Pedicle screws are durable and safe instruments frequently used to treat vertebra injuries and deformities. There is also a possibility of medulla spinalis and visceral organ injury when the pedicle screws are delivered in unsuitable positions or dimensions. In this case, the authors want to draw attention to one of the visceral organ injuries during the thoracic pedicle screw placement. A 31 years old man underwent posterior instrumentation and fusion for T4 vertebra fractures. The patient was not symptomatic in the postoperative period. Tracheal pressure was observed at the 3rd thoracic vertebra level on the second day after the operation. No complications were encountered in the 3-year follow-up of the patient, who did not accept a second surgery recommended for screw replacement. During surgery for thoracic vertebral fractures, the shoulder joint makes it difficult to imagine as the shoulder bones enter the field of view. Therefore, the number of misplaced screws increases. Moreover, it increases the risk of internal organ injury. The use of navigation systems or cannulated pedicle screws to treat thoracic vertebral fractures reduces internal organ injuries. The use of navigation systems or cannulated pedicle screws to treat thoracic vertebral fractures reduces internal organ injuries. The aim of this article was to study isolated axillary nerve injury, his etiologies, symptomatology and treatment via nerve transfer or neurotization. We describe the procedure of long head triceps radial branch transfer to the axillary nerve motor branch in adolescent patient with right deltoid muscle palsy and shoulder anesthesia following a motorcycle crush six months ago. Total recovery of the shoulder sensibility, abduction and extension at one-year follow-up, and patient returned progressively to his normal live and sports activities without any functional effect on the donor muscle. The advantages of the axillary nerve transfer are demonstrated through many publications. It is a good therapeutic option if it concerned a young patient and practiced at early time followed by adequate rehabilitation. The advantages of the axillary nerve transfer are demonstrated through many publications. It is a good therapeutic option if it concerned a young patient and practiced at early time followed by adequate rehabilitation. Surgery for gastric cancer is associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Postoperative complications are not uncommon in this setting and an understanding of risk factors and patient profile can impact clinical outcomes. We present a rare event where a 64 year old patient post gastrectomy for a T1 gastric carcinoma developed a caecal volvulus leading to critical instability. This demonstrates how two events can occur in time leading to critical instability. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a caecal volvulus that had obstructed the jejunostomy site. She had a right hemicolectomy and the jejunostomy was unkinked. This is the first documented case report of this type in the literature. Surgical resection remains the cornerstone therapy for gastric cancer. Postoperative complications are not uncommon in this setting where risk factors impact clinical outcomes. The importance of risk factors has been demonstrated in patients who underwent gastrectomy. We present a rare event where a patient post gastrectomy develops a caecal volvulus demonstrating how two events can occur in time leading to critical instability. Post operative complications are not uncommon in gastrectomies. Although common things occur commonly, one must consider rare events when a patient significantly deteriorates. Post operative complications are not uncommon in gastrectomies. Although common things occur commonly, one must consider rare events when a patient significantly deteriorates. Textiloma or Gossypiboma is a mass comprising of cotton matrix within the body left accidentally during a surgical procedure. It is estimated that retained surgical foreign bodies occur one in every 5,500-18,760 inpatient operations but the incidence may be as high as one out of every 1,000-1,500 abdominal cavity operations, and even more common during emergency surgeries. There have also been rare case reports of Transmural migration of retained surgical swab which is a rare phenomenon. But even rarer is the incidence of retention of swab inside the small intestine in the previous procedure. A 29-year-old female coming with chief complaints of pain in abdomen since 1 year which was colicky in nature, present all over abdomen, non-radiating. The pain aggravated on eating food. Patient also noticed a lump in her abdomen since past 1 year. Abdomen was opened and the bowel was inspected. Enterotomy was performed and two swabs were removed from the intestine. Prevention of this condition can be achieved by meticulous count of surgical materials in addition to thorough exploration of surgical site at the conclusion of operations and also by routine use of surgical textile materials impregnated with a radio opaque marker. Although rare, a diagnosis of retention of swab or surgical instruments must be considered in cases of vague lumps in abdomen or in cases of intestinal obstruction, especially if the patient has had previous history of laparotomy. Although rare, a diagnosis of retention of swab or surgical instruments must be considered in cases of vague lumps in abdomen or in cases of intestinal obstruction, especially if the patient has had previous history of laparotomy.Automated aids are engineered to support operators' decision-making in complex and task-saturated environments, alerting them of system status and critical incidents. However, even the most advanced technologies are susceptible to failure. Monitoring imperfect automated systems poses unique challenges related to operator attention and workload. This study empirically examined the effect of unreliable automation on monitoring performance and responses to auditory stimuli in a multi-tasking environment. Participants completed an experimental trial consisting of four flight-related tasks while monitoring for automation failures at one of three levels of automation reliability. Participants in a high reliability condition responded more quickly and frequently to auditory messages. No performance differences were found in system monitoring performance between reliability conditions. These results are relevant to the design of automated system and delivery of automated alerts, and they have implications for operator attention allocation strategies in multi-tasking environments.