The C-index of the 8th and 7th editions was 0.690 and 0.688, respectively, suggesting almost similar prognostic values. This study shows that the survival discrimination of the 8th edition fared better than the 7th edition in all but stage IIA and IIB. The prognostic value of the two staging systems is similar, with no added advantage of the new edition. This study shows that the survival discrimination of the 8th edition fared better than the 7th edition in all but stage IIA and IIB. The prognostic value of the two staging systems is similar, with no added advantage of the new edition. Transgenic technology in Indian mustard has expedited crop improvement programs. Further, there is a need to optimize gene editing protocols and find out the suitable target genes to harvest the benefits of gene editing technology in this important edible oilseed crop. Brassica juncea is an economically and industrially important oilseed crop being grown mainly in India and in some parts of Canada, Russia, China and Australia. Besides being consumed as edible oil, it also has numerous applications in food and paint industry. However, its overall production and productivity are being hampered by a number of biotic and abiotic stress factors. Further, its oil and seedmeal quality needs to be improved for increasing food as well as feed value. However, the lack of resistant crossable germplasm or varieties necessitated the use of genetic engineering interventions in Indian mustard crop improvement. A number of genes conferring resistance to biotic stresses including lectins for aphids' control, chitinase, glucisense and RNAi technologies have been employed for improving oil and seedmeal quality. Efforts have been made to improve the phytoremediation potential of this crop through genetic engineering approach. The deployment of barnase/barstar gene system for developing male sterile and restorer lines has really expedited hybrid development programs in Indian mustard. Further, there is a need to optimize gene editing protocols and to find out suitable target genes for gene editing in this crop. In this review paper, authors have attempted to review various genetic transformation efforts carried out in Indian mustard for its improvement to combat biotic and abiotic stress challenges, quality improvement and hybrid development.Here, we present a framework for a beach litter monitoring process, based on free and open-source software (FOSS), which allows customization for any sampling design. The framework was developed by means of a GIS project (QGIS), a GIS collector (QField), and an R code, allowing further adjustments according to the area to be surveyed and research questions. The aim is to improve data collection, accessibility, and interoperability, as well as to help to fill the currently existing gap between fieldwork and data analysis, preventing typos and allowing better data processing. Therefore, it is expected to take less than an hour from ending fieldwork to obtaining up-to-date products. To test the developed open-source geospatial framework, it was applied in different sectors and dates on an important southern Brazilian touristic beach. Results obtained from the open-source geospatial framework application produce baseline information on beach litter issues, such as amounts, sources, and spatial and temporal patterns. Adoption of the framework can facilitate data collection by local and regional stakeholders, and the results obtained from it can be applied to support management strategies. For researchers, it produces spatialized data for each item in an already tidy format, which can be used for robust and complex models. A series of supplementary files support reproducibility and provide a guide to future users. The systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to summarize the available evidence and identify the correlates of cancer stigma. PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, and PsycINFO were electronically searched to identify eligible studies about correlates of stigma for patients with cancer. Two reviewers independently screened the literature, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. A meta-analysis was performed using the statistical program R. Thirty-one studies involving a total of 7114 patients were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. The results of the meta-analysis showed that cancer stigma shared positive associations with male gender, symptoms, depression, anxiety, body image loss, self-blame, social constraint, intrusive thoughts, and ambivalence over emotional expression, and negative associations with income, NK cell subsets, QOL, self-esteem, self-efficacy, cancer screening attendance, doctor's empathy, and medical satisfaction. The results of the descriptive analysis indicated that cancer stigma was positively associated with self-perception of aging, anger, internal attributions, stressful life events, self-perceived burden, and sleep dysfunction, while negatively associated with patient-provider communication and sleep quality. Healthcare staff should pay attention to the identified correlates of cancer stigma. The results of our research can inform the design of interventions to reduce stigma and to improve clinical outcomes in people with cancer. Healthcare staff should pay attention to the identified correlates of cancer stigma. The results of our research can inform the design of interventions to reduce stigma and to improve clinical outcomes in people with cancer.Rates of permanent pacemaker (PPM) implantation following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) are higher than following surgery and are dependent on patient factors and valve type. There is an increasing trend towards pre-emptive PPM insertion in patients with significant conduction disease prior to TAVI. We report results from the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society (BCIS) on pre- and post-procedural PPM implantation in the TAVI population. All centres in the United Kingdom performing TAVI are required to submit data on all TAVI procedures to the National database which are then reported annually. During 2015, there were 2373 TAVI procedures in the UK. 22.4% of TAVI patients had a PPM implanted either pre-procedure (including the distant past), or during the in-hospital procedural episode. Of these, 7.9% were pre-procedure and 14.5% post-procedure. Overall PPM rates were Edwards Sapien (13.5%), Medtronic CoreValve (28.2%) and Boston Lotus (42.1%; pā€‰ less then ā€‰0.01). Pre-procedure pacing rates were Edwards Sapien (6.