CONCLUSION The population of patients treated with RC is rapidly ageing, with a high risk of perioperative and long-term mortality; this changing epidemiological scenario and better outcomes observed in high-volume hospitals support regionalization of the procedure. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.Transposable elements have driven genome evolution and plasticity in many ways across a range of organisms. Different types of biotic and abiotic stresses can stimulate the expression or transposition of these mobile elements. Here, we cytogenetically analyzed natural fish populations of the same species living under different environmental conditions to test the influence and organization of transposable elements in their genome. Differential behavior was observed for the markers Rex 1, Rex 3, and Rex 6 in the chromosomes of individuals of the same species but coming from different environments (polluted and unpolluted). An increase in the number of Rex transposable elements in the chromosomes and their influence on the genome of populations living in a polluted environment indicates that they must be under constant adaptive evolution. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.Silicon-based Schottky heterojunction photodetectors are promising due to its compatibility with semiconductor process. However, the applications of these devices are usually limited to wavelength shorter than 1.1 µm due to the low absorption of electrode materials at infrared. In this report, silicon-based compound semiconductor heterojunction photodetectors with graphene transparent electrode are fabricated. Due to the high absorption of InSb at infrared, as well as the good transparency and excellent electrical conductivity of the graphene, as-prepared photodetector show broadband photoresponse with high performance which includes a specific detectivity of 1.9×1012 cm Hz1/2/W, responsivity of 132 mA/W, on/off ratio of 1×105, rise time of 2 µs, 3dB cut-off frequency of 172 KHz and response wavelength covering 635 nm, 1.55 µm and 2.7 µm. This report proved that graphene as transparent electrode has a great effect on the performance improvement of the silicon-based compound semiconductor heterojunction photodetectors. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.Recording of knee vibroarthrographic (VAG) activity during activities of daily living (ADL) can contribute to diagnose knee osteoarthritis (KOA). However, classifying KOA patients based on knee VAG during ADL has been an elusive problem not related to knee pain. Therefore, the aims of this study was to classify KOA patients based on 1) VAG during ADL and 2) knee pain sensitivity and then compare their results. The experimental procedure consisted of the recording of VAG signals during four ADLs (over-ground gait, stairs descent, stairs ascent and sit-to-stand) from eight patellar and peri-patellar locations in 20 KOA and 20 asymptomatic participants. Pressure pain thresholds (PPT) were obtained from eight locations around the knee joint to quantify pain sensitivity. A random forest classifier was utilized to identify KOA patients based on VAG signal features and PPTs. The most important features contributing to the classification accuracy were determined. The KOA patients participated in a second identical experimental session to examine the day-to-day reproducibility. The participants were classified with accuracy of 90%, 70%, 64% and 82% during over-ground gait, stairs descent, stairs ascent and sit to stand, respectively. However, the accuracy of the classifier was reduced by about 10-25% due to a systematic bias in the extracted features across days. Features of the VAG signals in time and frequency domains as well as nonlinear features were found importantly contributing towards the classification accuracy. The VAG features extracted from the lateral side of the knee was found to be more informative than other locations. The classification based on PPT reached 77%. Medial and proximal knee PPT points contributed to the classification accuracy. This study showed that using multichannel VAG signals to identify KOA patients allows better accuracy than the use of PPTs. However, VAG setup must be standardized to avoid day-to-day bias. © 2020 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) has been used in Indian traditional medicine for various health benefits. Withaferrin-A, a steroidal lactone present in this herb has shown proteosomal inhibition based enhancement in bone mineralization. In present work chitosan microparticles blending total methanolic root extract of Withania somnifera were incorporated as porogen in calcium phosphate based hydroxyapatite bone filler. The controlled release of bioactive molecules enabled enhanced pre-osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. Microparticle percentages were optimized to have minimum effect on setting time, mechanical strength, and degradability of hydroxyapatite bone filler. In vitro cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation were evaluated to determine biocompatibility of the composites. Based on desirable results obtained, we provide preliminary rationale for the use of methanolic extract blended chitosan microparticles impregnated calcium phosphate filler for enhanced bone regeneration. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.Breath analysis is the study of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) in exhaled breath. This analysis provides information on the body's condition. In this study we investigated the relationship between 22 VOC's detected in exhaled breath and plasma headspace using a selected ion flow tube mass spectrometer (SYFT-MS). We compared pairs of exhaled breath and plasma samples from patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and IBD patients after J-pouch surgery (pouch group). Half of the measured VOC's from exhaled breath were significantly associated with the VOC's from plasma headspace. Interestingly, six breath VOC's (trimethyl amine (FDR p=0.02), hydrogen sulfide (FDR p=7.64x10-30), ethanol (FDR p=1.56x10-4), dimethyl sulfide (FDR p=5.70x10-19), benzene (FDR p=8.40x10-27), and acetaldehyde (FDR p=4.27x10-17)) and two plasma headspace VOC's (1-Octene (FDR p=0.02) and 2-propanol (FDR p=2.47x10-9)) were able to differentiate between the three groups. Breath and plasma headspace share a similar signature with significant association in half of the measured VOCs.