In the context of genomic selection, we evaluated and compared breeding programs using either index selection or independent culling for recurrent selection of parents. We simulated a clonally propagated crop breeding program for 20 cycles using either independent culling or an economic index with two unfavourably correlated traits under selection. Cycle time from crossing to selection of parents was kept the same for both strategies. Both methods led to increasingly unfavourable genetic correlations between traits and, compared to independent culling, index selection led to larger changes in the genetic correlation between the two traits. When linkage disequilibrium was not considered, the two methods had similar losses of genetic diversity. Two independent culling approaches were evaluated, one using optimal culling levels and one using the same selection intensity for both traits. Optimal culling levels outperformed the same selection intensity even when traits had the same economic importance. Therefore, accurately estimating optimal culling levels is essential for maximizing gains when independent culling is performed. Once optimal culling levels are achieved, independent culling and index selection lead to comparable genetic gains. To evaluate the impact of an intervention improving the continuum of care monitoring (CCM) within HIV public healthcare services in São Paulo, Brazil, and implementing a clinical monitoring system. This system identified three patient groups prioritized for additional care engagement (1) individuals diagnosed with HIV, but not receiving treatment (the treatment gap group); (2) individuals receiving treatment for >6 months with a detectable viral load (the virologic failure group); and (3) patients lost to follow-up (LTFU). The implementation strategies included three training sessions, covering system logistics, case discussions, and development of maintenance goals. These strategies were conducted within 30 HIV public healthcare services (May 2019 to April 2020). After each training session, professionals shared their experiences with CCM at regional meetings. Before and after the intervention, providers were invited to answer 23 items from the normalization process theory questionnaire (online) to uncontinuum and improved outcomes. Implementing CCM helped identify patients requiring more intensive attention. This intervention led to changes in providers' perceptions of CCM and care and management processes, which increased the number of patients engaged across the care continuum and improved outcomes. Parents are the primary caregivers of young children. Responsive parent-child relationships and parental support for learning during the earliest years of life are crucial for promoting early child development (ECD). We conducted a global systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of parenting interventions on ECD and parenting outcomes. We searched MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Global Health Library for peer-reviewed, published articles from database inception until November 15, 2020. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of parenting interventions delivered during the first 3 years of life that evaluated at least 1 ECD outcome. At least 2 reviewers independently screened, extracted data, and assessed study quality from eligible studies. ECD outcomes included cognitive, language, motor, and socioemotional development, behavior problems, and attachment. Parenting outcomes included parenting knowledge, parenting practices, parent-child interactions,rt parents and enable young children to achieve their full developmental potential.Animals utilize a variety of active sensing mechanisms to perceive the world around them. Echolocating bats are an excellent model for the study of active auditory localization. The big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), for instance, employs active head roll movements during sonar prey tracking. The function of head rolls in sound source localization is not well understood. Here, we propose an echolocation model with multi-axis head rotation to investigate the effect of active head roll movements on sound localization performance. The model autonomously learns to align the bat's head direction towards the target. We show that a model with active head roll movements better localizes targets than a model without head rolls. Furthermore, we demonstrate that active head rolls also reduce the time required for localization in elevation. Finally, our model offers key insights to sound localization cues used by echolocating bats employing active head movements during echolocation. Increased risk of miscarriage has been reported for women with specific chronic health conditions. A broader investigation of chronic diseases and miscarriage risk may uncover patterns across categories of illness. The objective of this study was to study the risk of miscarriage according to various preexisting chronic diseases. We conducted a registry-based study. Registered pregnancies (n = 593,009) in Norway between 2010 and 2016 were identified through 3 national health registries (birth register, general practitioner data, and patient registries). Six broad categories of illness were identified, comprising 25 chronic diseases defined by diagnostic codes used in general practitioner and patient registries. We required that the diseases were diagnosed before the pregnancy of interest. Miscarriage risk according to underlying chronic diseases was estimated as odds ratios (ORs) using generalized estimating equations adjusting for woman's age. The mean age of women at the start of pregnancy was 29.7 years largely unaffected by maternal chronic diseases, risk of miscarriage was associated with conditions related to cardiometabolic health. This finding is consistent with emerging evidence linking cardiovascular risk factors to pregnancy complications. In this registry study, we found that, although risk of miscarriage was largely unaffected by maternal chronic diseases, risk of miscarriage was associated with conditions related to cardiometabolic health. This finding is consistent with emerging evidence linking cardiovascular risk factors to pregnancy complications.