blood are highly correlated with the advanced HCC status. The change may result from immune evasion initiated by hepatocellular carcinoma cells and further investigation is warranted. Validation study is ongoing and this mechanism may be utilized to treat advanced HCC patient in the future.Several radionuclide production facilities based on a new generation of high-current, 70 MeV H- cyclotrons have been established in recent years and a number of new facilities are either under construction or being planned. In this study, the feasibility to produce 225Ac/213Bi and 230U/226Th generators via Th + p reactions at such a facility has been investigated. From the perspective of production yields, it has been found useful to compare the relevant reactions on thorium with those on other targets regularly employed in this energy region, in particular the natMg(p,x)22Na, natGa(p,x)68Ge, and natRb(p,x)82Sr reactions that have been exploited with 66 MeV proton beams at iThemba LABS for many years. Therefore, various tandem configurations of thorium with magnesium, gallium and rubidium are discussed based on the relevant nuclear data. In a few cases, the available data were judged to be insufficient in this energy region. New experimental cross sections are presented for 225Ac, 225Ra, and 230Pa in Th + p reactions as well as 22,24Na in natMg + p reactions. Integral yields have been derived for those radionuclides of main interest. Production yields expected from extended 70 MeV proton bombardments, on selected tandem-target configurations, are presented for 22Na, 68Ge, 82Sr, 225Ac, and 230Pa. It is concluded that 225Ac/213Bi generators can, in principle, be added to a production programme based at a 70 MeV H- cyclotron facility as the production rate is of similar magnitude to those of other well-established radionuclides in this energy region. Also, radio-contaminant levels for 225Ac are similar to those found in higher proton-energy windows. The scope for 230U/226Th generators, via bulk production of the precursor 230Pa, seems to be more limited due to a lower yield but can nevertheless be produced in clinically relevant quantities. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are crucial in maintaining T cell homeostasis and preventing autoimmune responses. Deficiencies in the suppressive function of Tregs contribute to the pathogenesis of various autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis. However, whether IL-17A upregulation in psoriatic patients contributes to Treg dysfunction is unknown. To explore the effect and underlying mechanism of IL-17A on the suppressive function of Tregs and to evaluate the restoration of the suppressive function of Tregs in psoriasis during anti-IL-17A (secukinumab) treatment. In vitro suppression assays were performed with or without the addition of IL-17A to the coculture system. The release of inhibitory cytokines, including IL-10 and TGF-β, was assessed by qRT-PCR and flow cytometry. RNA-sequencing was conducted to characterize the cellular responses of Tregs. IL-17A signaling activation was analyzed by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence. Blood samples were collected from three psoriasis patients before and after secukinumab treatment. IL-17A blocked the suppressive function of Tregs, possibly by inhibiting the release of TGF-β and promoting the production of IFN-γ. Moreover, IL-17A activated the NF-κB signaling pathway in Tregs. Inhibition of the NF-κB pathway blocked IL-17A-induced upregulation of IFN-γ without affecting the secretion of TGF-β by Tregs. Clinical treatment in psoriasis with secukinumab restored the suppressive function and increased production of TGF-β in Tregs of psoriasis. Our study implies a crucial role of IL-17A in mediating the dysfunction of the Treg suppressive function in psoriasis. Secukinumab, which neutralizes IL-17A signaling, restored the suppressive function of Tregs to exert its antipsoriatic effect. Our study implies a crucial role of IL-17A in mediating the dysfunction of the Treg suppressive function in psoriasis. Secukinumab, which neutralizes IL-17A signaling, restored the suppressive function of Tregs to exert its antipsoriatic effect.The current COVID-19 pandemic brought about by the SARS-CoV-2, a novel β coronavirus is creating intense health havoc globally. Researchers suspect the situation to stay for long in the community, considering this virus's pathogenesis, high rate transmission and tendency to provoke uncontrolled immune response activation. Immune mechanisms are highly individualistic. We put forward a hypothetical model of prakruti (Ayurvedic body phenotyping character) based personalized prophylactic-therapeutic strategies aiming at a better immunomodulation and quicker resolution of host immune mechanisms. We propose this model in symptomatic, mild to moderate, COVID-19 diagnosed cases and in cases quarantined for high to low risk primary contact with a positive case. We also suggest a community level personalized Ayurvedic prophylactic-therapeutic strategy based on the DOTS model. Person-centered body purificatory measures (panchakarma procedures) like therapeutic purgation (virechana) and medicated enema (basti) are suggesing personalized host immune coping mechanisms that may prove crucial in any infectious outbreaks in near future too. This study aimed to assess how the emergence of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) has modified the demographic and clinical characteristics as well as outcomes of infants with bronchiolitis admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). This was a single-center retrospective study including infants aged 1 day to 6 months with bronchiolitis requiring HFNC, noninvasive ventilation (NIV), or invasive ventilation on admission. A total of 252 infants (mean age 53±36 days) were included in the study. The use of HFNC increased from 18 (21.4%) during 2013-2014 to 53 infants (55.2%) during 2015-2016. The length of stay in the PICU decreased over time from 4.7±2.9 to 3.5±2.7 days (P<0.01) but the hospital length of stay remained similar (P=0.17). On admission, patients supported by HFNC as the first-line therapy were older. The PICU length of stay was similar according to the type of respiratory support (P=0.16), but the hospital length of stay was longer for patients supported by HFNC (P=0.01). The distribution of respiratory support has significantly changed over time for patients with bronchiolitis and HFNC is increasingly used.