9%). The dorsal glans of the penis is about 33% (1/3 rd) of the length of the entire shaft (measured average 32.1%, survey weighted average 37.5%). The ventral glans of the penis is about 12.5% (1/8 th) of the length of the entire shaft (measured average 12.6%, survey average 11.7%). Measured proportions of the human penis follow exact fractions. Crowdsourcing data helped support photogrammetric analysis, with survey preferred ratios within 5% of measured ratios. With further validation, this data can aid surgeons performing phalloplasty. Measured proportions of the human penis follow exact fractions. Crowdsourcing data helped support photogrammetric analysis, with survey preferred ratios within 5% of measured ratios. With further validation, this data can aid surgeons performing phalloplasty.It has been shown that the presence of conspecifics modulates human's vigilance strategies as is the case with animal species. Mere presence has been found to reduce vigilance. However, animal research has also shown that chemosignals (e.g., sweat) produced during fear-inducing situations modulates individuals' threat detection strategies. In the case of humans, little is known about how exposure to conspecifics' fear chemosignals modulates vigilance and threat detection effectiveness. The present study (N= 59) examined how human fear chemosignals affect vigilance strategies and threat avoidance in its receivers. We relied on a paradigm that simulates a "foraging under threat" situation in the lab, integrated with an eye-tracker to examine the attention allocation. Our results showed that the exposure to fear chemosignals (vs. rest chemosignals and a no-sweat condition) while not changing vigilance behavior leads to faster answers to threatening events. In conclusion, fear chemosignals seem to constitute an important warning signal for human beings, possibly leading its receiver to a readiness state that allows faster reactions to threat-related events.With the rapid application of nuclear technology, radiation protection is becoming more and more important. For external radiation protection, most of the national metrology institutes in the world have established the primary standard of X-ray air kerma in (10-250) kV and Cs-137 gamma ray, but the energy between 250 and 662 keV needs the establishment of traceability. To provide solution to such issue, a graphite cavity ionization chamber was constructed at National Institute of Metrology to measure the air kerma in (250-450) kV X-ray. The relative standard uncertainty of the method is 0.45%. Two different types of ionization chambers were used to measure the air kerma of N-300 radiation quality, and the result has a deviation of 0.09%.The WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (MLEM) has since 1977 helped prioritize and ensure availability of medicines especially in low- and middle-income countries. The MLEM consists mainly of generic medicines, though recent trends point towards listing expensive on-patent medicines and increasing global support for medicines against non-communicable diseases. However, the implications of such changes for national essential medicines list (NEML) updates for access to essential medicines has received relatively little attention. This study examined how government agencies and other actors in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania participate in and influence the NEML update process and subsequent availability of prioritized medicines; and the alignment of these processes to WHO guidance. A mixed study design was used, with qualitative documentary review, key informant interviews and thematic data analysis. Results show that NEML updating processes were similar amongst the three countries and aligned to WHO guidelines, icy and procedural coherence around the process of prioritizing and ensuring availability of essential medicines.A best evidence topic in thoracic surgery was written according to a structured protocol. The question addressed was what is the optimal level of suction on digital chest drainage devices following pulmonary lobectomy? Altogether 367 papers were found using the reported search, of which 4 randomized controlled trials using digital chest drainage devices represented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. The authors, journal, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes and results of these papers are tabulated. The new digital drainage systems enhance early mobilization as recommended in the enhanced recovery after surgery programme. There is, however, no consensus on the optimal level of suction to apply after pulmonary lobectomy. This is especially the case for digital drainage devices. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/2-deoxy-d-glucose.html Surgeon preference will likely continue to guide practice, until the evidence gives clear-cut recommendations. According to the current data, a low suction reduces total fluid drainage and perhaps air leak duration compared to higher suction levels in both video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and open pulmonary lobectomies using digital drainage devices, although the evidence is not overwhelming.In this paper, we show that the combination of NMR theoretical and experimental results can help to solve the molecular structure of peptides, here it is used as an example the residue Leucine-67 in Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin. We apply a computational protocol based on the leucine amino acid dipeptide, which, using calculated and experimental spin-spin coupling constants, allows us to obtain the conformation of the amino acid side chain. Calculated results show that the best agreement is obtained when three conformers around the lateral chain angle $\chi _1$ are considered or when the dynamic effect in the torsional angles is included. The population of each structure is estimated and analyzed according to the correlation between those two approaches. Independently of the approach, the estimated $\chi _1$ angle in solution is close to the staggered value of -60$^\circ $ and deviates significantly from the average x-ray angle of -90$^\circ $.Pin1 is a unique isomerase that regulates protein conformation and function after phosphorylation. Pin1 aberration contributes to some neurological diseases, notably Alzheimer's disease, but its role in epilepsy is not fully understood. We found that Pin1-deficient mice had significantly increased seizure susceptibility in multiple chemical inducing models and developed age-dependent spontaneous epilepsy. Electrophysiologically, Pin1 ablation enhanced excitatory synaptic transmission to prefrontal cortex (PFC) pyramidal neurons without affecting their intrinsic excitability. Biochemically, Pin1 ablation upregulated AMPA receptors and GluA1 phosphorylation by acting on phosphorylated CaMKII. Clinically, Pin1 was decreased significantly, whereas phosphorylated CaMKII and GluA1 were increased in the neocortex of patients with epilepsy. Moreover, Pin1 expression restoration in the PFC of Pin1-deficient mice using viral gene transfer significantly reduced phosphorylated CaMKII and GluA1 and effectively suppressed their seizure susceptibility.