The aquatic environment takes on a key role in the dissemination of antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. This study assesses the occurrence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in freshwater samples from rivers, inland canals, and streams throughout Switzerland, and characterizes the isolated strains using phenotypic and NGS-based genotypic methods. CPE producing KPC-2 (n = 2), KPC-3 (n = 1), NDM-5 (n = 3), OXA-48 (n = 3), OXA-181 (n = 6), and VIM-1 (n = 2) were detected in 17/164 of the water samples. Seven Escherichia coli had sequence types (STs) that belonged to extra-intestinal pathogenic clonal lineages ST38, ST73, ST167, ST410, and ST648. The majority (16/17) of the carbapenemase genes were located on plasmids, including the widespread IncC (n = 1), IncFIIA (n = 1), and IncFIIB plasmids (n = 4), the epidemic IncL (n = 1) and IncX3 (n = 5) plasmids, a rare Col156 plasmid (n = 1), and the mosaic IncFIB, IncR, and IncQ plasmids (n = 3). Plasmids were composed of elements that were identical to those of resistance plasmids retrieved from clinical and veterinary isolates locally and worldwide. Our data show environmental dissemination of high-risk CPE clones in Switzerland. Epidemic and mosaic-like plasmids carrying clinically relevant carbapenemase genes are replicating and evolving pollutants of river ecosystems, representing a threat to public health and environmental integrity.Soils, especially permafrost in the Arctic and the Tibetan Plateau, are one of the largest reservoirs of mercury (Hg) in the global environment. The Hg concentration in the grassland soils over the Tibetan Plateau and its driving factors have been less studied. This study analyzes soil total mercury (STHg) concentrations and its vertical distribution in grassland soil samples collected from the Tibetan Plateau. We adopt a nested-grid high-resolution GEOS-Chem model to simulate atmospheric Hg deposition. The relationship between STHg and soil organic carbon (SOC), as well as atmospheric deposition, are explored. Our results show that the STHg concentrations in the Tibetan Plateau are 19.8 ± 12.2 ng/g. The concentrations are higher in the south and lower in the north in the Tibetan Plateau, consistent with the previous results. Our model shows that the average deposition flux of Hg is 3.3 μg m-2 yr-1, with 57% contributed by dry deposition of elemental mercury (Hg0), followed by dry (19%) and wet (24%) deposition of divalent mercury. We calculate the Hg to carbon ratio (RHgC) as 5.6 ± 6.5 μg Hg/g C, and the estimated STHg is 86.6 ± 101.2 Gg in alpine grasslands in the Tibetan Plateau. We find a positive relationship between STHg and SOC in the Tibetan Plateau (r2 = 0.36) and a similar positive relationship between STHg and atmospheric total Hg deposition (r2 = 0.24). A multiple linear regression involving both variables better model the observed STHg (r2 = 0.42). We conclude that SOC and atmospheric deposition influence STHg simultaneously in this region. The data provides information to quantify the size of the soil Hg pool in the Tibetan Plateau further, which has important implications for the Hg cycles in the permafrost regions as well as on the global scale.Particle-bound pollutants can pose a health risk to humans. Inhalation exposure evaluated by total contaminant concentrations significantly overestimates the potential risk. To assess the risk more accurately, bioavailability, which is the fraction that enters into the systemic circulation, should be considered. Researchers have replaced bioavailability by bioaccessibility due to the rapid and cost-efficient measurement for the latter, especially for assessment by oral ingestion. However, contaminants in particulates have different behavior when inhaled than when orally ingested. Some of the contaminants are exhaled along with exhalation, and others are deposited in the lung with the particulates. In addition, a fraction of the contaminants is released into the lung fluid and absorbed by the lung, and another fraction enters systemic circulation under the action of cell phagocytosis on particulates. Even if the release fraction, i.e., release bioaccessibility, is considered, the measurement faces many challenoses two main challenges developing a unified, accurate, stable, simple, and systematic biologically based method, and validating the method through in-vivo assays.Hypoxia off the Changjiang Estuary (CE) and its adjacent waters is purported to be the most severe in China, attracting considerable concern from both the scientific community and the general public. Currently, continuous observations of dissolved oxygen (DO) levels covering hypoxia from its appearance to disappearance are lacking. In this study, twelve consecutive monthly cruises (from February 2015 to January 2016) were conducted. The consecutive spatiotemporal variations in hypoxia throughout the annual cycle were elucidated in detail, and the responses of annual variations in hypoxia to the different influential factors were explored. Overall, hypoxia experienced a consecutive process of expanding from south to north, then disappearing from north to south. The annual variations in hypoxia were mainly contingent on stratification variations. Among different stages, there was significant heterogeneity in the dominant factors. Specifically, low-DO waters initially appeared from the intrusion of nearshore Kuroshio branch current (NKBC), as NKBC intrusion provided a low-DO background and triggered stratification. Thereafter, stratification was enhanced and gradually expanded northward, which promoted the extension of low-DO areas. The formation of hypoxia was regionally selective, and more intense organic matter decomposition at local regions facilitated the occurrence and discontinuous distribution of hypoxia. Hypoxic zones were observed at the Changjiang bank and Zhejiang coastal region from August (most extensively at 14,800 km2) to October. Thereafter, increased vertical mixing facilitated the dissipation of hypoxia from north to south.Potassium (K) fertilizer plays an important role in increasing crop yield, quality, and nitrogen use efficiency. However, little is known about its environmental impacts, such as its effects on emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). A nitrogen-15 (15N) tracer laboratory experiment was therefore performed in an acidic agricultural soil in the suburbs of Wuhan, central China, to determine the effects of K fertilizer on N2O emissions and nitrification/denitrification product ratios under N fertilization. During 15-d incubation periods with a fixed initial N concentration (80 mg kg-1), K application increased average N2O emission rates significantly (1.6-10.8-fold) compared to the control treatment. N2O emissions derived from nitrification and denitrification both increased in K-treated soil, and denitrification contributed more to the increase; its contribution ratio rose from 32% without K fertilizer to 53% with 300 mg kg-1 of K applied. The increase in N2O emissions under K fertilization is probably due to an increase in the activity of denitrifying microorganisms and acid-resistant nitrifying microorganisms caused by higher K+ concentrations and lower soil pH.