the LIDC-IDRI consortium, and should be helpful in developing automated tools for characterization of lung lesions and image phenotyping. In addition to those properties, the representation of the present dataset makes it more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) for the research community, and enables its integration with other standardized data collections. Exposure to high levels of alcohol during development leads to alterations in neurogenesis and deficits in hippocampal-dependent learning. Evidence suggests that even more moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy can have negative impacts on the cognitive function of offspring. Methods for assessing impairments differ greatly across species, complicating translation of preclinical findings into potential therapeutics. We have demonstrated the utility of a touchscreen operant measure for assessing hippocampal function in mice. Here, we integrated a well-established "drinking-in-the-dark" exposure model that produces reliable, but more moderate, levels of maternal intoxication with a trial-unique, delayed nonmatching-to-location (TUNL) task to examine the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on hippocampal-sensitive behavior directly analogous to those used in clinical assessment. PAE and SAC offspring mice were trained to touch a single visual stimulus ("sample phase") in one of 10 possible spat sex-by-treatment interactions in these models. Taken together, these data demonstrate the utility of the TUNL task for examining PAE related alterations in hippocampal function and underline the need to examine sex-by-treatment interactions in these models. While the opiate antagonist, naltrexone, is approved for treating alcohol use disorder (AUD), not everyone who receives the medication benefits from it. This study evaluated whether the OPRM1 SNP rs1799971 interacts with the dopamine transporter gene DAT1/SLC6A3 VNTR rs28363170 or the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene SNP rs4680 in predicting naltrexone response. Individuals who met DSM-IV alcohol dependence were randomly assigned to naltrexone (50mg/d) or placebo based on their OPRM1 genotype (75 G-allele carriers and 77 A-allele homozygotes) and also genotyped for DAT1 VNTR (9 vs. 10 repeats) or COMT SNP (val/val vs. met carriers). Heavy drinking days (%HDD) were evaluated over 16weeks and at the end of treatment. Effect sizes (d) for naltrexone response were calculated based on genotypes. Naltrexone, relative to placebo, significantly reduced %HDD among OPRM1 G carriers who also had DAT1 10/10 (p=0.021, d=0.72) or COMT val/val genotypes (p=0.05, d=0.80), and to a lesser degree in those OPRM1 Ae with a less responsive opioid-responsive genotype (OPRM1 A homozygotes) respond better to naltrexone if they have genotypes indicating greater dopamine tone (DAT1 9-repeat or COMT met carriers). These results could lead to more personalized AUD treatments.A rice node is a hub for distribution of mineral elements; however, most genes highly expressed in the node have not been functionally characterized. Transcriptomic analysis of a rice node revealed that two metallothionein genes, OsMT2b and OsMT2c, were highly expressed in the node I. We functionally characterized these genes in terms of gene expression pattern, cellular and subcellular localization, phenotypic analysis of the single and double knockout mutants and metal-binding ability. Both OsMT2b and OsMT2c were mainly and constitutively expressed in the phloem region of enlarged and diffuse vascular bundles in the nodes and of the anther. Knockout of either OsMT2b or OsMT2c increased zinc (Zn) accumulation in the nodes, but decreased Zn distribution to the panicle, resulting in decreased grain yield. A double mutant, osmt2bmt2c, showed further negative effects on the Zn distribution and grain yield. By contrast, knockout of OsMT2b had a small effect on copper (Cu) accumulation. Both OsMT2b and OsMT2c showed binding ability with Zn, whereas only OsMT2b showed binding ability with Cu in yeast. Our results suggest that both OsMT2b and OsMT2c play an important role mainly in the distribution of Zn to grain through chelation and subsequent transport of Zn in the phloem in rice.Drought-induced tree mortality frequently occurs in patches with different spatial and temporal distributions, which is only partly explained by inter- and intraspecific variation in drought tolerance. We investigated whether bedrock properties, with special reference to rock water storage capacity, affects tree water status and drought response in a rock-dominated landscape. We measured primary porosity and available water content of breccia (B) and dolostone (D) rocks. Saplings of Fraxinus ornus were grown in pots filled with soil or soil mixed with B and D rocks, and subjected to an experimental drought. Finally, we measured seasonal changes in water status of trees in field sites overlying B or D bedrock. B rocks were more porous and stored more available water than D rocks. Potted saplings grown with D rocks had less biomass and suffered more severe water stress than those with B rocks. Trees in sites with B bedrock had more favourable water status than those on D bedrock which also suffered drought-induced canopy dieback. Bedrock represents an important water source for plants under drought. Different bedrock features translate into contrasting below-ground water availability, leading to landscape-level heterogeneity of the impact of drought on tree water status and dieback.Breeding better crops is a cornerstone of global food security. While efforts in plant genetic improvement show promise, it is increasingly becoming apparent that the plant phenotype should be treated as a function of the holobiont, in which plant and microbial traits are deeply intertwined. Using a minimal holobiont model, we track ethylene production and plant nutritional value in response to alterations in plant ethylene synthesis (KO mutation in ETO1), which induces 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase 5 (ACS5), or microbial degradation of ACC (KO mutation in microbial acdS), preventing the breakdown of the plant ACC pool, the product of ACS5. We demonstrate that similar plant phenotypes can be generated by either specific mutations of plant-associated microbes or alterations in the plant genome. Specifically, we could equally increase plant nutritional value by either altering the plant ethylene synthesis gene ETO1, or the microbial gene acdS. Both mutations yielded a similar plant phenotype with increased ethylene production and higher shoot micronutrient concentrations.