS)-based analyses. Protein profiles are important indicators of the tumor heterogeneity. Therefore, there is a specific focus within this review on analysis by MS and MS imaging methods evaluating the proteomic profiles of 2D and 3D co-cultures. While these models are incredibly important for biological research, so far, they have not been widely explored on the proteomic level. With this review, we aim to introduce these systems to an analytical audience, with the goal of highlighting MS as an underutilized tool for proteomic analysis of tumor models. Restoring function and esthetics are essential aspects of periodontology and restorative dentistry. Depending on their extension and the tissues involved, the treatment of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) associated with gingival recessions may require a multidisciplinary approach, and different periodontal and restorative techniques have been described. This case report presents an innovative approach to treat a deep NCCL combined with a gingival recession in a canine region of a female patient. A Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) chairside ceramic restorations in combination with mucogingival surgery procedures are described. A comprehensive analysis of the selected approach and its clinical implications is presented based on a 60-month follow-up. Conclusions After 60-month follow-up, clinical condition maintained stable, and a successful esthetic outcome was accomplished. Complete root coverage was achieved and kept throughout the whole period of tracing. This case report presents an innovative approach to treat a deep NCCL combined with a gingival recession in a canine region of a female patient. A Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) chairside ceramic restorations in combination with mucogingival surgery procedures are described. A comprehensive analysis of the selected approach and its clinical implications is presented based on a 60-month follow-up. Conclusions After 60-month follow-up, clinical condition maintained stable, and a successful esthetic outcome was accomplished. Complete root coverage was achieved and kept throughout the whole period of tracing.Mental health has become a global problem, as over 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression and 200 million from anxiety disorders, which are ranked by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the first and sixth leading causes of disability, respectively. Due to the limited health resources, the traditional method of mental health diagnosis as one-to-one consultation is difficult to meet the needs of the large number of mental subhealth population. In this article, we propose a new method for mental health recognition that could identify potentially clinically significant symptoms of depression and anxiety based on daily gait. Eighty-eight participants were recruited, and their gaits were recorded by a digital camera. Then they were required to complete two rating scales, the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the seven-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7), to measure their depression and anxiety levels. Specifically, 18 key points of each individual's body trunk were captured from video, and both time-domain features and frequency-domain behavioral features were extracted for each key point. Lastly, machine-learning algorithms were utilized to build the mental health recognition models. Results showed that the proposed method is feasible and effective, with a correlation coefficient of depression (measured by PHQ-9) recognition above 0.5 and anxiety (measured by GAD-7) recognition above 0.4, achieving medium correlation. This new, low-cost, and convenient mental health recognition pattern could be applied in daily monitoring of mental health and large-scale preliminary screening of mental diseases.While science students are well prepared for careers in biotechnology and pharmaceutical sciences in terms of technical expertise and critical thinking, they rarely have an opportunity to practice the due diligence required for success in industry in their coursework. This includes framing their expertise as solutions to challenges a company may be experiencing, an important skill for the interview process. As most academics have not applied for positions in industry, they may feel ill equipped to help students practice the important skills of framing their expertise within company goals and to discuss the business and financial concepts relevant to careers in scientific industry. Here, we describe an educational activity first developed by a leader in the biotech/pharmaceutical industry that was modified and given educational context by an academic in a class of upper-level undergraduate and graduate students. In this guided inquiry activity, students were instructed to select a start-up company in their field-ideally one to which they intended to apply for a job. Students were empowered by scaffolded hands-on exercises to research the company's scientific focus and finances, and to frame how their expertise could help companies achieve stated goals. Students compiled and delivered their research as an in-class presentation.Multi-modality cancer diagnosis techniques based on the second near-infrared window fluorescence (NIR-II FL, 1000-1700 nm) imaging have become the focus of research attention. For such multimodality probes, how to take advantage of the tumor microenvironments (TME) characteristics to better image diseases and combine efficient therapeutics to achieve theranostics is still a big challenge. Herein, a novel TME-activated nanosystem (FMSN-MnO2 -BCQ) employing degradable silica-based nanoplatform is designed, adjusting the ratio of intratumoral hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 )/glutathione (GSH) for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/NIR-II FL imaging and self-reinforcing chemodynamic therapy (CDT). Innovative bovine serum albumin (BSA)-modified fusiform-like mesoporous silica nanoparticles (FMSN) is fabricated as a carrier for NIR-II small molecule (CQ4T) and MRI reporter MnO2 . Remarkably, the BSA modification helped to achieve the dual-functions of high biocompatibility and enhance NIR-II fluorescence. The FMSN-MnO2 -BCQ with FMSN framework featuring a stepwise degradability in tumor interior released MnO2 and BCQ nanoparticles.