In this paper, we demonstrate how cell culture conditions for PSC-derived liver sphere systems can be optimised to recapitulate physiologically relevant oxygen gradients by using mathematical modelling. The mathematical model incorporates some often-understated features and mechanisms of traditional spheroid systems such as cell-specific oxygen uptake, media volume, spheroid size, and well dimensions that can lead to a spatially heterogeneous distribution of oxygen. This mathematical modelling approach allows for the calibration and identification of culture conditions required to generate physiologically realistic function within the microtissue through recapitulation of the in vivo microenvironment.Hepatitis A, an acute type of hepatitis caused by the hepatitis A virus, occurs worldwide. Following the 2009 hepatitis A epidemic in South Korea, patient outbreak reports were collectively converted to an "all-patient report" in 2011, and national immunization programs were introduced for children in 2015. In this study, we aimed to analyze the changes and characteristics of hepatitis A antibody titers in South Korea following the epidemic. The results of hepatitis A antibody tests performed at clinical laboratories from 2009 to 2019 were analyzed based on year, age, region, sex, and medical institution. The average 2009-2018 positive anti-hepatitis A virus immunoglobulin G rate was 51.8%, but it increased (56.06%) in 2019. Significantly different antibody-positive rates were observed based on age less then 10 years, 54.5%; 20-29 years, 19.5%; ≥50 years, almost 100%. The positive rate of individuals in their teens and 20s gradually increased, whereas that of those in their 30s and 40s gradually decreased. Males had higher antibody-positive rates than females, and samples from higher-level general hospitals exhibited higher antibody rates. The positive anti-hepatitis A virus immunoglobulin M rates gradually decreased after 2009 and were less then 1% after 2012. However, a high positive rate of 3.69% was observed in 2019 when there was an epidemic. Anti-hepatitis A virus immunoglobulin G-positive rates were similar throughout the year, but the anti-hepatitis A virus immunoglobulin M-positive rates increased from January, peaked in April, and decreased from July, exhibiting distinct seasonality. This is considered to be related to groundwater pollution during the spring drought season. The introduction of the "all-patient report" and national vaccination program for children has had an effective influence on hepatitis A management. However, for hepatitis A prevention, policy considerations for high-risk age groups with low antibody-positive rates will be necessary.As cooperation incurs a cost to the cooperator for others to benefit, its evolution seems to contradict natural selection. How evolution has resolved this obstacle has been among the most intensely studied questions in evolutionary theory in recent decades. Here, we show that having a choice between different public resources provides a simple mechanism for cooperation to flourish. Such a mechanism can be at work in many biological or social contexts where individuals can form different groups or join different institutions to perform a collective action task, or when they can choose between collective actions with different profitability. As a simple evolutionary model suggests, defectors tend to join the highest quality resource in such a context. This allows cooperators to survive and out-compete defectors by sheltering in a lower quality resource. Cooperation is maximized, however, when the qualities of the two highest quality resources are similar, and thus, they are almost interchangeable.The stimulation of a single neuron in the rat somatosensory cortex can elicit a behavioral response. The probability of a behavioral response does not depend appreciably on the duration or intensity of a constant stimulation, whereas the response probability increases significantly upon injection of an irregular current. Biological mechanisms that can potentially suppress a constant input signal are present in the dynamics of both neurons and synapses and seem ideal candidates to explain these experimental findings. Here, we study a large network of integrate-and-fire neurons with several salient features of neuronal populations in the rat barrel cortex. The model includes cellular spike-frequency adaptation, experimentally constrained numbers and types of chemical synapses endowed with short-term plasticity, and gap junctions. Numerical simulations of this model indicate that cellular and synaptic adaptation mechanisms alone may not suffice to account for the experimental results if the local network activity is read out by an integrator. However, a circuit that approximates a differentiator can detect the single-cell stimulation with a reliability that barely depends on the length or intensity of the stimulus, but that increases when an irregular signal is used. This finding is in accordance with the experimental results obtained for the stimulation of a regularly-spiking excitatory cell.Circadian rhythms are entrained by light and influenced by non-photic stimuli, such as feeding. The activity preceding scheduled mealtimes, food anticipatory activity (FAA), is elicited in rodents fed a limited amount at scheduled times. FAA is thought to be the output of an unidentified food entrained oscillator. Previous studies, using gene deletion and receptor pharmacology, implicated dopamine type receptor 1 (D1R) signaling in the dorsal striatum as necessary for FAA in mice. To further understand the role of D1R in promoting FAA, we utilized the Cre-lox system to create cell type-specific deletions of D1R, conditionally deleting D1R in GABA neurons using Vgat-ires-Cre line. This conditional deletion mutant had attenuated FAA, but the amount was higher than expected based on prior results using a constitutive knockout of D1R, D1R KODrago. This result prompted us to re-test the original D1R KODrago line, which expressed less FAA than controls, but only moderately so. To determine if genetic drift had diminished the effect of D1R deletion on FAA, we re-established the D1R KODrago knockout line from cryopreserved samples.