Treatment of pediatric anxiety disorders is complicated by their number, comorbidity, and the differential impact of a child's anxiety on the child and parents. Measurement-based care, using patient-level rating scales, can guide clinical decisions, track symptom improvement, and monitor treatment response. We review instruments for measurement-based care in pediatric anxiety. Measures used to track pediatric anxiety should be brief, accessible, sensitive to change, and reliable. Because parent-child agreement about a child's anxiety tends to be low, measures from both should be obtained. Measurements can also track functional improvement, expectancy related to treatment, and readiness to change.Measurement-based care is a helpful adjunct to clinical assessment in improving outcomes in depression in adults and adolescents. Measurement-based care principles are incorporated in current regulatory requirements for use of standardized instruments in efforts to improve care and prevent suicide. Challenges for child and adolescent psychiatrists and other clinicians in implementing measurement-based care include concerns about time and expense involved in administration and interpretation of results from rating scales and other instruments. Implementation can be facilitated by selection of instruments that are brief, easy to administer and score, compatible with electronic health record systems, and available in the public domain.Measurement-based care involves the practice of systematically administrating rating scales to patients in order to use the collected information to enhance clinical evaluation, monitor treatment progress, and directly inform decisions relating to each patient's treatment. Rating scales must be psychometrically validated and efficiently administered within the practice setting. Brief rating scales that are available within the public domain may help to optimize workflows and prevent response fatigu