The main objective of the current study was the extraction, purification, and biochemical characterization of a protein protease inhibitor from Conyzadioscoridis. Antimicrobial potential and cytotoxic effects were also examined. The protease inhibitor was extracted in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 6-7). Then, the protease inhibitor, named PDInhibitor, was purified using ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by filtration through a Sephadex G-50 column and had an apparent molecular weight of 25 kDa. The N-terminal sequence of PDInhibitor showed a high level of identity with those of the Kunitz family. PDInhibitor was found to be active at pH values ranging from 5.0 to 11.0, with maximal activity at pH 9.0. It was also fully active at 50 °C and maintained 90% of its stability at over 55 °C. The thermostability of the PDInhibitor was clearly enhanced by CaCl2 and sorbitol, whereas the presence of Ca2+ and Zn2+ ions, Sodium taurodeoxycholate (NaTDC), Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Dithiothreitol (DTT), and β-ME dramatically improved the inhibitory activity. A remarkable affinity of the protease inhibitor with available important therapeutic proteases (elastase and trypsin) was observed. PDInhibitor also acted as a potent inhibitor of commercial proteases from Aspergillus oryzae and of Proteinase K. The inhibitor displayed potent antimicrobial activity against gram+ and gram- bacteria and against fungal strains. Interestingly, PDInhibitor affected several human cancer cell lines, namely HCT-116, MDA-MB-231, and Lovo. Thus, it can be considered a potentially powerful therapeutic agent.New grafted copolymers possessing structural units of 1-vinyl-3-(1-carboxymethyl) imidazolium betaine were obtained by graft copolymerization of N-vinylimidazole onto gellan gum followed by the polymer-analogous reactions on grafted polymer with the highest grafting percentage using sodium chloroacetate as the betainization agent. The grafted copolymers were prepared using ammonium persulfate/N,N,N',N' tetramethylethylenediamine in a nitrogen atmosphere. The grafting reaction conditions were optimized by changing one of the following reaction parameters initiator concentration, monomer concentration, polymer concentration, reaction time or temperature, while the other parameters remained constant. The highest grafting yield was obtained under the following reaction conditions ci = 0.08 mol/L, cm = 0.8 mol/L, cp = 8 g/L, tr = 4 h and T = 50 °C. The kinetics of the graft copolymerization of N-vinylimidazole onto gellan was discussed and a suitable reaction mechanism was proposed. The evidence of the grafting reaction was confirmed through FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, 1H-NMR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The grafted copolymer with betaine structure was obtained by a nucleophilic substitution reaction where the betainization agent was sodium chloroacetate. Preliminary results prove the ability of the grafted copolymers to bind amphoteric drugs (cefotaxime) and, therefore, the possibility of developing the new sustained drug release systems.Information Technology (IT) has become an essential part of our lives and due to the emergence of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), technology has encompassed a majority of things that humans rely on in their daily lives. Furthermore, as IT becomes more relevant in daily lives, the need for IT to serve public emergency services has become more important. However, due to the infancy status of IoT, there is a need for a data consortium that would prove to be best used in servicing policing in a technological driven society. This paper will discuss the plausibility of creating a universal format for use in carrying out public services, such as emergency response by the police and regular law maintenance. In this research we will discuss what the police requires in their line-of-duty and how smart devices can be used to satisfy those needs. A data formatting framework is developed and demonstrated, with the goal of showing what can be done to unifying data from smart city sensors.Overcoming the impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on primary schools is an emerging need and priority in the current social welfare system. Accordingly, this study presents an empirical learning package to support teachers, who perform frontline work in schools, in coping with stress, preventing burnout, improving their information and communications technology (ICT) competency, and introducing the principles of emotional intelligence (EI) in the classroom. The participants included 141 primary school teachers (M = 38.4 years, SD = 6.84; 54.6% women). They were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. The experimental group participated in the 14-week teacher training program, whereas the control group did not participate in the program or receive any other training during the intervention. Repeated-measures analysis of variance (time x group) was performed to identify the effects of the teacher training program. Teachers who participated in the training program evaluated it positively and showed significant differences compared to the control group in their abilities to cope with stress and avoid burnout, their ICT competency, and their introduction of EI in the classroom. Implications for supporting teachers are discussed.Syndromic camptodactyly often affects multiple fingers, and severe deformities are common compared to idiopathic camptodactyly. This study aimed to evaluate the use of a one-stage extension shortening osteotomy of the proximal phalanx for patients with syndromic camptodactyly without tendon surgery. Forty-nine cases of syndromic camptodactyly were included. Forty fingers (81.6%) were associated with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, and nine (18.4%) with other syndromes. Six fingers presented with a moderate form (30° to 60°) of camptodactyly, whereas 43 fingers manifested the severe form (>60°). The mean age at the time of surgery was 8.5 years, and the patients were followed for a mean of 3.9 years. The mean length of the shortening of the proximal phalanx was 4.9 mm, which averaged 17.8% of the proximal phalanx's original preoperative length. The mean operative time was 25.8 min, and the PIP joint was fixed using Kirschner wires with an average flexion position of 7.6°. The mean flexion contracture improved from 76° preoperatively to 41° postoperatively.