By doing this, the problem of the micro-tube being inflated can be eliminated without causing other problems.Since there is merit in noninvasive monitoring of muscular oxidative metabolism for near-infrared spectroscopy in a wide range of clinical scenarios, the present study attempted to evaluate the clinical usability for featuring the modulatory strategies of sternocleidomastoid muscular oxygenation using near-infrared spectroscopy in mild nonspecific neck pain patients. The muscular oxygenation variables of the dominant or affected sternocleidomastoid muscles of interest were extracted at 25% of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction from ten patients (5 males and 5 females, 23.6 ± 4.2 years) and asymptomatic individuals (6 males and 4 females, 24.0 ± 5.1 years) using near-infrared spectroscopy. Only a shorter half-deoxygenation time of oxygen saturation during a sternocleidomastoid isometric contraction was noted in patients compared to asymptomatic individuals (10.43 ± 1.79 s vs. 13.82 ± 1.42 s, p less then 0.001). Even though the lack of statically significant differences in most of the muscular oxygenation variables failed to refine the definite pathogenic mechanisms underlying nonspecific neck pain, the findings of modulatory strategies of faster deoxygenation implied that near-infrared spectroscopy appears to have practical potential to provide relevant physiological information regarding muscular oxidative metabolism and constituted convincing preliminary evidences of the adaptive manipulations rather than pathological responses of oxidative metabolism capacity of sternocleidomastoid muscles in nonspecific neck patients with mild disability.A miscibility study between oppositely charged polyelectrolytes, namely hyaluronic acid and a lactose-modified chitosan, is here reported. Experimental variables such as polymers' weight ratios, pH values, ionic strengths and hyaluronic acid molecular weights were considered. Transmittance analyses demonstrated the mutual solubility of the two biopolymers at a neutral pH. The onset of the liquid-liquid phase separation due to electrostatic interactions between the two polymers was detected at pH 4.5, and it was found to be affected by the overall ionic strength, the modality of mixing and the polymers' weight ratio. Thorough Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measurements were performed to check the quality of the formed coacervates by investigating their dimensions, homogeneity and surface charge. The whole DLS results highlighted the influence of the hyaluronic acid molecular weight in affecting coacervates' dispersity and size.Tea made from Camellia sinensis leaves is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide. This systematic review aims to update Camellia sinensis pharmacological activity on metabolic and endocrine disorders. Inclusion criteria were preclinical and clinical studies of tea extracts and isolated compounds on osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity written in English between 2014 and 2019 and published in Pubmed, Science Direct, and Scopus. From a total of 1384 studies, 80 reports met inclusion criteria. Most papers were published in 2015 (29.3%) and 2017 (20.6%), conducted in China (28.75%), US (12.5%), and South Korea (10%) and carried out with extracts (67.5%, especially green tea) and isolated compounds (41.25%, especially epigallocatechin gallate). Most pharmacological studies were in vitro and in vivo studies focused on diabetes and obesity. Clinical trials, although they have demonstrated promising results, are very limited. Future research should be aimed at providing more clinical evidence on less studied pathologies such as osteoporosis, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. Given the close relationship among all endocrine disorders, it would be of interest to find a standard dose of tea or their bioactive constituents that would be beneficial for all of them.Ochrobactrum is a ubiquitous Gram-negative microorganism, mostly found in the environment, which can cause opportunistic infections in humans. It is almost uniformly resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins through an AmpC-like β-lactamase enzyme class (OCH). We studied 130 assembled genomes, of which 5 were animal-derived isolates recovered in Israel, and 125 publicly available genomes. Our analysis focused on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes, virulence genes, and whole-genome phylogeny. We found that 76% of Ochrobactrum genomes harbored a blaOCH β-lactamase gene variant, while 7% harbored another AmpC-like gene. No virulence genes other than lipopolysaccharide-associated genes were found. Core genome multilocus sequence typing clustered most samples to known species, but neither geographical clustering nor isolation source clustering were evident. When analyzing the distribution of different blaOCH variants as well as of the blaOCH-deficient samples, a clear phylogenomic clustering was apparent for specific species. The current analysis of the largest collection to date of Ochrobactrum genomes sheds light on the resistome, virulome, phylogeny, and species classification of this increasingly reported human pathogen. Our findings also suggest that Ochrobactrum deserves further characterization to underpin its evolution, taxonomy, and antimicrobial resistance.Over the past several years, many healthcare applications have been developed to enhancethe healthcare industry. Recent advancements in information technology and blockchain technologyhave revolutionized electronic healthcare research and industry. The innovation of miniaturizedhealthcare sensors for monitoring patient vital signs has improved and secured the human healthcaresystem. The increase in portable health devices has enhanced the quality of health-monitoringstatus both at an activity/fitness level for self-health tracking and at a medical level, providing moredata to clinicians with potential for earlier diagnosis and guidance of treatment. When sharingpersonal medical information, data security and comfort are essential requirements for interactionwith and collection of electronic medical records. However, it is hard for current systems to meetthese requirements because they have inconsistent security policies and access control structures.The new solutions should be directed towards improving data access, and should be managed bythe government in terms of privacy and security requirements to ensure the reliability of data formedical purposes.