Humans are likely to experience mechanical allodynia and cold hyperalgesia after oxaliplatin intravenous injection. The mechanism by which oxaliplatin leads to these side effects is unknown. Since the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels are involved in the automatic depolarization of action potentials, we speculated that HCN channels are involved in oxaliplatin-induced hyperalgesia through action potentials. Our results showed that the density of HCN channel currents and the excitability of dorsal root ganglion neurons both increased after oxaliplatin perfusion at the cellular level. The neuronal hyperexcitability could be alleviated by ivabradine. Ivabradine inhibited oxaliplatin-induced mechanical allodynia and cold hyperalgesia at the individual rat level. Oxaliplatin enhanced the function of HCN channels, which in turn promoted the automatic depolarization of action potentials. The acceleration of automatic depolarization excited the neurons and caused more rapid firing of action potentials. Therefore, the HCN channel is a potential therapeutic target for the hyperalgesia induced by oxaliplatin.Heterosexism, in the form of microaggressions, contributes to hostile, anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) college campus climates, thereby limiting sexual and gender minority students' social engagement and academic persistence. Using Tinto's model of institutional departure, we examined the degree to which experiencing microaggressions affects sexual minority college students' retention as a function of their feelings of discomfort in the classroom. Mediation analyses were performed on a subsample of data from 152 self-identified LGBTQ college students at a southern university in the United States to examine relations among experiences of self-reported microaggressions, self-rated classroom discomfort, and expressed intentions to transfer from the university. Self-reported discomfort in the classroom accounts for the relation between experiences of microaggressions and LGBTQ students' intentions to transfer from the university. Specifically, LGBTQ students who experienced microaggressions more often reported greater discomfort in their classrooms and reported fewer intentions to continue studying at their university. Universities should strive to implement campus-wide programs that help minimize microaggressions, encourage cultural competency and comfort in the classroom, and combat anti-LGBTQ prejudice to better support students in their day-to-day academic endeavors. LGBTQ students who feel safe and supported in the classroom may be protected from heterosexism and social isolation and, thereby, may be more likely to persevere in their academic pursuits.During the nationwide lockdown as part of the state response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the predicament of interstate migrant laborers in India, caught in crowded cities without means of livelihood and basic resources needed to sustain life, gained national and international attention. This article explores the context of the current migrant crisis through the historical trajectories and political roots of internal migration in India and its relationship with the urban informal labor market and the structural determinants of precarious employment. We argue that the both the response to the pandemic and the disproportionate impact on migrant laborers are reflections and consequences of an established pattern of neglect and poor accountability of the state toward the employment and living conditions of migrant workers who toil precariously in the informal labor market.While rape and sexual violence have long been a widespread social problem, and one that has garnered significant attention, research that specifically examines the phenomenon of male victimization of sexual violence remains lacking. Addressing the gaps in the research, the current study uses 10 years of law enforcement data from the United States' National Incident-based Reporting System (2007-2016) on sexual victimization of males 14 years of age or older. The study sought to assess the impact of victim, offender, and incident characteristics associated with the outcome of the case (i.e., open, arrest, and exceptional clearance due to the victim declining or the prosecution refusing to pursue the case) for 20,701 male victims who reported a forcible sex offense to law enforcement as well as agency variation for cleared crimes. Using multilevel multinomial logistic regression, exceptionally cleared cases are more likely to resemble open cases than those resulting in arrest with incident characteristics having a larger influence than victim and offender characteristics. Cases involving concomitant offenses, committed by a stranger, resulting in injury, increase the likelihood of arrest-all of which support the "real rape" hypothesis. Exceptionally cleared cases represent more than one-third of cleared cases and there is significant department variation in the usage of exceptional clearance, as a number of agencies are exceptionally clearing more than half of their cleared cases, artificially increasing their clearance rate. These results, in conjunction with research on female victims, suggests that the handling of sexual assault cases reported to law enforcement remains problematic.We undertook a matched prospective cohort study over a 4-year period to examine the safety of continuing the administration of regular antithrombotic treatment with warfarin, clopidogrel or aspirin during day case surgical fixation of distal radial fractures. One hundred and one patients were identified and consented to participate in this study. There was only one reported complication a superficial wound infection treated with antibiotics. No episodes of excessive bleeding were noted intraoperatively. All patients were discharged home on the day of surgery and there were no episodes of readmission, significant bleeding, haematoma requiring intervention, compartment syndrome or wound dehiscence. Complication rates were comparable with those of the matched cohort of patients undergoing the same procedure but who were not taking antithrombotic medications.Level of evidence IV.