In vitro cytotoxicity assays were performed with BALB/3T3 and MCF-7 cell lines. In hybrid systems, a sol-gel transition can occur below physiological temperature. BLPC exhibits the most significant increase in solubility in formulations with a high concentration of T1304 (over 10% w/w) and 1.5% w/w LAP, or systems with only LAP (1.5%), with a 50 and 100-fold increase in solubilisation, respectively. TEM images showed spherical micelles of T1304, which elongated into wormlike micelles with concentration (20%) and in the presence of LAP, a finding that has not been reported before. A sustained release of BLPC over 140 hours was achieved in one of the formulations (10% T1304 with 1.5% laponite), which also showed the best selectivity index towards cancer cells (MCF-7) over BALB/3T3 cell lines. In conclusion, BLPC-loaded T1304/LAP nano-hybrid systems proved safe and highly effective and are thus a promising formulation for anticancer therapy.Laminar fMRI using the BOLD contrast enables the non-invasive investigation of mesoscopic functional circuits in the human brain. However, the laminar neuronal activity is spatiotemporally biased in the observed cortical depth profiles of the BOLD signal. In this study, we propose a generative fMRI signal model, comprehensively covering the relationship between cortical depth-dependent changes in excitatory and inhibitory neuronal activity with the sampling of the BOLD signal with finite voxels. The generative model allowed us to investigate pertinent questions regarding the accuracy of the laminar BOLD signal relative to the neuronal activity, and we found that a) condition differences in laminar BOLD signals may be more reflective of neuronal activity than single condition BOLD signal depth profiles; b) angular dependence of the BOLD signal induces significant signal variability, which can mask underlying activity profiles; c) even if only three neuronal depths are of interest, more BOLD signal depths should be considered in the analysis. In addition, we recommend that the laminar BOLD data should be displayed using the centroid method to appreciate its spatial distribution in the original resolution. Finally, we showed that Bayesian model inversion of the generative model can improve sensitivity and specificity of assessing depth-dependent neuronal changes both for steady-state and dynamically. Aortic neck dilation is a reported mode of failure and can be associated with aneurysm sac expansion after standard endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR). Fenestrated EVAR (FEVAR) of the juxtarenal segment increases the seal zone length and is often used to treat this disease progression. However, the frequency and risk factors for neck dilation after FEVAR is unknown. We evaluated 124 consecutive FEVARs performed under an investigational device exemption clinical trial for juxtarenal aneurysms ( identifier, NCT01538056). The aortic diameter at the level of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA; highest fenestration) and lowest renal artery (lowest fenestration) was assessed from computed tomography angiography preoperatively, at 30days, and annually thereafter. A subgroup analysis was performed to assess aortic neck dilation by the graft type used, degree of oversizing, infrarenal neck length, effective seal zone length, and aortic diameter at the level of the lowest and hihe visceral segment can occur after endovascular repair of juxtarenal aneurysms using FEVAR. Further research is warranted to determine how these changes might affect the long-term outcomes. Aortic neck dilation in the visceral segment can occur after endovascular repair of juxtarenal aneurysms using FEVAR. Further research is warranted to determine how these changes might affect the long-term outcomes.The aim of this study was to describe the proportion of multidrug-resistant microorganisms (MDROs) involved in ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) as the first hospital-acquired infection in 536 adults with restricted risk factors for MDRO-related infection. We found a significant decrease in the percentage of MDROs involved in VAP between 2003 and 2016 and this percentage increased when VAP occurred after day 10. Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among healthcare workers (HCW) remains poorly understood. We assessed HCWs' willingness to be vaccinatedand reasons underlying hesitancy. Cross-sectional survey across 17 healthcare institutions. HCWs eligible for vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA) in December 2020 were invited to receive immunization. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to identify predictors of acceptance. Reasons for refusal among those who never intended to be vaccinated (ie, firm refusers) and those who preferred delaying vaccination (ie, vaccine hesitants) were assessed. Among 2,761 respondents (72% female, average age, 44), 2,233 (80.9%) acceptedthe vaccine. Physicians, environmental services workers and healthcare managers were more likely to accept vaccination compared to nurses. Male sex, age over 50, rehabilitation center workers, and occupational COVID-19 exposure were independently associated with vaccine acceptance by multivariate analysis. Factors for refusalincluded vaccine novelty, wanting others to receive it first,and insufficient time for decision-making. Among those who declined, 74% reported they may accept future vaccination. Vaccine firm refusers were more likely than vaccine hesitants to distrust pharmaceutical companies and to prefer developing a natural immunity by getting COVID-19. Vaccine hesitancy exists among HCWs. Our findings provide useful information to plan future interventions and improve acceptance. Vaccine hesitancy exists among HCWs. Our findings provide useful information to plan future interventions and improve acceptance.Serum transferrin (Tf) is the essential iron transport protein in the body. Transferrin is responsible for the sequestration of free iron in serum and the delivery of iron throughout the body and into cells, where iron is released inside a mildly acidified endosome. Altered iron distributions are associated with diseases such as iron-overload, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. The presence of free iron is linked to deleterious redox reactions, inside and outside cells and organelles. As Tf iron release is pH dependent, any changes in intraorganelle and extracellular pH, often associated with disease progression, could inhibit normal iron delivery or accelerate iron release in the wrong compartment. However, imaging approaches to monitor changes in the iron-bound state of Tf are lacking. Recently, Raman spectroscopy has been shown to measure iron-bound forms of Tf in solution, intact cells and tissue samples. Here, a biochemical Raman assay has been developed to identify iron-release from Tf following modification of chemical environment.