The carbapenemase corresponded to the plasmid-borne KPC-2 gene identified by Southern blot hybridization. The assay showed a positive signal in the 90 kb (69% of the isolates), 165 kb (31% of the isolates), and 130 kb (6% of the isolates) plasmids. The IncFIIy and IncFIIk replicons were detected among these K. pneumoniae isolates. The PFGE and MLST analysis showed that all of the isolates are comprised by two clones (A and B) belonging to Sequence Type 258. This is the first report of K. pneumoniae producing carbapenemase KPC-2 isolated from bovine mastitis.Apical periodontitis (AP) is a biofilm-associated disease initiated by the invasion of dental pulp by microorganisms from the oral cavity. Eradication of intracanal microbial infection is an important goal of endodontic treatment, and this is typically accomplished by mechanical instrumentation and application of sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine. However, these agents are tissue-irritating at higher concentrations and cytotoxic. Certain probiotics have been found effective in controlling marginal periodontitis, as evidenced by reduction of pathogenic bacterial loads, gains in clinical attachment levels, and reduced bleeding on probing. In vitro studies have shown inhibitory activity of some probiotics against endodontic pathogens. Similarly, in vivo studies in rats have demonstrated a positive immuno-modulatory role of probiotics in AP, as manifested by decreased levels of proinflammatory markers and increased levels of anti-inflammatory markers. A role for probiotics in effecting a reduction of bone resorption has also been reported. This review provides an outline of current research into the probiotic management of AP, with a focus on understanding the mechanisms of their direct antagonistic activity against target pathogens and of their beneficial modulation of the immune system.Easy-to-read guidelines recommend visual support and lexical simplification to facilitate text processing, but few empirical studies confirm a positive effect from these recommendations in individuals with dyslexia. This study examined the influence of the visual support and lexical simplification on sentence processing through eye movements at both the text- and word-level, and the differences between readers with and without dyslexia. Furthermore, we explored the influence of reading experience and vocabulary, as control variables. We tested 20 young adults with dyslexia and 20 chronological age-matched controls. Participants read 60 sentences in total. Half the sentences contained an image and the other half did not, and half contained a low-frequency word and half a high-frequency word. Results showed that visual support and lexical simplification facilitated sentence processing, potentially by jointly facilitating lexical semantic access. We also found that participants with lower print exposure and lower vocabulary benefited more from word-level lexical simplification. We conclude that both adaptations could benefit readers with low print exposure and smaller vocabularies, and therefore, to many dyslexic readers who show these characteristics.We evaluated the lipid level effects in the diet on performance, carcass, and meat characteristics of forty-eight steers and heifers, F1 Beefalo (Bostaurus taurus × Bison bison hybrid) × Nellore (Bos taurus indicus), 22 months old, being 24 steers (393.2 ± 15 kg) and 24 heifers (278.4 ± 8 kg). The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme (lipid levels in diet 55-, 65-, 75-, and 85-g/kg dry matter obtained by whole sunflower grain Helianthus annuus and two sexes). Increased amounts of sunflower grain in diet linearly reduce the proportion of saturated fatty acids (FA) in longissimus thoracis. Diets containing up to 85 g/kg of lipid can be used without negative effects on intake, carcass, and meat quality of Beefalo-Nellore steers and heifers and can be an effective strategy to reduce the proportion of saturated FA and increase unsaturated FA on the meat, which can be beneficial for human consumption.Phenylketonuria (PKU) is one of the commonest inborn error of amino acid metabolism. Before mass neonatal screening was possible, and the success of introducing diet therapy right after birth, the typical clinical finds in patients ranged from intellectual disability, epilepsy, motor deficits to behavioral disturbances and other neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Since early diagnosis and treatment became widespread, usually only those patients who do not strictly follow the diet present psychiatric, less severe symptoms such as anxiety, depression, sleep pattern disturbance, and concentration and memory problems. Despite the success of low protein intake in preventing otherwise severe outcomes, PKU's underlying neuropathophysiology remains to be better elucidated. Oxidative stress has gained acceptance as a disturbance implicated in the pathogenesis of PKU. The conception of oxidative stress has evolved to comprehend how it could interfere and ultimately modulate metabolic pathways regulating cell function. We summarize the evidence of oxidative damage, as well as compromised antioxidant defenses, from patients, animal models of PKU, and in vitro experiments, discussing the possible clinical significance of these findings. There are many studies on oxidative stress and PKU, but only a few went further than showing macromolecular damage and disturbance of antioxidant defenses. In this review, we argue that these few studies may point that oxidative stress may also disturb redox signaling in PKU, an aspect few authors have explored so far. The reported effect of phenylalanine on the expression or activity of enzymes participating in metabolic pathways known to be responsive to redox signaling might be mediated through oxidative stress.Around one third of schizophrenia patients are non-responders to antipsychotic therapy. The present study aimed to delineate the pathway-phenotypes of non-remitters (NRTT) and partial remitters (PRTT) to treatment with antipsychotics as defined using the Global Clinical Impression scales. We recruited 60 NRTT, 50 PRTT and 43 healthy controls and measured schizophrenia symptoms, neurocognitive tests, plasma CCL11, interleukin-(IL)-6, IL-10, Dickkopf protein 1 (DKK1), high mobility group box-1 protein (HMGB1), κ- and μ-opioid receptors (KOR and MOR, respectively), endomorphin-2 (EM-2), and β-endorphin. Soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA) showed that NRTT and PRTT are significantly discriminated with a cross-validated accuracy of 94.7% and are qualitatively distinct classes using symptomatome, and neuro-immune-opioid-cognitome (NIOC) features as modeling variables. Moreover, a NIOC pathway phenotype discriminated PRTT from healthy controls with an accuracy of 100% indicating that PRTT and controls are two qualitative distinct classes.