Ado-trastuzumab emtansine is a potent cytotoxic drug connected via a stable linker to the anti-HER2 antibody, trastuzumab. More studies need to be done to further investigate positive result presented in this case and whether this could be considered an alternative to current first-line therapy. Some recent studies discussed in this case showed that first-line therapies don't have significant progression free survival advantage when compared to the second-line therapy that our patient received. Ado-trastuzumab emtansine is a potent cytotoxic drug connected via a stable linker to the anti-HER2 antibody, trastuzumab. More studies need to be done to further investigate positive result presented in this case and whether this could be considered an alternative to current first-line therapy. Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) with oral antineoplastics (OAs) are of increasing concern given the rapid increase in OA approvals and use in cancer patients. A small pilot study of 20 DDIs with OAs showed significant variability in commonly used DDI screening databases in sensitivity of detecting potentially clinically relevant DDIs. This study builds upon that work by expanding the number of potential DDIs analyzed and including a specificity analysis. Newly approved OAs from 2016 to May 2019 (n = 22) were included in this analysis. Prescribing information for each drug was reviewed. A list of explicit and theoretical drug interactions was created for each OA by the two investigators. A board-certified oncology pharmacist adjudicated all DDI pairs for potential clinical significance. In total, 229 DDI pairs were used to analyze sensitivity of 5 DDI databases (Lexicomp®, Micromedex®, Medscape, Eporactes®, & Additionally, 64 "dummy" or false DDI pairs were created to analyze specificity. Sensitivity and specific were analyzed using Cochran's Qtest, while accuracy was analyzed using chi-square test. There was significant var