The emergence of microwave self-biased metasurfaces with smart re-actions against incident waves with different power levels reveals great opportunities for designing smart windows, smart camouflage coating surfaces, and so on.A novel hologram conversion technique for speckle-less reconstruction is proposed. Many speckle-less reconstruction methods require holograms specially created for those techniques, limiting their applications to general pre-existing holograms. The proposed technique transforms an existing hologram with random phase distribution to new holograms for the application of the speckle-less reconstruction methods. The proposed technique first extracts a set of orthographic views from the existing hologram, then the extracted orthographic views are processed for the speckle noise removal using convolutional neural network. The processed orthographic views are finally used to synthesize new holograms with desired carrier waves by using non-hogel based computer generated hologram technique. The selection of the carrier wave is determined by the desired speckle-less reconstruction method. In this paper, we demonstrate the proposed technique with two speckle-less reconstruction methods; i.e. temporal speckle averaging of different random phase distributions and time-multiplexing of interleaved angular spectrums.Fast imaging tracking technology exhibits attractive application prospects in the emerging fields of target tracking and recognition. Smart and compact tracking model with fast and flexible tracking strategy can play a decisive role in improving system performance. In this paper, an effective imaging tracking model from a target to a rotation Risley prism pair embedded with a camera is derived by the beam vector propagation method. A boresight adjustment strategy using the inverse ray tracing and iterative refinement method is established to accomplish the function of fast locating a target. The influence of system par