Most users of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) report initiating use to quit combustible cigarettes. Nevertheless, high levels of dual use (i.e., using both combustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes) occur among adults. Using formative data from in-depth interviews and employing learner verification, we adapted an existing, validated self-help smoking-cessation intervention (Stop Smoking for Good; SSFG) to create a targeted intervention for dual users, If You Vape A Guide to Quitting Smoking (IYV). In Phase I, in-depth interviews (n = 28) were conducted to assess relevance of the existing SSFG materials (10 booklets, nine pamphlets) and identify new content for the booklets. Next, for Phase II, learner verification interviews (n = 20 dual users) were conducted to assess their appeal and acceptability. Several key themes emerged from the Phase I in-depth interviews. Findings led to the inclusion of e-cigarette-specific strategies used by successful quitters such as gradually reducing nicotine levels, switching from tobacco flavor to alternative flavors, and limiting e-cigarette use to places one would normally smoke (i.e., not expanding use). Suggestions from Phase II learner verification included broadening the visual appeal for a younger, more diverse demographic, expanding tips for quitting smoking via e-cigarettes, and expanding terminology for e-cigarette devices. Beginning with an efficacious self-help intervention, we used a systematic process to develop a version specifically for dual users.The reduction in carbon emissions by industrial enterprises is an important means for promoting environmental protection and achieving sustainable development. To determine the impact of carbon emissions reduction on supply chain operation and financing decision-making, in this study we designed three financing strategies, i.e., bank loan financing, equity financing, and hybrid financing (a combination of bank loan financing and equity financing), for a manufacturer (leader) and a low-carbon supply chain composed of a capital-constrained retailer, constructed Stackelberg game models, solved the equilibrium results under each financing strategy using the reverse recursion method, and revealed the financing preference of the supply chain member companies through comparative analysis. The results showed that the increase in the consumers' low-carbon preference and equity financing ratio have positive impacts on supply chain equilibrium, a result that is opposite that for the impact of the interest rate of bank loan financing; additionally, the abovementioned three factors jointly determine the profit of the manufacturer of the low-carbon supply chain, while the retailer's profit is affected by the equity dividend ratio. Finally, we present the conditions for the financing preference of the manufacturer and the retailer. The findings of this study can provide references for low-carbon supply chain companies to make appropriate management decisions.This study investigates the coordination chemistry of the tetradentate pyridine-containing 12-membered macrocycles L1-L3 towards Platinum Group metal ions PdII, PtII, and RhIII. The reactions between the chloride salts of these metal ions and the three ligands in MeCN/H2O or MeOH/H2O (11 v/v) are shown, and the isolated solid compounds are characterized, where possible, by mass spectroscopy and 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopic measurements. Structural characterization of the 11 metal-to-ligand complexes [Pd(L1)Cl]2[Pd2Cl6], [Pt(L1)Cl](BF4), [Rh(L1)Cl2](PF6), and [Rh(L3)Cl2](BF4)·MeCN shows the coordinated macrocyclic ligands adopting a folded conformation, and occupying four coordination sites of a distorted square-based pyramidal and octahedral coordination environment for the PdII/PtII, and RhIII complexes, respectively. The remaining coordination site(s) are occupied by chlorido ligands. The reaction of L3 with PtCl2 in MeCN/H2O gave by serendipity the complex [Pt(L3)(m-1,3-MeCONH)PtCl(MeCN)](BF4)2·H2O, in which two metal centers are bridged by an amidate ligand at a Pt1-Pt2 distance of 2.5798(3) Å and feature one square-planar and one octahedral coordination environment. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, which utilize the broken symmetry approach (DFT-BS), indicate a singlet d8-d8 PtII-PtII ground-state nature for this compound, rather than the alleged d9-d7 PtI-PtIII mixed-valence character reported for related dinuclear Pt-complexes.Capillary electrochromatography (CEC) is a separation technique that hybridizes liquid chromatography (LC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). The selectivity offered by LC stationary phase results in rapid separations, high efficiency, high selectivity, minimal analyte and buffer consumption. Chip-based CE and CEC separation techniques are also gaining interest, as the microchip can provide precise on-chip control over the experiment. Capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C4D) offers the contactless electrode configuration, and thus is not in contact with the solutions under investigation. This prevents contamination, so it can be easy to use as well as maintain. This study investigated a chip-based CE/CEC with C4D technique, including silicon-based microfluidic device fabrication processes with packaging, design and optimization. It also examined the compatibility of the silicon-based CEC microchip interfaced with C4D. In this paper, the authors demonstrated a nanofabrication technique for a novel microchip electrochromatography (MEC) device, whose capability is to be used as a mobile analytical equipment. This research investigated using samples of potassium ions, sodium ions and aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been identified in many adult tissues and they have been closely studied in recent years, especially in view of their potential use for treating diseases and damaged tissues and organs. MSCs are capable of self-replication and differentiation into osteoblasts and are considered an important source of cells in tissue engineering for bone regeneration. Several epigenetic factors are believed to play a role in the osteogenic differentiation of MSCs, including microRNAs (miRNAs). MiRNAs are small, single-stranded, non-coding RNAs of approximately 22 nucleotides that are able to regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis by binding the 3' untranslated region (3'-UTR) of target mRNAs, which can be subsequently degraded or translationally silenced. MiRNAs control gene expression in osteogenic differentiation by regulating two crucial signaling cascades in osteogenesis the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β)/bone morphogenic protein (BMP) and the Wingless/Int-1(Wnt)/β-catenin signaling pathways.