The change process in addictive behaviours can be long and cause caregivers and patients to question their competences. In this context, caregivers are invited to adopt a coaching approach. They can then use this expertise to support a partnership relationship, which encourages the sharing of power while at the same time lightening each other's "load".The concept of addiction emerged subsequent to the moral approaches of the end ofthe 19th century as a pathological behaviour. The manuals which classify mental disorders, together with the notion of substance-related disorders, enable them to be approached with a medical vision. The subject of numerous, often heated or divisive debates, addictology requires a clinical approach. The treatment of addiction must involve professionals from the medical, nursing, psychological and social fields. This multi-disciplinarity encourages each player to consider their own nursing identity while taking into account that of each other.As technologies continue to evolve at exponential rates, online platforms are becoming an increasingly salient social context for adolescents. Adolescents are often early adopters, savvy users, and innovators of technology use. This not only creates new vulnerabilities but also presents new opportunities for positive impact-particularly, the use of technology to promote healthy learning and adaptation during developmental windows of opportunity. For example, early adolescence appears to represent a developmental inflection point in health trajectories and in technology use in ways that may be strategically targeted for prevention and intervention. The field of adolescent health can capitalize on technology use during developmental windows of opportunity to promote well-being and behavior change in the following ways (1) through a deeper understanding of the specific ways that developmental changes create new opportunities for motivation and enga