uggest good quality recordings are feasible. In the utilization of aVEEG, to maximize yield, it is important to consider pretest probability. Having clear pretest questions and a strong index of suspicion for focal, generalized convulsive or non-epileptic seizures further increases the usefulness of aVEEG. In this article, which is part of the topical issue "Ambulatory EEG," the authors compare long-term home aVEEG to inpatient video EEG monitoring, discuss aVEEG's use in diagnosis and follow-up of patients, and present the authors' own experience of the utility of aVEEG in a teaching hospital setting. Recording of interictal epileptiform discharges to classify the epilepsy syndrome is one of the most common indications for ambulatory EEG. Ambulatory EEG has superior sampling compared with standard EEG recordings and advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and convenience compared with a prolonged inpatient EEG study. Ambulatory EEG allows for EEG recording in all sleep stages and transitional states, which can be very helpful in capturing interictal epileptiform discharges. In the absence of interictal epileptiform discharges or in patients with atypical events, the characterization of an epilepsy syndrome may require recording of the habitual events. Diagnostic ambulatory EEG can be a useful alternative to inpatient video-EEG monitoring in a selected number of patients with frequent events who do not require medication taper or seizure testing for surgical localization. Recording of interictal epileptiform discharges to classify the epilepsy syndrome is one of the most common indications for ambulatory EEG. Ambulatory EEG has superior sampling compared with standard EEG recordings and advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and convenience compared with a prolonged inpatient EEG study. Ambulatory EEG allows for EEG recording in all sleep stages and transitional states, which can be very helpful in capturing i