21 ± 0.74 mg/s and the 1-5 sequence at 100%, respectively. The prototype has shown that the friction-based transportation principle has the potential of becoming a viable and reliable alternative to aspiration as a transportation method within MIS.Lignin-carbohydrate complex (LCC) is the biological macromolecule that has been demonstrated to exert multiple biological functions, including antioxidant, anti-inflammation and anti-tumorigenesis, which support its broad application in the bioengineering field. However, it remains elusive the involvements of LCC in human neurological disorders, especially those with the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs). In this study, we found a previously undetermined anti-protein aggregation activity of LCC. Initially, two individual LCC preparations and carbohydrate-free lignin were isolated from the water-extracted waste residues of Chionanthus retusus (C. retusus) tender leaves. The chemical compositional analysis revealed that lignin (61.5%) is the predominant constituent in the lignin-rich LCC (LCC-L-CR), whereas the carbohydrate-rich LCC (LCC-C-CR) is mainly composed of carbohydrate (60.9%) with the xylan as the major constituent (42.1%). The NMR structural characterization showed that LCC-L-CR preparation is enriched in benzyl ether linkage, while phenyl glycoside is the predominant type of linkage in LCC-C-CR. Both LCC and lignin preparations showed antioxidant activities as exemplified by their abilities to scavenge free radicals in cultured mammalian cells and ROS in zebrafish. We further demonstrated a pronounced capability of LCC-L-CR in inhibiting the aggregation of expanded Ataxin-3, disease protein of SCA type 3, in human neuronal cells. Taken together, our study highlights the antioxidant and novel anti-protein aggregation activities of the C. retusus tender leaves-derived LCC.Vision loss is a major complication in common ocular infections and diseases such as bacterial keratitis, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR). The prevalence of such ophthalmic diseases represents an urgent need to develop safe, effective, and long-term treatments. Current therapies are riddled with drawbacks and limitations which calls for the exploration of alternative drug delivery mechanisms. Toxicity of the inorganic metals and metal oxides used for drug delivery raise safety concerns that are alleviated with the alternate use of, a natural and organic polymer which is both biocompatible and environmentally friendly. Carbon dots (CDs) represent a great potential in novel biomedical applications due to their tunable fluorescence, biocompatibility, and ability to be conjugated with diverse therapeutic materials. There is a growing interest on the exploitation of these properties for drug delivery with enhanced bio-imaging. However, there are limited reports of CD applications for ophthalmic indications. In this review, we focus on the CD potential and the development of translational therapies for ophthalmic diseases. The current review presents better understanding of fabrication of CDs and how it may be useful in delivering anti-bacterial agents, anti-VEGF molecules as well as imaging for ophthalmic applications.Closing water loops in chemical industries result in hot and highly saline residual streams, often characterized by high strength and the presence of refractory or toxic compounds. These streams are attractive for anaerobic technologies, provided the chemical compounds are biodegradable. However, under such harsh conditions, effective biomass immobilization is difficult, limiting the use of the commonly applied sludge bed reactors. In this study, we assessed the long-term phenol conversion capacity of a lab-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) operated at 55°C, and high salinity (18 gNa+.L-1). Over 388 days, bioreactor performance and microbial community dynamics were monitored using specific methanogenic activity (SMA) assays, phenol conversion rate assays, volatile fatty acids permeate characterization and Illumina MiSeq analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Phenol accumulation to concentrations exceeding 600 mgPh.L-1 in the reactor significantly reduced methanogenesis at different phases of operationlasses, dominated the microbial community and were enriched during the three phases of operation, while the aceticlastic Methanosaeta species remarkably decreased. Our findings clearly showed that highly saline phenolic wastewaters could be satisfactorily treated in a thermophilic AnMBR and that the specific phenol conversion capacity was limiting the treatment process. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Staurosporine.html The possibility of efficient chemical wastewater treatment under the challenging studied conditions would represent a major breakthrough for the widespread application of AnMBR technology.Head motion induced by impacts has been deemed as one of the most important measures in brain injury prediction, given that the vast majority of brain injury metrics use head kinematics as input. Recently, researchers have focused on using fast approaches, such as machine learning, to approximate brain deformation in real time for early brain injury diagnosis. However, training such models requires large number of kinematic measurements, and therefore data augmentation is required given the limited on-field measured data available. In this study we present a principal component analysis-based method that emulates an empirical low-rank substitution for head impact kinematics, while requiring low computational cost. In characterizing our existing data set of 537 head impacts, each consisting of 6 degrees of freedom measurements, we found that only a few modes, e.g., 15 in the case of angular velocity, is sufficient for accurate reconstruction of the entire data set. Furthermore, these modes are predominantly lo available on our website.We propose a novel wearable robotic glove or exo-glove design scalable to the variation of the hand kinematics. While most of the traditional robot hand is driven by rotating the joint directly with a rigid body, our exo-glove deforms a robotic finger's skin and, thus, the hand skeleton joints. Multiple tendons woven on the exo-glove's surface can make multi-DOF finger joint motions. We allocated tendons to mimic a hand's intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. Thus, a robotic hand actuated with the exo-glove can perform natural finger motions, including abduction/adduction and flexion/extension of finger joints. Moreover, additional tendons for the thumb enable power grips and the robotic hand's human-like motion. The proposed design approach places all the actuators on the surface without directly actuating any of the hand skeleton's joint. Therefore, a random hand skeleton can work as a robotic hand by putting the wearable robotic glove on it. Thus, the proposed model provides a high degree of freedom on choosing hand skeletons.