© Molano et al. 2020.The title compound, [Na(μ-C6F5BH3)(C4H8O)2]2, represents a dimeric structure of sodium and organoborohydride, located about a centre of inversion. The Na⋯B distances of 2.7845 (19) and 2.7494 (18) Å were apparently longer than the Li⋯B distances (2.403-2.537 Å) of the lithium organotri-hydro-borates in the previous reports. Moreover, an inter-action between the sodium atom and one fluorine atom on the 2-position of the benzene ring is observed [Na-F = 2.6373 (12) Å]. In the crystal, the dimeric mol-ecules are stacked along the b-axis via a π-π inter-action between the benzene rings. © Tanaka and Shiono 2020.In the crystal structure of the title compound, C14H12ClNO, the mol-ecules are linked through C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds and C-H⋯π inter-actions, forming chains parallel to the [010] direction. π-π inter-actions and intra-molecular hydrogen bonds are also observed. The mol-ecular geometry of the title compound in the ground state has been calculated using density functional theory at the B3LYP level with the 6-311++G(2d,2p) basis set. Additionally, frontier mol-ecular orbital and mol-ecular electrostatic potential map analyses were performed. © Saraçoğlu et al. 2020.The asymmetric unit of the title 11 salt 1,2,4-triazolium hydrogen oxalate, C2H4N3 +·C2HO4 - (I), comprises one 1,2,4-triazolium cation and one hydrogen oxalate anion. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Eloxatin.html In the crystal, the hydrogen oxalate anions are linked by O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds into chains running parallel to [100]. In turn, the anionic chains are linked through the 1,2,4-triazolium cations by charge-assisted +N-H⋯O- hydrogen bonds into sheets aligned parallel to (01). The sheets are further stacked through π-π inter-actions between the 1,2,4-triazolium rings [centroid-to-centroid distance = 3.642 (3) Å, normal distance = 3.225 (3) Å, slippage 1.691 Å], resulting in the formation of a three-dimensional supra-molecular network. Hirshfeld surface analysis of the title salt suggests that the most significant contributions to the crystal packing are by H⋯O/O⋯H and H⋯N/N⋯H contacts involving the hydrogen bonds. © Ponjan et al. 2020.In the title compound, C18H15ClN2O·H2O, a benzohydrazide derivative, the dihedral angle between the mean plane of the di-hydro-naphthalene ring system and the phenyl ring is 17.1 (2)°. In the crystal, O-H⋯O, N-H⋯O and C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the benzohydrazide and water mol-ecules, forming a layer parallel to the bc plane. Hirshfeld surface analysis and two-dimensional fingerprint plots indicate that the most important contributions to the crystal packing are from H⋯H (45.7%) and H⋯C/C⋯H (20.2%) contacts. © Arjun et al. 2020.The title compound I, 2,2'-[(2-nitro-phen-yl)methyl-ene]bis-(3-hy-droxy-5,5-di-methyl-cyclo-hex-2-enone), C23H27NO6, features a 1,3-ketone-enol conformation which is stabilized by two intra-molecular hydrogen bonds. The most prominent inter-molecular inter-actions in compound I are C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, which link mol-ecules into a two-dimensional network parallel to the (001) plane and a chain perpendicular to (11). Both title compounds II, ethyl 4-(4-hy-droxy-3,5-di-meth-oxy-phen-yl)-2,7,7-trimethyl-5-oxo-1,4,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-quinoline-3-carb-oxyl-ate, C23H29NO6, and III, ethyl 4-(anthracen-9-yl)-2,7,7-trimethyl-5-oxo-1,4,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-quinoline-3-carboxyl-ate, C29H29NO3, share the same structural features, such as a shallow boat conformation of the di-hydro-pyridine group and an orthogonal aryl group attached to the di-hydro-pyridine. Inter-molecular N-H⋯O bonding is present in the crystal packing of both compound II and III. © Steiger et al. 2020.A mixed alkaline-earth powellite, Ca0.84Sr0.16MoO4 (calcium strontium molybdate), was synthesized by a flux method and its crystal structure was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD) data. The compound crystallized in the I41/a space group as with a typical CaMoO4 powellite, but with larger unit-cell parameters and unit-cell volume as a result of the partial incorporation of larger Sr cations into the Ca sites within the crystal. The unit cell and volume were well fitted with the trendline calculated from literature values, and the powder X-ray diffraction (P-XRD) pattern of the ground crystal is in good agreement with the calculated pattern from the solved structure. © Kissinger et al. 2020.Aims The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a smartphone app (MyHealthyGut) in helping adults self-manage celiac disease or gluten intolerance and improve their gut health. Methods Adults diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance (N = 115) were randomized into two groups experimental group 1 (had access to the app for a one-month period) or wait list control (WLC). After one month, WLC participants were given one-month access to the app (experimental group 2). An online questionnaire was administered to assess (a) user satisfaction with the app and (b) changes in the following patient-reported outcomes adherence to a gluten-free diet, quality of life (QoL), self-regulatory efficacy, and feelings of depression and anxiety. Generalized estimating equations were used to assess changes in the outcome variables over time between the groups. Results Participants reported high levels of app usability, were satisfied with features of the app, and felt that the app was best suited for peeded to meet the needs of this population better. MyHealthyGut is the first evidence-based app designed to help people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. © The Author(s) 2020.Background Inappropriate dosing of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) has been associated with clinical safety and efficacy; however, little is known about clinical data associated with an inappropriate DOAC dosing in Japan. In addition, there is no report in which the appropriateness of DOAC dosing between prescription for inpatients and for outpatients was examined. In this study, we aimed to investigate the prevalence and factors associated in the inappropriate dosing of DOACs in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Methods The retrospective cohort study was conducted at a single Japanese university hospital. Both inpatients and outpatients, who were diagnosed with AF and for whom treatment with either dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, or edoxaban was initiated between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2018, were enrolled in the study. Appropriateness of DOAC dosing was assessed according to the manufacturer's labeling recommendations (dose reduction criteria) of each DOAC. Inappropriate reduced dose, namely, underdosing, was defined as prescription of a reduced dose of DOAC despite the patient not meeting the dose reduction criteria.