Congenital abnormalities cause serious fetal consequences. The term TORCH is used to designate the most common perinatal infections, where (T) refers to toxoplasmosis, (O) means "others" and includes syphilis, varicella-zoster, parvovirus B19, zika virus (ZIKV), and malaria among others, (R) refers to rubella, (C) relates to cytomegalovirus infection, and (H) to herpes simplex virus infections. Among the main abnormalities identified in neonates exposed to congenital infections are central nervous system (CNS) damage, microcephaly, hearing loss, and ophthalmological impairment, all requiring regular follow-up to monitor its progression. Protein changes such as mutations, post-translational modifications, abundance, structure, and function may indicate a pathological condition before the onset of the first symptoms, allowing early diagnosis and understanding of a particular disease or infection. The term "proteomics" is defined as the science that studies the proteome, which consists of the total protein contecle, and placenta) and biofluids (plasma, serum and urine) in animal models is still underexplored. Moreover, there are a plethora of studies focusing on the pathogen or the host without considering the triad mother-fetus-pathogen as a dynamic and interconnected system.The modular magnetic suspension platform depends on multi degree of freedom of Lorentz force actuators for large bearing capacity, high precision positioning and structure miniaturization. To achieve the integration of vertical driving force and horizontal driving force, a novel 2- (two degrees-of-freedom) DOF Lorentz force actuator is developed by designing the pose of the windings and permanent magnets (PMs). The structure and the working principle are introduced. The electromagnetic force mathematical model is established by the equivalent magnetic circuit method to analyze the coupling of magnetic flux. The distribution characteristics of magnetic flux density are analyzed by the finite-element method (FEM). It is found that the coupling of the magnetic flux and the large magnetic field gradient severely reduce the uniformity of the air-gap magnetic field. The electromagnetic force characteristic is investigated by FEM and measurement experiments. The difference between FEM and experiment results is within 10%. The reasons of driving force fluctuation are explained based on the distribution of air-gap magnetic field. The actuator performance are compared under the sliding mode control algorithm and PID control algorithm and the positioning accuracy is 20 μm and 15 μm respectively. Compared with the similar configuration, the motion range and force coefficient of the Lorentz force actuator in this paper are larger. It has a certain guiding significance on the structure design of the multi degree of freed Lorentz force actuator.This paper presents the results of the comparison between a proposed Fourth Order Elastic Constants (FOECs) nonlinear model defined in the sense of Landau's theory, and the two most contrasted hyperelastic models in the literature, Mooney-Rivlin, and Ogden models. A mechanical testing protocol is developed to investigate the large-strain response of ex vivo cervical tissue samples in uniaxial tension in its two principal anatomical locations, the epithelial and connective layers. The final aim of this work is to compare the reconstructed shear modulus of the epithelial and connective layers of cervical tissue. According to the obtained results, the nonlinear parameter A from the proposed FOEC model could be an important biomarker in cervical tissue diagnosis. In addition, the calculated shear modulus depended on the anatomical location of the cervical tissue (μepithelial = 1.29 ± 0.15 MPa, and μconnective = 3.60 ± 0.63 MPa).Introduction Hippocampus, a medial temporal lobe structure, has significant implications in memory formation and learning. Although hippocampus activity is believed to be affected by socioeconomic status (SES), limited knowledge exists on which SES indicators influence hippocampus function. Purpose This study explored the separate and combined effects of three SES indicators, namely parental education, family income, and neighborhood income, on adolescents' hippocampus activation during an N-Back memory task. As some of the effects of parental education may be through income, we also tested if the effect of parental education on hippocampus activation during our N-Back memory task is mediated by family or neighborhood income. Methods The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study is a national multi-center investigation of American adolescents' brain development. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data of a total sample of 3067 9-10-year-old adolescents were used. The primary outcome was les associated with hippocampus activation during the N-Back memory task. These findings suggested that family income fully mediates the effect of parental educational attainment on left hippocampus activation during the N-Back memory task. Conclusions The effect of parental educational attainment on adolescents' hippocampus activation during an N-Back memory task is fully explained by family income. That means low family income is why adolescents with low-educated parents show highlighted hippocampus activation during an N-Back memory task. Given the central role of the hippocampus in learning and memory and as income is a modifiable factor by tax and economic policies, income-redistribution policies, fair taxation, and higher minimum wage may have implications for promotion of adolescent equality and social justice. There is a need to focus on family-level economic needs across all levels of neighborhood income.The antigen-antibody complex (AAC) has novel functions for immunomodulation, encouraging the application of diverse quaternary protein structures for vaccination. In this study, GA733 antigen and anti-GA733 antibody proteins were both co-expressed to obtain the AAC protein structures in a F1 plant obtained by crossing the plants expressing each protein. In F1 plant, the antigen and antibody assembled to form a large quaternary circular ACC structure (~30 nm). The large quaternary protein structures induced immune response to produce anticancer immunoglobulins G (IgGs) that are specific to the corresponding antigens in mouse. The serum containing the anticancer IgGs inhibited the human colorectal cancer cell growth in the xenograft nude mouse. Taken together, antigens and antibodies can be assembled to form AAC protein structures in plants. Plant crossing represents an alternative strategy for the formation of AAC vaccines that efficiently increases anticancer antibody production.