2% (90/166), p 0.016; model 2 35.3% (41/116) versus 56.9% (66/116), p 0.001). On multivariate analysis, nebulized colistin was an independent factor associated with fewer day 14 clinical failures (model 1 adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 0.59, 95% CI 0.37-0.92; model 2 aOR 0.37, 95% CI 0.21-0.65). Nebulized colistin was not associated independently with a lower 14-day mortality rate in the time-dependent analysis in both models 1 and 2. Adjunctive nebulized colistin was associated with lower day 14 clinical failure rate, but not lower 14-day mortality rate, in critically ill patients with nosocomial pneumonia caused by colistin-susceptible CR-GNB. Adjunctive nebulized colistin was associated with lower day 14 clinical failure rate, but not lower 14-day mortality rate, in critically ill patients with nosocomial pneumonia caused by colistin-susceptible CR-GNB.Working memory (WM) is a limited-capacity system or set of processes that enables temporary storage and manipulation of information essential for complex cognitive processes. The WM performance is supported by a widespread neural network in which fronto-parietal functional connections have a pivotal role. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is rapidly emerging as a promising tool for understanding the role of various cortical areas and their functional networks on cognitive performance. Here we comprehensively evaluated the effects of tDCS on WM by conducting three cross-over counterbalanced sham-controlled experiments in which we contrasted the effects and interactions of the anodal (i.e. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Camptothecine.html facilitatory) tDCS across anterior-posterior (i.e. DLPFC vs PPC) and left-right (i.e. the lateralization) axes, and across online and offline protocols using both verbal and spatial WM (3-back) tasks as outcomes. In the offline protocols, left DLPFC stimulation affected neither verbal nor spatial WM, while left PPC stimulation increased spatial WM. When applied offline over right DLPFC, tDCS improved verbal WM task and marginally enhanced spatial WM; while when tDCS was applied over the right PPC, facilitatory effects were observed on verbal WM. In the online protocol, tDCS did not modulate WM regardless of the task modality or stimulation loci. In summary, the study did not replicate the left DLPFC tDCS effect on WM, found in some of the previous studies, but demonstrated positive effects of stimulation of the right DLPFC as well as PPC bilaterally. The observed effects varied across modality of the 3-back task, and tDCS protocol applied. The results of this study argue for moving towards targeting the lesser-explored stimulation sites within the fronto-parietal network, such as PPC, to gain a better understanding of the usefulness of tDCS for WM neuromodulation. Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) are often caused by the patient's own oral commensal bacteria. Causative bacteria must be identified to select the appropriate antimicrobial agents; however, the pathogens are identified via routine culture methods in only approximately half of LRTI cases. To investigate LRTI-associated bacteria, we conducted culture testing under aerobic and anaerobic conditions using culture-independent partial 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing analysis using a high-throughput sequencer in cases of aspiration pneumonia and lung abscesses. Culture testing of 17 aspiration pneumonia cases revealed Streptococcus spp. (n=13), Prevotella spp. (n=9), and Veillonella spp. (n=8); 16S rRNA analysis of these cases yielded Streptococcus spp. (n=16), Veillonella spp. (n=12), Haemophilus spp. (n=12), Prevotella spp. (n=11), and Rothia spp. (n=11). Culture testing of 8 lung abscess cases revealed Streptococcus spp. (n=7) and Fusobacterium spp. (n=4); 16S rRNA analysis of these cases yielded Fusobacterium spp. (n=8), Prevotella spp. (n=7), Streptococcus spp. (n=6), and Porphyromonas spp. (n=5). All taxa with abundance ratios of ≥50% on the 16S rRNA analysis were also detected in the cultures. However, several taxa were either undetected in the cultures despite relatively high abundance ratios on the 16S rRNA analysis or negative on the 16S rRNA analysis and isolated only by culturing. Our data provide a comprehensive list of bacterial taxa that may be associated with aspiration pneumonia and lung abscesses. In empirically treating LRTIs, this information will help determine the best treatment against the targeted anaerobes. Our data provide a comprehensive list of bacterial taxa that may be associated with aspiration pneumonia and lung abscesses. In empirically treating LRTIs, this information will help determine the best treatment against the targeted anaerobes. The magnitude and scope of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) has changed with an increase in incidence and severity. The epidemiology of CDI is not well known in France due to difficulties to conduct large continuous surveillance. The objectives were to compare the characteristics of patients with CDI collected through repeated point prevalence survey via DIFTEC™, a free electronic tool, with those from previous French or European studies. DIFTEC™ was developed to evaluate epidemiological burden, diagnostic strategies and management of CDI in France. National and European guidelines were used for definitions. A literature review of studies conducted in Western Europe on CDI and published between January 2008 and May 2018 was done to compare their data with those included in the DIFTEC™ database. From January 2016, to December 2017, 455 CDI episodes from 22 French hospitals were included. Most of CDI cases were health-care associated (HCA) (78%). The comparison between included patients and French literature data showed that the rates of previous antibiotics exposure, crude mortality and recurrence were not statistically different. However HCA-CDI was significantly more frequent in the DIFTEC™ study. Gender distribution, recurrence and crude mortality rates were not statistically different compared to European data. HCA-CDI was more frequent in the DIFTEC™ study whereas previous treatment with proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics were significantly higher in European studies. These results illustrated the added value of a new tool for increasing the reliable knowledge of CDI in France based on epidemiological surveillance implemented in health-care settings. These results illustrated the added value of a new tool for increasing the reliable knowledge of CDI in France based on epidemiological surveillance implemented in health-care settings.