Using AP-MS, fifty-four 'high confidence' tomato proteins were identified that specifically co-purified with Rep. For two of them, an unknown EWS-like RNA-binding protein (called Geminivirus Rep interacting EWS-like protein 1 or GRIEP1) and an isoform of the THO complex subunit 4A (ALY1), we were able to confirm this interaction with Rep in planta using a second method, bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC). The THO subunit 4 is part of the THO/TREX (TRanscription-EXport) complex, which controls RNA splicing and nuclear export of mRNA to the cytoplasm and is also connected to plant disease resistance. This work represents the first step towards characterization of novel host factors with a putative role in the life cycle of TYLCV and possibly other geminiviruses.The colonization of land by descendants of charophyte green algae marked a turning point in Earth history that enabled the development of the diverse terrestrial ecosystems we see today. Early land plants diversified into three gametophyte-dominant lineages, namely the hornworts, liverworts, and mosses, collectively known as bryophytes, and a sporophyte-dominant lineage, the vascular plants, or tracheophytes. In recent decades, the prevailing view of evolutionary relationships among these four lineages has been that the tracheophytes were derived from a bryophyte ancestor. However, recent phylogenetic evidence has suggested that bryophytes are monophyletic, and thus that the first split among land plants gave rise to the lineages that today we recognize as the bryophytes and tracheophytes. We present a phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast protein-coding data that also supports the monophyly of bryophytes. This newly compiled data set consists of 83 chloroplast genes sampled across 30 taxa that include chlorophytes and charophytes, including four members of the Zygnematophyceae, and land plants, that were sampled following a balanced representation of the main bryophyte and tracheophyte lineages. Analyses of non-synonymous site nucleotide data and amino acid translation data result in congruent phylogenetic trees showing the monophyly of bryophytes, with the Zygnematophyceae as the charophyte group most closely related to land plants. Analyses showing that bryophytes and tracheophytes evolved separately from a common terrestrial ancestor have profound implications for the way we understand the evolution of plant life cycles on land and how we interpret the early land plant fossil record.Random mutagenesis was applied to produce a new wheat mutant (RYNO3926) with superior characteristics regarding tolerance to water deficit stress induced at late booting stage. The mutant also displays rapid recovery from water stress conditions. Under water stress conditions mutant plants reached maturity faster and produced more seeds than its wild type wheat progenitor. Wild-type Tugela DN plants died within 7 days after induction of water stress induced at late booting stage, while mutant plants survived by maintaining a higher relative moisture content (RMC), increased total chlorophyll, and a higher photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance. Analysis of the proteome of mutant plants revealed that they better regulate post-translational modification (SUMOylation) and have increased expression of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) proteins. Mutant plants also expressed unique proteins associated with dehydration tolerance including abscisic stress-ripening protein, cold induced protein, cold-responsive protein, dehydrin, Group 3 late embryogenesis, and a lipoprotein (LAlv9) belonging to the family of lipocalins. Overall, our results suggest that our new mutant RYNO3936 has a potential for inclusion in future breeding programs to improve drought tolerance under dryland conditions.Petunia plants with unusual orange flowers were noticed on the European market and confirmed to be genetically modified (GM) by the Finnish authorities in spring 2017. Later in 2017, inspections and controls performed by several official laboratories of national competent authorities in the European Union detected several GM petunia varieties with orange flowers, but also another group of unusually colored flowers. In the latter group, a so far undetected gene coding for a flavonoid 3'5' hydroxylase (F3'5'H) responsible for the purple color was identified by German and Dutch authorities, suggesting that the petunias found on the markets contain different genetic constructs. Here, a strategy is described for the identification of GM petunia varieties. It is based on an initial GMO screening for known elements using (real-time) PCR and subsequent identification of the insertion sites by a gene walking-like approach called ALF (amplification of linearly-enriched fragments) in combination with Sanger and MinION sequencing. The results indicate that the positively identified GM petunias can be traced back to two dissimilar GM events used for breeding of the different varieties. The test results also confirm that the transgenic petunia event RL01-17 used in the first German field trial in 1991 is not the origin of the GM petunias sold on the market. On basis of the obtained sequence data, event-specific real-time PCR confirmatory methods were developed and validated. These methods are applicable for the rapid detection and identification of GM petunias in routine analysis. In addition, a decision support system was developed for revealing the most likely origin of the GM petunia.Crops during their early growth stages are vulnerable to a wide range of environmental stressors; thus, earlier seed invigoration and seedling establishment are essential in crop production. As an alternative to synthetic chemical treatments, plasma technology could be one of the emerging technologies to enhance seed germination and seedling vigor by managing environmental stressors. Recent studies have shown its beneficial effects in various stress conditions, suggesting that plasma treatment can be used for early crop stress management. This paper reviewed the effects of different types of plasma treatments on plant responses in terms of the seed surface environment (seed scarification and pathogen inactivation) and physiological processes (an enhanced antioxidant system and activated defense response) during the early growth stages of plants. As a result, plasma treatment can enhance seed invigoration and seedling establishment by alleviating the adverse effects of environmental stressors such as drought, salinity, and pathogen infection.