Both the identified missense variants resulted in a substitution of the conserved residues and evaluation by multiple in silico tools predicted their pathogenicity and variable disruption of CDH23 domains. Three-dimensional structure analysis of human CDH23 confirmed that the residue Asp918 is located at a highly conserved DXD peptide motif and is directly involved in "Ca2+" ion contact. In conclusion, our study identifies pathogenic CDH23 variants responsible for isolated moderate to profound NSHL in Saudi patients and further highlights the associated phenotypic variability with a genotypic hierarchy of CDH23 mutations. The current investigation also supports the application of molecular testing in the clinical diagnosis and genetic counseling of hearing loss.We aimed to examine whether low intensive care unit (ICU) admission 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels are associated with worse outcomes of COVID-19 pneumonia. This was a prospective observational study of SARS-CoV2 positive critically ill patients treated in a multidisciplinary ICU. Thirty (30) Greek patients were included, in whom 25(OH)D was measured on ICU admission. Eighty (80%) percent of patients had vitamin D deficiency, and the remaining insufficiency. Based on 25(OH)D levels, patients were stratified in two groups higher and lower than the median value of the cohort (15.2 ng/mL). The two groups did not differ in their demographic or clinical characteristics. All patients who died within 28 days belonged to the low vitamin D group. Survival analysis showed that the low vitamin D group had a higher 28-day survival absence probability (log-rank test, p = 0.01). Critically ill COVID-19 patients who died in the ICU within 28 days appeared to have lower ICU admission 25(OH)D levels compared to survivors. When the cohort was divided at the median 25(OH)D value, the low vitamin D group had an increased risk of 28-day mortality. It seems plausible, therefore, that low 25(OH)D levels may predispose COVID-19 patients to an increased 28-day mortality risk.Lysosomes are acidic cell compartments containing a large set of hydrolytic enzymes. These lysosomal hydrolases degrade proteins, lipids, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids into their constituents. Materials to be degraded can reach lysosomes either from inside the cell, by autophagy, or from outside the cell, by different forms of endocytosis. In addition to their degradative functions, lysosomes are also able to extracellularly release their contents by lysosomal exocytosis. These organelles move from the perinuclear region along microtubules towards the proximity of the plasma membrane, then the lysosomal and plasma membrane fuse together via a Ca2+-dependent process. The fusion of the lysosomal membrane with plasma membrane plays an important role in plasma membrane repair, while the secretion of lysosomal content is relevant for the remodelling of extracellular matrix and release of functional substrates. Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) and age-related neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, share as a pathological feature the accumulation of undigested material within organelles of the endolysosomal system. Recent studies suggest that lysosomal exocytosis stimulation may have beneficial effects on the accumulation of these unprocessed aggregates, leading to their extracellular elimination. However, many details of the molecular machinery required for lysosomal exocytosis are only beginning to be unravelled. Here, we are going to review the current literature on molecular mechanisms and biological functions underlying lysosomal exocytosis, to shed light on the potential of lysosomal exocytosis stimulation as a therapeutic approach.Spectral detection provides rich spectral-temporal information with wide applications. In our previous work, we proposed a dual-path sub-Hadamard-s snapshot Hadamard transform spectrometer (Sub-s HTS). In order to reduce the complexity of the system and improve its performance, we present a convolution neural network-based method to recover the light intensity distribution from the overlapped dispersive spectra, rather than adding an extra light path to capture it directly. In this paper, we construct a network-based single-path snapshot Hadamard transform spectrometer (net-based HTS). First, we designed a light intensity recovery neural network (LIRNet) with an unmixing module (UM) and an enhanced module (EM) to recover the light intensity from the dispersive image. Then, we used the reconstructed light intensity as the original light intensity to recover high signal-to-noise ratio spectra successfully. Compared with Sub-s HTS, the net-based HTS has a more compact structure and high sensitivity. A large number of simulations and experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed net-based HTS can obtain a better-reconstructed signal-to-noise ratio spectrum than the Sub-s HTS because of its higher light throughput.Hereditary amyloid transthyretin (ATTRv) amyloidosis with polyneuropathy is a progressive disease that is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and characterized by multiple organ failure, including axonal sensory-motor neuropathy, cardiac involvement, and autonomic dysfunction. Liver transplantation (LT) and combined heart-liver transplantation, introduced in the 1990s, have been the only therapies for almost two decades. In 2011, tafamidis meglumine became the first specific drug approved by regulatory agencies, since then the attention toward this disease has progressively increased and several drugs with different mechanisms of action are now available. This review describes the drugs already on the market, those that have shown interesting results although not yet approved, and those currently being tested.Ring chromosome 8 (r(8)) is one of the least frequent ring chromosomes. Usually, maternal chromosome 8 forms a ring, which can be lost from cells due to mitotic instability. The 8q24 region contains the imprinted KCNK9 gene, which is expressed from the maternal allele. Heterozygous KCNK9 mutations are associated with the imprinting disorder Birk-Barel syndrome. Here, we report a 2.5-year-old boy with developmental delay, microcephaly, dysmorphic features, diffuse muscle hypotonia, feeding problems, motor alalia and noncoarse neurogenic type of disturbance of muscle electrogenesis, partially overlapping with Birk-Barel syndrome phenotype. Cytogenetic analysis of lymphocytes revealed his karyotype to be 46,XY,r(8)(p23q24.3)[27]/45,XY,-8[3]. A de novo 7.9 Mb terminal 8p23.3p23.1 deletion, a 27.1 Mb 8p23.1p11.22 duplication, and a 4.4 Mb intact segment with a normal copy number located between them, as well as a 154-kb maternal LINGO2 gene deletion (9p21.2) with unknown clinical significance were identified by aCGH + SNP array.