A survey was conducted with 235 randomly selected households to investigate women's empowerment, land and donor-driven agricultural interventions in Eastern Zambia [1] for aid programmes with (Norwegian) and without (Chinese) women empowerment goals. The survey was complemented by six focus group discussions (FGDs) and 12 key informant interviews. A triple-stream approach for focus discussions was used (i.e. women-only, men-only, and mixed gender). The results suggest that despite differing aid programme modalities, there was increased access to, and control over, productive resources by women farmers. At least 60% of the respondents reported joint ownership of all types of livestock and poultry, including large livestock such as cattle. Within households, decisions on cotton, groundnuts, and maize were made jointly by the husband and wife. Greater than 70% of the respondents in both Norwegian and Chinese aided households reported joint decision making by the husband and wife. Although both men and women farmers attended training sessions, the percentage of attending respondents was lower for Chinese-aid affiliated farmers. The majority (81% - Norwegian aid; 89% - Chinese aid) jointly earned and owned the income from cotton. When women entered into contract farming with the cotton company, operations management was performed by the entire household, and the applicable income was considered jointly earned.In a bid to assess the contribution of prognostic factors to survival times of breast cancer patients from day of presentation in Nigeria, a data was collected from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Teaching Hospital Osogbo. This is a retrospective data culled from the case note files of the breast cancer patients. The survival time of the patients was recorded as the difference between the day of presentation and the day of last contact. The data is censored at 1 year. The prognostic factors considered are years of breastfeeding(In years), Age at menarche, stage at presentation, neoadjuvant treatment offered and use of contraceptives. Four survival models were applied to the data to assess the contribution of the prognostic factors to survival times.Polylactide (PLA), a biopolymer, was reinforced with three fillers (two organic reinforcements and one inorganic filler). The processing technique used to fabricate the composites was the melt-blending technique. The composites and the unreinforced PLA were subjected to microhardness, compression and biodegradation characterisations. Data obtained are presented in this article as raw data. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/peficitinb-asp015k-jnj-54781532.html Data from microhardness and compression tests were used to predict the fracture toughness. The biodegradation of the composites was also examined, and the data obtained reported in this article. The data presented in this article allow for a comprehensive understanding of the mechanical behaviour and the biodegradation profile of three composites of PLA with respect to their applications as biodegradable implants. It also helps in the selection of fillers for biopolymers such as PLA.Soil salinity is a major abiotic factor affecting the growth and development of important crops such as sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). To understand the molecular mechanisms of this oilseed crop in response to salt stress, we examined the transcriptome and proteome profiles of two sesame varieties, with contrasting tolerances to salinity. Here, RNA sequencing and quantitative proteomic analyses of 30 samples from salt-tolerant and -sensitive sesame seedlings under salt stress were carried out. These data can be used for differential gene expression and protein accumulation analyses, based on a genetic aberration or phenotypic differences in sesame responses to salt stress. Our dataset provides an extensive resource for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the adaptation of sesame to salt stress, and may constitute useful a resource for increasing the tolerance of major crop plants to raised salinity levels in soils.The dataset examines three factors (i.e. financial literacy, self-control, peer-influence) that influence investment behaviour amongst young Indonesian millennials. Using a non-probability sampling technique, a total of 265 young millennials attending Investment Gallery seminar and workshop events in Jakarta, Indonesia completed an investment behaviour survey. The reflective measurement was performed using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) to the screened data from the survey (N = 213). The measurement includes the evaluation of outer loading, internal reliability, and convergent reliability. The final equation model was evaluated and estimated using SmartPLS v.3.3.2 program. The dataset is beneficial for companies seeking for potential investors from young millennials. The dataset also provides valuable insights for the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and universities, particularly the faculty of economy and business in preparing their students with the financial literacy and investment knowledge.Appropriate control of carcass temperatures in slaughterhouses requires an accurate understanding of extrinsic and intrinsic factors present after slaughter and dressing. Therefore, we use large amounts of data required under the hazard analysis and critical control point system that are accumulated in daily business reports compiled by food business operators. This data aims to clarify the influencing factors or affectors of the chilling processes for beef and pork carcasses in a slaughterhouse using graphical modeling (GM), which is an explorative method in multivariate data analysis. GM has been widely used for statistical causality analysis in visual and flexible modeling. GM is carried out using the following parameters outside temperature and humidity, number of carcasses in a chilling room on each operating day and during every afternoon of operation, time of sealing a chilling room, pre-set temperature in a chilling room, chilling room temperature at 1630 on the day of slaughter and dressing and at 800 on the next day, and surface and core temperatures of carcasses. These parameters are set in a three-layered structure comprising (1) cause, (2) intermediate effect, and (3) effect. Covariance selection is performed to statistically eliminate spurious correlation. Path diagrams are drawn for beef and pork in GM for visualization. The data herein has contributed to the first attempt at the use of GM to statistically verify causality in the food manufacturing process. These data can be used to determine causality between carcass temperature and affectors in the chilling process via GM and thus minimize bias. Analyses of the present data are reported in the article "Chilling control of beef and pork carcasses in a slaughterhouse based on causality analysis by graphical modeling" [1].