We also presented preliminary data on the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis and monitoring of intra-abdominal hypertension and the contribution of this modality to the choice of appropriate treatment for patients presenting with this clinical condition. A multi-center study used point-of-care ultrasonography to assess the position of a g-tube in the stomach and its contents, intraluminal content status and bowel motor function, the monitoring of gastric drainage and forced intestinal evacuation, the presence of ascites and ascitic status without and after paracentesis. Even when simplified, the method was found to be very useful.The primary technique for detecting the presence and monitoring the development of carotid atherosclerotic plaque is ultrasound. The development of ultrasound techniques has made it possible to precisely visualise not only blood flow, but also vessel walls, including atherosclerotic plaque. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound examination enables one to make an objective observation of atherosclerotic plaque neovascularisation, clearly indicating active inflammation, which is an inherent feature of vulnerable (unstable) plaque. Depending on the examination method used, it is possible to precisely visualise different components of the plaque and its behaviour during blood flow through the vessel lumen or through the neovessels of the plaque, and, consequently, determine the possible presence of inflammation, which is a defining feature of plaque stability. The full utilisation of physical phenomena that underlie contrast-enhanced ultrasound will bring further enormous progress of diagnostic and probably also therapeutic methods for carotid atherosclerosis. The selection of the right examination method significantly accelerates diagnosis and adequate classification of plaque, and makes it possible to monitor the progression of atherosclerosis. However, one needs to bear in mind that ultrasound remains a very subjective method. The success of contrast-enhanced ultrasound also depends on the skills and experience of the examiner. Current attempts at increasing the objectivity of contrast-enhanced ultrasound examination using artificial intelligence will make it possible in the future to make a definitive evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque stability. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Docetaxel(Taxotere).html This will allow one to assess the risk of ischaemic stroke adequately.Aim of the study This study aimed to examine the role of superb microvascular imaging and shear wave elastography for the pre-surgical evaluation of common parotid tumors. Material and methods This single-center prospective study included 37 patients with parotid gland lesions. After institutional review board approval, grayscale, shear wave elastography and superb microvascular imaging ultrasound examinations were performed prior to biopsy or operation. The diagnosis of the lesions was based on cytological/pathological evaluation after the ultrasound examinations. Pleomorphic adenomas and Warthin tumors were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. A receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed to obtain a cut-off value. A multivariate regression analysis was carried out. Results The mean age of the patients (11 female, 26 male) was 48.2 ± 18. The shear wave elastography parameters of the lesions were not significantly different between pleomorphic adenomas and Warthin tumors, while the vascular index obtained by using superb microvascular imaging was significantly different (p = 0.012). The mean vascular index was 2.9 ± 3.1 in pleomorphic adenomas, and 9.5 ± 9.5 in Warthin tumors. A cut-off value of 4.05 for the vascular index discriminated pleomorphic adenoma and Warthin tumors with 68% sensitivity and 72% specificity (the area under the curve was 0.768). Conclusion Superb microvascular imaging is a novel ultrasound imaging technique which is useful for the discrimination of pleomorphic adenomas and Warthin tumors.Aim To investigate the validity of measurement of testicular volume acquired by a built-in software in different ultrasound systems with reference to the updated guidelines. Materials and methods Archives of 1,976 patients who had undergone scrotal ultrasound evaluation were reviewed. A total of 973 patients with 1,909 testes, who had undergone ultrasound measurement of the testicular volume, were included in the study, and 1,003 patients were excluded. The age of enrolled patients ranged from 17 to 66 years (median age of 39 years). The ultrasound systems included Siemens Sonoline S2000, Philips EPIQ5, GE Logiq E9, Hitachi Aloka prosoundα7, Mindray DC-8 and Mindray Resona7. The transducers have imaging frequencies of 5-14 MHz. Validity of the measurement of testicular volume acquired by a built-in software in different ultrasound systems was assessed with reference to the formula that Volume (V) = Length (L) × Width (W) × Height (H) × 0.71, recommended by the updated guidelines, by recalculating the original numbers using a calculator. Results The values obtained by the built-in software of Mindray DC-8 and Mindray Resona7 ultrasound systems and measurements recalculated on a computer were all in concordance; and the values obtained by the built-in software of Siemens Sonoline S2000, Philips EPIQ5, GE Logiq E9, and Hitachi Aloka prosoundα7 ultrasound systems and measurements recalculated on computer were all discordant. The same testicular measurements calculated with different formulas (V = L×W×H×0.71 vs. V = L×W×H×0.52) produced 26.76% difference. Conclusion Values of testicular volume obtained by some ultrasound systems are not accurate with reference to the formula recommended by the updated guidelines.Background The presence of ectopic functional endometrial glands and struma anywhere except in the lining of the uterine cavity is considered as endometriosis. Extrapelvic endometriosis involving the abdominal wall cesarean section scar is uncommonly seen, and it rarely involves the perineum, umbilicus, pleura, kidneys, lungs and liver. Objectives The purpose of the present study is to highlight rare ectopic sites, explain the pathogenesis of extrapelvic endometriosis, and evaluate the diagnostic significance of clinical findings, serum CA 125 level, and ultrasonography. Materials and methods 24 female patients with extrapelvic endometriomas in whom the final diagnosis was based on the surgical results and histopathological reports of the excised specimens. The patients underwent a clinical examination, an ultrasound scan, and evaluation of the serum CA 125 level. They were also examined by transvaginal ultrasound to rule out ovarian endometriosis or uterine adenomyosis. They were further subjected to abdominal wall ultrasound in cases of cesarean section scar or umbilical region swellings, and transperineal ultrasound for perianal lesions.