Nocebo effect should not be overlooked since it can negatively influence outcomes of biosimilar-treated subjects, limiting the wide use of biosimilars. Evaluating the outcomes of reverse, multiple, and cross-switch will be a challenge for the next years. Adoption of biosimilars in clinical practice represents a great opportunity from an economic point of view, reducing healthcare costs and increasing patients' access to effective biologic treatments. Clinicians should be aware and confident of the latest evidence on available biosimilars and be very careful in communicating information to patients. Nocebo effect should not be overlooked since it can negatively influence outcomes of biosimilar-treated subjects, limiting the wide use of biosimilars. Evaluating the outcomes of reverse, multiple, and cross-switch will be a challenge for the next years.Peer victimization patterns from elementary school transitioning into late middle school have not been assessed in detail. Even less work has considered how these patterns differ across family context and then are linked to delinquency in adolescence. This study used longitudinal data (n = 2,892) from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to examine peer victimization classification and change over six years while distinguishing across sex and family contexts. Latent transition analysis (LTA) shows that youth can be classified into minor victimization, mainly verbal victimization, and all-type victimization subgroups over time with some sex differences, regardless of whether they were in two-parent families. The majority of the youth were in either the mainly verbal victimization (53% for boys; 42% for girls) or all-type victimization (12% for boys; 21% for girls) statuses when they were about 9 years old, but substantial transition positioned most boys (84%) and girls (82%) in the minor victimization status instead when they were about 15 years old. Youth who were Hispanic, in two-parent families, and more open to parents had a reduced risk of peer victimization, but youth who were in a poor family had an increased risk of peer victimization. Peer victimization statuses were significantly associated with youth delinquency, and there were sex and time differences in the association. In year 9, 45% to 94% of boys and 24% to 75% of girls were involved in delinquency based on their victimization statuses, but the difference was 48% to 67% for boys and 39% to 59% for girls in year 15. The findings suggest developing and implementing peer victimization prevention starting from early elementary school, concurrently addressing peer victimization and delinquency, and paying close attention to sex and family context differences. Everyday information and communication technologies (EICTs) are increasingly being used in our society, for both general and health-related purposes. This study aims to compare how older adults with cognitive impairment perceive relevance and level of EICT challenge between eHealth use and general use. This cross-sectional study includes 32 participants (65-85years of age) with cognitive impairment of different origins (due to e.g., stroke or dementia). The Short Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire+ (S-ETUQ+) was used, providing information about the relevance of EICTs and measuring the EICT level of challenge. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics, standardized -tests and Fisher's exact tests. The significance level was set to  < .05. The result shows that the perceived amount of relevant EICTs for eHealth use was lower in all 16 EICTs compared to those of general use. About the perceived level of challenge, a significant difference was detected in one of the seven included EICTs betwhe purpose of using an EICT affects the perceived relevance of it. Also, once an EICT is perceived as relevant and used for eHealth purposes, there seem to be little to no differences in perceived challenge compared to the same EICT used for general purposes. Implications for rehabilitation All stakeholders, including health care providers, need to be aware of the hindrances that come with digitalization, making it challenging to many citizens to make use of digital solutions. It is of great importance that social services including eHealth services be tailored to suit the individual/target group. Older adults may need support and an introduction to EICTs to discover the potential relevance of the specific device and/or service. Low serum free triiodothyronine (FT3) levels are associated with the occurrence of coronary heart disease and with the prognosis of cardiovascular diseases. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between FT3 levels and risk stratification in Chinese Han patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) treatment. Plasma FT3 levels and other parameters were measured in 191 patients with ACS who received PCI. The risk of adverse cardiovascular events was assessed using the Age, Creatinine, and Ejection Fraction (ACEF) score. FT3 levels were significantly lower in the high-risk group than in the medium- and low-risk groups. Serum FT3 levels were negatively linearly correlated with the ACEF score (r = -0.590). Stepwise regression analysis showed a negative correlation between FT3 levels and the risk of adverse cardiovascular events as measured by the ACEF score (standardized β = -0.261). Serum FT3 levels are negatively related to risk stratification in patients with ACS. Serum FT3 levels may be used as a potential predictor for adverse outcomes of patients with ACS undergoing PCI. Serum FT3 levels are negatively related to risk stratification in patients with ACS. Serum FT3 levels may be used as a potential predictor for adverse outcomes of patients with ACS undergoing PCI. Heart involvement in vasculitis is rare, but potentially severe. The ascertainment of cardiac disease in vasculitis is complex and requires an integrated multidisciplinary approach involving the Rheumatologist, Radiologist, Cardiologist, and Heart surgeon. the authors searched PubMed using the keywords 'heart'[Mesh] and vasculitis"[Mesh]. Virtually any vasculitis can affect the heart, but cardiac involvement is more common in some vasculitides such as Takayasu arteritis, polyarteritis nodosa, and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Immunosuppressive treatment and when indicated surgery can improve the prognosis. Virtually any vasculitis can affect the heart, but cardiac involvement is more common in some vasculitides such as Takayasu arteritis, polyarteritis nodosa, and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Immunosuppressive treatment and when indicated surgery can improve the prognosis.