However, the consequent inflammation can exacerbate pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. Moreover, in a tumor microenvironment, MINCLE induces macrophage-induced immune suppression and cancer progression. Similarly, triggering of LOX-1 by oxidized LDL, amplifies pro-inflammatory response but promotes tumor immune escape and metastasis. Finally, CLEC12A that recognizes monosodium urate crystals formed during cell death, inhibits activating signals to prevent detrimental inflammation. Interestingly, CLEC12A also sustains type-I IFN response to finely tune immune responses in case of viral-induced collateral damage. Therefore, CLRs acting in concert as sensors of injury, could be used in a targeted way to treat numerous diseases such as allergies, obesity, tumors, and autoimmunity. Copyright © 2020 Drouin, Saenz and Chiffoleau.The maturation of dendritic cells (DCs) is essential in adaptive immunity. B cell adapter for phosphoinositide 3-kinase (BCAP) has been shown a divergent activities in cell type dependent manner including B cells, NK cells, macrophages, and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs), however, its role in conventional DCs (cDCs) remains unknown. Here, we report that BCAP negatively regulates Toll-like receptor-induced cDC maturation and inhibits cDCs from inducing antigen-specific T cell responses, thereby weakening the antibacterial adaptive immune responses of mice in a Listeria monocytogenes-infection model. Furthermore, we demonstrate that BCAP simultaneously modulates the activation of the NF-κB and PI3K/AKT signaling by dynamically interacting with, respectively, MyD88 and the p85α subunit of PI3K. Our study thus reveals non-redundant roles for BCAP in regulating cDC maturation and reveals a bilateral signal transduction mechanism. Copyright © 2020 Miao, Jiang, Qi, Yang, Xiao and Fang.Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is an important pathogen of swine health and well-being worldwide largely due to an insufficient understanding of the adaptive immune response to infection leading to ineffective PRRSV control. The memory and anamnestic response to infection are critical gaps in knowledge in PRRSV immunity. The lack of effective tools for the evaluation of the memory response previously hindered the ability to effectively characterize the porcine memory response to infection. However, the creation and validation of a PRRSV nsp7-specific B cell tetramer now facilitates the ability to detect very rare memory B cells and thus define the memory response of the pig. Here, we describe the PRRSV nsp7-specific B cell response following vaccination and challenge in six key secondary lymphoid organs including the identification of PBMCs as the tissue of interest for the memory immune response in pigs. Following live virus challenge of immune animals, an anamnestic response of nsp7-specific memory B cells and neutralizing antibodies was observed. This characterization of the functional humoral immune response to PRRSV answers key questions involved in regional specialization of the immune response following intramuscular inoculation of PRRSV MLV. Copyright © 2020 Rahe, Dvorak, Patterson, Roof and Murtaugh.N-linked glycans play an important role in immunity. Although the role of N-linked glycans in the Fragment crystallizable (Fc) region of immunoglobulins has been thoroughly described, the function of N-linked glycans present in Ig-variable domains is only just being appreciated. Most of the N-linked glycans harbored by immunoglobulin variable domain are of the complex biantennary type and are found as a result of the presence of N-linked glycosylation that most often have been introduced by somatic hypermutation. Furthermore, these glycans are ubiquitously present on autoantibodies observed in some autoimmune diseases as well as certain B-cell lymphomas. For example, variable domain glycans are abundantly found by anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) as well as by the B-cell receptors of follicular lymphoma (FL). In FL, variable domain glycans are postulated to convey a selective advantage through interaction with lectins and/or microbiota, whereas the contribution of variable domain glycans on autoantibodies is not known. To aid the understanding how these seemingly comparable phenomena contribute to a variety of deranged B-responses in such different diseases this study summarizes the characteristics of ACPA and other auto-antibodies with FL and healthy donor immunoglobulins, to identify the commonalities and differences between variable domain glycans in autoimmune and malignant settings. Our finding indicate intriguing differences in variable domain glycan distribution, frequency and glycan composition in different conditions. These findings underline that variable domain glycosylation is a heterogeneous process that may lead to a number of pathogenic outcomes. Based on the current body of knowledge, we postulate three disease groups with distinct variable domain glycosylation patterns, which might correspond with distinct underlying pathogenic processes. Copyright © 2020 Vletter, Koning, Scherer, Veelken and Toes.Arboviruses including alphavirus are responsible for most emerging infectious diseases worldwide. Recent outbreaks of chikungunya virus serve as a stark reminder to their pathogenic potential. There are no vaccines or therapeutics currently available to contain alphavirus outbreaks. In this study we evaluated the effect of immunomodulatory CpG ODN on the clinical progression of neurotropic Sindbis virus infection. Neonatal C57Bl-6 mice challenged with Sindbis virus AR339 (25 PFU Subcutaneous) infect neurons in the CNS leading to the development of ataxia, seizures, paralysis, and death. We show that systemic administration of CpG ODN modulates the cytokine and chemokine gene expression levels in the CNS and ultimately protects neonatal mice from lethal neurotropic infection. The protection conferred by CpG ODN is controlled by innate immune response and T and B cells were dispensable. Further, protection required Type I, Type II interferons, and TNF as well as functional NK cells, but did not involve iNOS. This study confirms that administration of innate immune modulators can be used as a strategy to boost host innate immune responses and protect against neurotropic viruses reducing their pathogenic footprint.