RGB channel splitting and image subtraction produced a map closely resembling that of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness map on OCT. While OCT imaging is rapidly progressing in the area of optic disc and chamber angle assessment, rising healthcare costs and lack of availability of the technology open a demand for alternative and cost-minimizing forms of image analysis in glaucoma. Volumetric, geometric, and segmentational data obtained through digital image analysis correspond well to those obtained by OCT imaging. While OCT imaging is rapidly progressing in the area of optic disc and chamber angle assessment, rising healthcare costs and lack of availability of the technology open a demand for alternative and cost-minimizing forms of image analysis in glaucoma. Volumetric, geometric, and segmentational data obtained through digital image analysis correspond well to those obtained by OCT imaging.Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are a major public health problem in tropical and developing countries in relation to poverty, inadequate hygiene, and sanitation. This study was aimed at assessing the status of STH and associated risk factors among school children in the case of Sekela primary school. Cross-sectional descriptive studies were conducted in May 2019 and from 384 children, both males and females of equal proportion were used. A stool sample was collected randomly and examined in the laboratory under a microscope. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. The difference was considered statistically significant at p value = 0.05. The overall STH infections observed in the study area were about 25.78% and were moderate transmission. The predominant helminth was A. lumbricoides (9.86%) followed by hookworm 6.25%, T. trichiura 5%, H. nana 3.10%, and H. diminuta 1.56%. Infections were generally more in males than females, in which 15.36% males and 10.41% females. In the case of age group, age groups between 7-8 years were more infected (13.28%). Infection rate decreases with increasing ages. Multivariate logistic regression analysis result indicated that wearing shoes, hand washing practice, family member, and residence were found to be associated risk factors for STH infections. Being urban dwellers and having family members with less than 2 children were found to be preventive. Lack of latrine, playing barefoot, untrimmed fingernail, eating raw vegetables, and absence of hand washing were major risk factors. In conclusion, the study showed that there was moderate transmission of infection among the study participants. Community-based health education using media, morbidity control through deworming, and improving sanitation should be strengthened as a measurement to control the transmission rate.An MR-Linac can provide motion information of tumour and organs-at-risk before, during, and after beam delivery. However, MR imaging cannot provide real-time high-quality volumetric images which capture breath-to-breath variability of respiratory motion. Surrogate-driven motion models relate the motion of the internal anatomy to surrogate signals, thus can estimate the 3D internal motion from these signals. Internal surrogate signals based on patient anatomy can be extracted from 2D cine-MR images, which can be acquired on an MR-Linac during treatment, to build and drive motion models. In this paper we investigate different MRI-derived surrogate signals, including signals generated by applying principal component analysis to the image intensities, or control point displacements derived from deformable registration of the 2D cine-MR images. We assessed the suitability of the signals to build models that can estimate the motion of the internal anatomy, including sliding motion and breath-to-breath variability. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/deg-35.html We quantitatively evaluated the models by estimating the 2D motion in sagittal and coronal slices of 8 lung cancer patients, and comparing them to motion measurements obtained from image registration. For sagittal slices, using the first and second principal components on the control point displacements as surrogate signals resulted in the highest model accuracy, with a mean error over patients around 0.80 mm which was lower than the in-plane resolution. For coronal slices, all investigated signals except the skin signal produced mean errors over patients around 1 mm. These results demonstrate that surrogate signals derived from 2D cine-MR images, including those generated by applying principal component analysis to the image intensities or control point displacements, can accurately model the motion of the internal anatomy within a single sagittal or coronal slice. This implies the signals should also be suitable for modelling the 3D respiratory motion of the internal anatomy.COVID-19 pandemic is a global health matter. The disease spread rapidly across the globe and brought the world of sports to an unprecedented stoppage. Usual symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, myalgia, fatigue, slight dyspnoea, sore throat and headache. In more severe cases, dyspnoea, hypoxaemia, respiratory failure, shock and multiorgan failure occur. This appears to be a self-limiting phenomenon related to individuals with coexisting medical conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Nevertheless, cases have been reported in professional soccer players in extremely good fitness condition, demonstrating that athletes are not spared by the disease. Despite COVID-19 clinical manifestations are mainly respiratory, major cardiac complications are being reported, leading to acute myocarditis. One difficulty is that symptoms of COVID-19 vary among individuals, with athletes being affected with no apparent sign of the disease. This could be a real danger for amateur or professional athletes when returning to their usual training and thus to play. Another threat is that the lock-down policies did not allow most athletes to follow their usual training routines. There is thus a need for a careful approach by the sports medicine community to ensure safety of all athletes before they return to sport. Here, we propose evaluation guidelines of fitness and health of athletes to (1) reduce any lethal risk of practice, especially myocarditis and sudden cardiac death; (2) evaluate the combined consequences of the disease and detraining on the physical abilities and biological profile of athletes; and (3) monitor postinfection fatigue symptoms.