The review provides a summary of the main mechanisms responsible for mechano-electrical, Ca2+, and metabolic feedback in pacemaker and atrial cells and of culture methods existing for both cell types. The work concludes with an explanation of how the elimination of mechano-electrical, mechano-Ca2+, and mechano-metabolic feedbacks during culture results in sustained cultured cell function. Copyright © 2020 Kirschner Peretz, Segal and Yaniv.It has been shown that not only calcium but also strong binding myosin heads contribute to thin filament activation in isometrically contracting animal fast-twitch and cardiac muscle preparations. This behavior has not been studied in human muscle fibers or animal slow-twitch fibers. Human slow-twitch fibers are interesting since they contain the same myosin heavy chain isoform as the human heart. To explore myosin-induced activation of the thin filament in isometrically contracting human slow-twitch fibers, the endogenous troponin complex was exchanged for a well-characterized fast-twitch skeletal troponin complex labeled with the fluorescent dye N-((2-(Iodoacetoxy)ethyl)-N-methyl)amino-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (fsTn-IANBD). The exchange was ≈70% complete (n = 8). The relative contributions of calcium and strong binding cross-bridges to thin filament activation were dissected by increasing the concentration of calcium from relaxing (pCa 7.5) to saturating levels (pCa 4.5) before and after incubating thehead on the regulation of muscle contraction and could lead to better management by pharmacological approaches. Copyright © 2020 López-Dávila, Chalovich, Zittrich, Piep, Matinmehr, Málnási-Csizmadia, Rauscher, Kraft, Brenner and Stehle.Contractions of skeletal muscles to generate in vivo movement involve dynamic changes in contractile and elastic tissue strains that likely interact to influence the force and work of a muscle. However, studies of the in vivo dynamics of skeletal muscle and tendon strains remain largely limited to bipedal animals, and rarely cover the broad spectra of movement requirements met by muscles that operate as motors, struts, or brakes across the various gaits that animals commonly use and conditions they encounter. Using high-speed bi-planar fluoromicrometry, we analyze in vivo strains within the rat medial gastrocnemius (MG) across a range of gait and slope conditions. These conditions require changes in muscle force ranging from decline walk (low) to incline gallop (high). Measurements are made from implanted (0.5-0.8 mm) tantalum spheres marking MG mid-belly width, mid-belly thickness, as well as strains of distal fascicles, the muscle belly, and the Achilles tendon. During stance, as the muscle contracts, muscle force increases linearly with respect to gait-slope combinations, and both shortening and lengthening fiber strains increase from approximately 5 to 15% resting length. Contractile change in muscle thickness (thickness strain) decreases (r 2 = 0.86; p = 0.001); whereas, the change in muscle width (width strain) increases (r 2 = 0.88; p = 0.001) and tendon strain increases (r 2 = 0.77; p = 0.015). Our results demonstrate force-dependency of contractile and tendinous tissue strains with compensatory changes in shape for a key locomotor muscle in the hind limb of a small quadruped. These dynamic changes are linked to the ability of a muscle to tune its force and work output as requirements change with locomotor speed and environmental conditions. Copyright © 2020 Konow, Collias and Biewener.Purpose Transvaginal meshes for the treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) have been associated with severe adverse events and have been banned for clinical use in many countries. We recently reported the design of degradable poly L-lactic acid-co-poly ε-caprolactone nanofibrous mesh (P nanomesh) bioengineered with endometrial mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (eMSC) for POP repair. We showed that such bioengineered meshes had high tissue integration as well as immunomodulatory effects in vivo. This study aimed to determine the key molecular players enabling eMSC-based foreign body response modulation. Methods SUSD2+ eMSC were purified from single cell suspensions obtained from endometrial biopsies from cycling women by magnetic bead sorting. Electrospun P nanomeshes with and without eMSC were implanted in a NSG mouse skin wound repair model for 1 and 6 weeks. Quantitative PCR was used to assess the expression of extracellular matrix (ECM), cell adhesion, angiogenesis and inflammation genes as log2 fold changession at 6 weeks while forming newly synthesized collagen within the nanomeshes and neo-vasculature in close proximity. From a tissue engineering perspective, this is a hallmark of a highly successful implant, suggesting significant potential as alternative surgical constructs for the treatment of POP. Copyright © 2020 Mukherjee, Darzi, Paul, Cousins, Werkmeister and Gargett.The dysregulation of hepatic lipid metabolism is one of the hallmarks in many liver diseases including alcoholic liver diseases (ALD) and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD). Hepatic inflammation, lipoperoxidative stress as well as the imbalance between lipid availability and lipid disposal, are direct causes of liver steatosis. The application of herbal medicines with anti-oxidative stress and lipid-balancing properties has been extensively attempted as pharmaceutical intervention for liver disorders in experimental and clinical studies. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying their hepatoprotective effects warrant further exploration, increasing evidence demonstrated that many herbal medicines are involved in regulating lipid accumulation processes including hepatic lipolytic and lipogenic pathways, such as mitochondrial and peroxisomal β-oxidation, the secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), the non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) uptake, and some vital hepatic lipogenic enzymes. Therefore, in this review, the pathways or crucial mediators participated in the dysregulation of hepatic lipid metabolism are systematically summarized, followed by the current evidences and advances in the positive impacts of herbal medicines and natural products on the lipid metabolism pathways are detailed. Furthermore, several herbal formulas, herbs or herbal derivatives, such as Erchen Dection, Danshen, resveratrol, and berberine, which have been extensively studied for their promising potential in mediating lipid metabolism, are particularly highlighted in this review. Copyright © 2020 Li, Xu, Guo, Chen, Zhang, Tan, Wang and Feng.