Secondly, the localized surface plasmon in Au NPs underneath the 1L-MoS2film initiates exciton-plasmon coupling between excitons of the 1L-MoS2and surface plasmons of the Au NPs at the MoS2/Au interface. The PL and Raman analyses further confirm the p-doping effect. We isolate the contributions of plasmon enhancement from the theoretical calculation of the field enhancement factor using the effective medium approximation of plasmonic heterostructure, which is in excellent agreement with the experimental data. This work paves a way for the rational design of the plasmonic heterostructure for the effective improvement in the light emission efficiency of 1L-MoS2, and may enable engineering the different contributions to enhance the optoelectronic performance of 2D heterostructures.Nanomaterials have revolutionized multiple aspects of medicine by enabling novel sensing, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. Advancements in processing and fabrication have also allowed significant expansion in the applications of the major classes of nanomaterials based on polymer, metal/metal oxide, carbon, liposome, or multi-scale macro-nano bulk materials. Concomitantly, concerns regarding the nanotoxicity and overall biocompatibility of nanomaterials have been raised. These involve putative negative effects on both patients and those subjected to occupational exposure during manufacturing. In this review, we describe the current state of testing of nanomaterials including those that are in clinical use, in clinical trials, or under development. We also discuss the cellular and molecular interactions that dictate their toxicity and biocompatibility. Specifically, we focus on the reciprocal interactions between nanomaterials and host proteins, lipids, and sugars and how these induce responses in immune and other cell types leading to topical and/or systemic effects.Cell seeding on 3D scaffolds is a very delicate step in tissue engineering applications, influencing the outcome of the subsequent culture phase, and determining the results of the entire experiment. Thus, it is crucial to maximize its efficiency. To this purpose, a detailed study of the influence of the geometry of the scaffold fibers on dynamic seeding efficiency is presented. 3D printing technology was used to realize PLA porous scaffolds, formed by fibers with a non-circular cross-sectional geometry, named multilobed to highlight the presence of niches and ridges. An oscillating perfusion bioreactor was used to perform bidirectional dynamic seeding of MG63 cells. The fiber shape influences the fluid dynamic parameters of the flow, affecting values of fluid velocity and wall shear stress. The path followed by cells through the scaffold fibers is also affected and results in a larger number of adhered cells in multilobed scaffolds compared to scaffolds with standard pseudo cylindrical fibers. Geometrical and fluid dynamic features can also have an influence on the morphology of adhered cells. The obtained results suggest that the reciprocal influence of geometrical and fluid dynamic features and their combined effect on cell trajectories should be considered to improve the dynamic seeding efficiency when designing scaffold architecture.Despite improvements in small animal PET instruments, many tracers cannot be imaged at sufficiently high resolutions due to positron range, while multi-tracer PET is hampered by the fact that all annihilation photons have equal energies. Here we realize multi-isotope and sub-mm resolution PET of isotopes with several mm positron range by utilizing prompt gamma photons that are commonly neglected. A PET-SPECT-CT scanner (VECTor/CT, MILabs, The Netherlands) equipped with a high-energy cluster-pinhole collimator was used to image 124I and a mix of 124I and 18F in phantoms and mice. In addition to positrons (mean range 3.4 mm) 124I emits large amounts of 603 keV prompt gammas that-aided by excellent energy discrimination of NaI-were selected to reconstruct 124I images that are unaffected by positron range. Photons detected in the 511 keV window were used to reconstruct 18F images. Images were reconstructed iteratively using an energy dependent matrix for each isotope. Correction of 18F images for contamination with 124I annihilation photons was performed by Monte Carlo based range modelling and scaling of the 124I prompt gamma image before subtracting it from the 18F image. Additionally, prompt gamma imaging was tested for 89Zr that emits very high-energy prompts (909 keV). In Derenzo resolution phantoms 0.75 mm rods were clearly discernable for 124I, 89Zr and for simultaneously acquired 124I and 18F imaging. Image quantification in phantoms with reservoirs filled with both 124I and 18F showed excellent separation of isotopes and high quantitative accuracy. Mouse imaging showed uptake of 124I in tiny thyroid parts and simultaneously injected 18F-NaF in bone structures. The ability to obtain PET images at sub-mm resolution both for isotopes with several mm positron range and for multi-isotope PET adds to many other unique capabilities of VECTor's clustered pinhole imaging, including simultaneous sub-mm PET-SPECT and theranostic high energy SPECT.The aim of this paper is to present the use of a portable, unshielded magnetocardiograph (MCG) and identify key characteristics of MCG scans that could be used in future studies to identify parameters that are sensitive to cardiac pathology. We recruited 50 patients with confirmed myocardial infarction (MI) within the past 12 weeks and 46 volunteers with no history of cardiac disease. A set of 38 parameters were extracted from MCG features including both signals from the sensor array and from magnetic images obtained from the device and principal component analysis was used to concentrate the information contained in these parameters into uncorrelated predictors. Linear fits of these parameters were then used to examine the ability of MCG to distinguish between sub-groups of patients. In the fist instance, the primary aim of this study was to ensure that MCG has a basic ability to separate a highly polarised patient group (young controls from post infarction patients) and to identify parameters that could be used in future studies to build a formal diagnostic tool kit.