Proteomics-Based Recognition regarding Salivary Modifications in Individuals along with Burning Oral cavity Symptoms. BACKGROUND Stable introns and intronic fragments make up the largest population of RNA in the oocyte nucleus of the frog Xenopus tropicalis. These stable intronic sequence RNAs (sisRNAs) persist through the onset of zygotic transcription when synchronous cell division has ended, and the developing embryo consists of approximately 8000 cells. Despite their abundance, the sequence properties and biological function of sisRNAs are just beginning to be understood. RESULTS To characterize this population of non-coding RNA, we identified all of the sisRNAs in the X. tropicalis oocyte nucleus using published high-throughput RNA sequencing data. Our analysis revealed that sisRNAs, have an average length of ~ 360 nt, are widely expressed from genes with multiple introns, and are derived from specific regions of introns that are GC and TG rich, while CpG poor. They are enriched in introns at both ends of transcripts but preferentially at the 3' end. The consensus binding sites of specific transcription factors such as Stat3 are enriched in sisRNAs, suggesting an association between sisRNAs and transcription factors involved in early development. Evolutionary conservation analysis of sisRNA sequences in seven vertebrate genomes indicates that sisRNAs are as conserved as other parts of introns, but much less conserved than exons. CONCLUSION In total, our results indicate sisRNAs are selected intron regions with distinct properties and may play a role in gene expression regulation.BACKGROUND The family of NAC proteins (NAM, ATAF1/2, and CUC2) represent a class of large plant-specific transcription factors. However, identification and functional surveys of NAC genes of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) remain unstudied, despite the tomato genome being decoded for several years. This study aims to identify the NAC gene family and investigate their potential roles in responding to Al stress. RESULTS Ninety-three NAC genes were identified and named in accordance with their chromosome location. Phylogenetic analysis found SlNACs are broadly distributed in 5 groups. Gene expression analysis showed that SlNACs had different expression levels in various tissues and at different fruit development stages. Cycloheximide treatment and qRT-PCR analysis indicated that SlNACs may aid regulation of tomato in response to Al stress, 19 of which were significantly up- or down-regulated in roots of tomato following Al stress. CONCLUSION This work establishes a knowledge base for further studies on biological functions of SlNACs in tomato and will aid in improving agricultural traits of tomato in the future.BACKGROUND UK health policy increasingly focusses on health as an asset. This represents a shift of focus away from specific risk factors towards the more holistic capacity by which integrated care assets in the community support improvements in both health and the wider flourishing of individuals. Though the social determinants of health are well known, relatively little research has focussed on the impact of an individual's health on their social outcomes. This research investigates how improved health can deliver a social return through the development of social capital. METHODS An observational study is undertaken on 25 years of longitudinal data, from 1991, drawn from the harmonised British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and Understanding Society Survey (USS). Fixed effects instrumental variable panel data regression analysis is undertaken on individuals. The number of memberships of social organisations, as a measure of structural social capital, is regressed on subjectively measured general health and Ge of ensuring that opportunity for engagement in social and civic organisation be linked to general and mental health care support.BACKGROUND Our aim was to investigate the clinical efficacy and complications of antibiotic treatment regimens for patients with bone infection. METHODS We retrospectively analysed patients with bone infection admitted to our hospital between March 2013 and October 2018. After surgical debridement was performed, the patients were divided into three groups IV group (intravenous antibiotics for 2 weeks); oral group (intravenous antibiotics for 2 weeks followed by oral antibiotics for 4 weeks); and rifampicin group (intravenous antibiotics for 2 weeks followed by oral antibiotics plus rifampicin for 4 weeks). The infection control rate and complications were compared among the three groups. RESULTS A total of 902 patients were enrolled. The infection sites included 509 tibias, 228 femurs, 32 humeri, 23 radii and ulnae, 40 calcanei, and 47 miscellaneous sites, as well as 23 multiple-site infections. After at least 6 months of follow-up, 148 (16.4%) patients had an infection recurrence. The recurrence rate of the IV group was 17.9%, which was not significantly higher than the recurrence rates of the oral group (10.1%) and rifampicin group (10.5%), P = 0.051. The incidence of abnormal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels in the IV group was 15.1%, which was lower than that in the oral group (18.0%) and rifampicin group (27.4%), P = 0.026. The rates of proteinuria in the three groups were 3.2, 4.5, and 9.3%, respectively, P = 0.020. CONCLUSIONS After debridement of bone infection, short-term antibiotic treatment regimens might offer similar rates of infection eradication while avoiding the risk of renal and hepatic damage associated with prolonged antibiotic use. THE LEVEL OF CLINICAL RELEVANCE Stage III.BACKGROUND The purpose of the study is to discuss the correlation between the resistance rate of gram negative bacteria to fluoroquinolones (FQ) and antibiotic consumption intensity of 145 China tertiary hospitals in 2014. METHODS This retrospective study adopted national monitoring data from 2014. Each participating hospital required to report annual consumption of each antibiotic, and the resistance rate of gram negative bacteria to FQ. Then the correlation between antibiotic usage and fluoroquinolones -resistant (FQR) rate was consequently investigated. RESULTS One hundred forty-five hospitals were included in the study, and the median antibiotic consumption intensity was 46.30 (23.93-115.39) defined daily dosages (DDDs) per 100 patient-days. Cephalosporins ranks first in the antibiotics consumption, followed by fluoroquinolones, penicillins, and carbapenems. Fluoroquinolones resistance rate varied from hospital to hospital. The correlation analysis showed significant relationship between the percentage of FQR Escherichia coli and the consumption of FQs (r = 0.