COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on towns and cities throughout the world. However, with the gradual easing of lockdown policies in most countries, the majority of non-essential retail businesses are trying their best to bounce back both economically and socially. Nevertheless, the efforts of retail traders are hampered by uncertainty regarding what capacity measures need to be taken, and there is an urgent need to understand how social distancing can be safely followed and implemented in these spaces. This paper draws from retail space allocation, crowd science, operational research and ergonomics/biomechanics to develop a method for identifying the minimum amount of space an individual needs to socially distance in shops, markets, shopping centres and open commercial spaces, when there are other people present. The area required per person is calculated for both static space (where people are seated, standing or queuing, for example) and dynamic space (where people need to walk freely). We propose our method as a step forward in understanding the very practical problem of capacity, which can hopefully allow retail spaces to operate safely, and minimise the risk of virus transmission.This work presents a mobility indicator derived from fully anonymised and aggregated mobile positioning data. Even though the indicator does not provide information about the behaviour of individuals, it captures valuable insights into the mobility patterns of the population in the EU and it is expected to inform responses against the COVID-19 pandemic. Spatio-temporal harmonisation is carried out so that the indicator can provide mobility estimates comparable across European countries. The indicators are provided at a high spatial granularity (up to NUTS3). As an application, the indicator is used to study the impact of COVID-19 confinement measure on mobility in Europe. It is found that a large proportion of the change in mobility patterns can be explained by these measures. The paper also presents a comparative analysis between mobility and the infection reproduction number R t over time. These findings will support policymakers in formulating the best data-driven approaches for coming out of confinement, mapping the socio-economic effects of the lockdown measures and building future scenarios in case of new outbreaks.The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented global crisis and led to a huge number of deaths, economic hardship and the disruption of everyday life. Measures to restrict accessibility adopted by many countries were a swift yet effective response to contain the spread of the virus. Within this topic, this paper aims to support policies and decision makers in defining the most appropriate strategies to manage the Covid-19 crisis. Precisely the correlation between positive Covid-19 cases and transport accessibility of an area was investigated through a multiple linear regression model. Estimation results show that transport accessibility was the variable that better explained the number of Covid-19 infections (about 40% in weight), meaning that the greater is the accessibility of a certain geographical area, the easier the virus reaches its population. Furthermore, other context variables were also significant, i.e. socio-economic, territorial and pollutant variables. Estimated findings show that accessibility, which is often used to measure the wealth of an area, becomes its worst enemy during a pandemic, providing to be the main vehicle of contagion among its citizens. These original results allow the definition of possible policies and/or best practices to better manage mobility restrictions. The quantitative estimates performed show that a possible and probably more sustainable policy for containing social interactions could be to apply lockdowns in proportion to the transport accessibility of the areas concerned, in the sense that the higher the accessibility, the tighter should be the mobility restriction policies adopted.The COVID-19 pandemic unveils unforeseen and unprecedented fragilities in supply chains (SC). A primary stressor of SCs and their subsequent shocks derives from disruption propagation (i.e., the ripple effect) through related networks. In this paper, we conceptualize current state and future research directions on the ripple effect for pandemic context. We scrutinize the existing OR (Operational Research) studies published in international journals dealing with disruption propagation and structural dynamics in SCs. Our study pursues two major contributions in relation to two research questions. First, we collate state-of-the-art research on disruption propagation in SCs and identify a methodical taxonomy along with theories displaying their value and applications for coping with the impacts of pandemics on SCs. Second, we reveal and systemize managerial insights from theory used for operating (adapting) amid a pandemic and during times of recovery, along with becoming more resistant to future pandemics. Streamlining the literature allowed us to reveal several new research tensions and novel categorizations and classifications. The outcomes of our study show that methodical contributions and the resulting managerial insights can be categorized into three levels, i.e., network, process, and control. Our analysis reveals that adaptation capabilities play the most crucial role in managing the SCs under pandemic disruptions. Our findings depict how the existing OR methods can help coping with the ripple effect at five pandemic stages (i.e., Anticipation; Early Detection; Containment; Control and Mitigation; and Elimination) following the WHO classification. The outcomes and findings of our study can be used by industry and researchers alike to progress the decision-support systems guiding SCs amid the COVID-19 pandemic and toward recovery. Suggestions for future research directions are offered and discussed.The recent pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 caused by a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), poses a threat to public health globally. Thus, developing a rapid, accurate, and easy-to-implement diagnostic system for SARS-CoV-2 is crucial for controlling infection sources and monitoring illness progression. Here, we reported an ultrasensitive electrochemical detection technology using calixarene functionalized graphene oxide for targeting RNA of SARS-CoV-2. Based on a supersandwich-type recognition strategy, the technology was confirmed to practicably detect the RNA of SARS-CoV-2 without nucleic acid amplification and reverse-transcription by using a portable electrochemical smartphone. The biosensor showed high specificity and selectivity during in silico analysis and actual testing. A total of 88 RNA extracts from 25 SARS-CoV-2-confirmed patients and eight recovery patients were detected using the biosensor. The detectable ratios (85.5 % and 46.2 %) were higher than those obtained using RT-qPCR (56.