These results suggest that APOE ε4 affects capillary health in humans and that retinal capillary measures could serve as surrogates for brain capillaries, providing an opportunity to study microangiopathic contributions to neurodegenerative disorders directly in humans.In South Africa, single-person households were a household type enforced by apartheid legislation, designed to restrict the "influx" of Africans into "white" and typically urban areas of the country. Yet the increase in living alone has been one of the most marked demographic trends of the post-apartheid period. The trend, which has occurred alongside the persistence in individual labor migration patterns and a decline in rates of union formation, has been driven by changes among working-age adults, rather than among older adults. This is the first empirical study to investigate the mental health implications of living alone among all adults in South Africa using national longitudinal data. The data come from five waves of the panel household survey, the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS), conducted from 2008 to 2017. Information on depressive symptoms was collected from all adults (15 years and older), who were asked the ten questions which make up the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Short Depression Scale (CES-D 10). Adults who lived alone reported significantly higher depression scores than other adults, in the pooled ordinary least squares models, and in the fixed effects model, which controlled for any unobservable, time-invariant differences between the two groups of adults. Vulnerability to depression was moderated by adults' preferences to continue living in their area of residence (as a measure of their social integration), but the positive relationship remained sizeable and significant across all models. The findings shed light on a further dimension of the migrant labor system in South Africa, which has not received adequate attention in the empirical literature, viz. the mental health implications for adults of solo migration, and they provide further motivation for the provision of affordable and safe family housing in local areas of employment. We applied a novel Outbreak Costing Tool (OCT), developed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to estimate the costs of investigating and responding to an anthrax outbreak in Tanzania. We also evaluated the OCT's overall utility in its application to a multisectoral outbreak response. We collected data on direct costs associated with a human and animal anthrax outbreak in Songwe Region (December 2018 to January 2019) using structured questionnaires from key-informants. We performed a cost analysis by entering direct costs data into the OCT, grouped into seven cost categories labor, office, travel and transport, communication, laboratory support, medical countermeasures, and consultancies. The total cost for investigating and responding to this outbreak was estimated at 102,232 United States dollars (USD), with travel and transport identified as the highest cost category (62,536 USD) and communication and consultancies as the lowest, with no expenditure, for the combined human and me to intervention. Pre-emptive use of the OCT will also reduce overall and specific (response period) intervention costs for the disease. Additional aggregation of the costs by government ministries, departments and tiers will improve the use of the tool to enhance sectoral budget planning for disease outbreaks in a multisectoral response.•Recurrent, non-resectable ovarian granulosa cell tumor has no standard treatment.•Estrogen/progesterone receptor signaling regulates granulosa cell tumor growth.•Granulosa cell tumor responds well to alternating megestrol and tamoxifen therapy.The purpose of this survey is to define the restoration tasks after hydraulic-induced damage and/or loss of functionality of bridges. This includes the duration and sequence of restoration tasks, idle times, cost, and traffic/functionality loss for specified damage levels of given bridge components. The potential use of this data is the generation of sets of restoration and reinstatements functions for quantifying the resilience of bridges exposed to hydraulic hazards, i.e. scour, debris accumulation and hydraulic forces (Mitoulis et al. 2021). The data are expected to inform boroughs, county councils, road and rail owners and stakeholders by providing valuable information for managing efficiently their assets prior to and after catastrophic events on the basis of resilience. The survey was based on a questionnaire answered by experts on bridge and infrastructure engineering.This data article presents fibre mechanical properties acquired using automated single fibre tensile testing equipment. The raw data consists of the fibre diameter, gauge length and load-displacement diagrams. A total of 690 fibres were tested across four carbon and one glass fibre type. The largest dataset, for the T700S carbon fibre, consists of 217 data points. After performing a compliance calibration, the load-displacement diagrams are converted into stress-strain diagrams from which the tensile modulus and strength are extracted. The data presented in this article can be used as input data for models or for data processing during determination of other properties experimentally. The interpretation of the data can be found in [1]. The data is hosted in the Mendeley Data repository at [2].This article presents data designed by European researchers who performed a literature review and interpreted the results to determine impact factors of many agroecological practices on a wide variety of sustainability indicators. The impact factors are represented in a matrix that connects practices to indicators. The indicators are related to environmental, economic and social sustainability of a typical European integrated crop-livestock farm. The data are included in the serious game SEGAE to learn agroecology, as described in "SEGAE a serious game to learn agroecology" [1]. The data can be modified to adapt the game to other agricultural systems. Finally, the data can be re-used in research projects as a basis to assess impacts of agroecological practices.