A speckle suppression restriction was also added in the objective function to guarantee that the speckle suppression procedure would take place in the feature learning stage. Experimental results with the MSTAR dataset under the standard operating condition and several extended operating conditions demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed model in SAR object classification tasks.Cell motility is the brilliant result of cell status and its interaction with close environments. Its detection is now possible, thanks to the synergy of high-resolution camera sensors, time-lapse microscopy devices, and dedicated software tools for video and data analysis. In this scenario, we formulated a novel paradigm in which we considered the individual cells as a sort of sensitive element of a sensor, which exploits the camera as a transducer returning the movement of the cell as an output signal. In this way, cell movement allows us to retrieve information about the chemical composition of the close environment. To optimally exploit this information, in this work, we introduce a new setting, in which a cell trajectory is divided into sub-tracks, each one characterized by a specific motion kind. Hence, we considered all the sub-tracks of the single-cell trajectory as the signals of a virtual array of cell motility-based sensors. The kinematics of each sub-track is quantified and used for a classification task. To investigate the potential of the proposed approach, we have compared the achieved performances with those obtained by using a single-trajectory paradigm with the scope to evaluate the chemotherapy treatment effects on prostate cancer cells. Novel pattern recognition algorithms have been applied to the descriptors extracted at a sub-track level by implementing features, as well as samples selection (a good teacher learning approach) for model construction. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/iwp-2.html The experimental results have put in evidence that the performances are higher when a further cluster majority role has been considered, by emulating a sort of sensor fusion procedure. All of these results highlighted the high strength of the proposed approach, and straightforwardly prefigure its use in lab-on-chip or organ-on-chip applications, where the cell motility analysis can be massively applied using time-lapse microscopy images.The community cats program (CCP), which includes trap-neuter-return activities, has been promoted in Japan to reduce the population of free-roaming cats without harmful effects on their welfare. To ascertain the effects of the CCP, a two-year route census of free-roaming cats was conducted in an area with CCP and the other area without CCP in urban Tokyo, Japan. The estimated number of cats was lower in the CCP area than the non-CCP area, but there was no difference in the rate of decline in cat populations between areas. More cats emigrated or disappeared rather than immigrated in both areas in the second year and more males tended to immigrate into the CCP area. There was no difference in the behavior of cats between areas and among seasons. The proportion of cats with poor health was lower in the CCP area than the non-CCP area. These results suggest that the CCP may improve the welfare of free-roaming cats. As the effect of CCP was restrictive in reducing the population of free-roaming cats, the further promotion of neutering of cats may be necessary to reduce the population density of cats.Citric acid metabolism is considered to be the central cellular process of metabolite conversions. ATP-citrate lyase (ACL) and cytosolic aconitase (cyt-ACO) are the two citrate-degrading enzymes that decide the carbon flux towards different metabolite biosynthesis pathways. However, the correlation of their activities with metabolite concentrations in citrus fruits is still unclear. Here, the concentrations of soluble sugars, organic acids, acetyl-CoA, flavonoids, carotenoids, and γ-aminobutyric acid, as well as the activities of ACL, cyt-ACO, acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase, and acetyl-CoA carboxylase, were compared among the fruits of six citrus cultivars during fruit development and ripening. The results showed that the correlation between citrate concentration and cyt-ACO or ACL activity varied greatly among cultivars, while the activities of cyt-ACO and ACL had a significantly negative correlation (r = -0.4431). Moreover, ACL overexpression and RNA interference in the Citrus callus indicated that increasing and decreasing the ACL activity could reduce and induce cyt-ACO activity, respectively. In addition, significant correlation was only observed between the ACL activity and the concentration of acetyl-CoA (r = 0.4333). Taken together, the present study suggested that ACL and cyt-ACO synergistically control the citrate fate for the biosynthesis of other metabolites, but they are not the key determinants for the accumulation of citrate, as well as other metabolites in citrus fruits.Meat is an important source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fat, and these nutrients are important for their beneficial effects on human health. In recent years, meat quality has become a more relevant topic for consumers with regard to health and sensory characteristics, and for beef industry stakeholders because it affects their profitability. Therefore, the control of meat quality, including technological, sensory and nutritional quality traits, constitutes an important target for any farm animal production. What those qualities are and how we best evaluate them at the different levels of the continuum from the farm to fork are critical to understanding meat production and consumption patterns. However, despite the efforts of the industrials to control the eating and nutritional quality traits of meat and meat products, there remains a high level of variability, which is one reason for consumer dissatisfaction. This Special Issue focuses on the study of continuum aspects from farm to fork, which would have an impact on the control of the nutritional, sensory and technological aspects of carcass, muscle, meat and meat-product qualities. It groups fourteen original studies and one comprehensive review within five main topics that are (i) production systems and rearing practices, (ii) prediction of meat qualities, (iii) statistical approaches for meat quality prediction/management, (iv) muscle biochemistry and proteomics techniques and (v) consumer acceptability, development and characterisation of meat products.