Heterozygous mutations in the human SOX9 gene cause the skeletal malformation syndrome campomelic dysplasia which in 75% of 46, XY individuals is associated with male-to-female sex reversal. Although studies in homozygous Sox9 knockout mouse models confirmed that SOX9 is critical for testis development, mice heterozygous for the Sox9-null allele were reported to develop normal testes. This led to the belief that the SOX9 dosage requirement for testis differentiation is different between humans, which often require both alleles, and mice, in which one allele is sufficient. However, in prior studies, gonadal phenotypes in heterozygous Sox9 XY mice were assessed only by either gross morphology, histological staining or analyzed on a mixed genetic background. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/4u8c.html In this study, we conditionally inactivated Sox9 in somatic cells of developing gonads using the Nr5a1-Cre mouse line on a pure C57BL/6 genetic background. Section and whole-mount immunofluorescence for testicular and ovarian markers showed that XY Sox9 heterozygous gonads developed as ovotestes. Quantitative droplet digital PCR confirmed a 50% reduction of Sox9 mRNA as well as partial sex reversal shown by an upregulation of ovarian genes. Our data show that haploinsufficiency of Sox9 can perturb testis development in mice, suggesting that mice may provide a more accurate model of human disorders/differences of sex development than previously thought.In addition to including one of the most popular companion animals, species from the cat family Felidae serve as a powerful system for genetic analysis of inherited and infectious disease, as well as for the study of phenotypic evolution and speciation. Previous diploid-based genome assemblies for the domestic cat have served as the primary reference for genomic studies within the cat family. However, these versions suffered from poor resolution of complex and highly repetitive regions, with substantial amounts of unplaced sequence that is polymorphic or copy number variable. We sequenced the genome of a female F1 Bengal hybrid cat, the offspring of a domestic cat (Felis catus) x Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) cross, with PacBio long sequence reads and used Illumina sequence reads from the parents to phase >99.9% of the reads into the 2 species' haplotypes. De novo assembly of the phased reads produced highly continuous haploid genome assemblies for the domestic cat and Asian leopard cat, with contig N50 statistics exceeding 83 Mb for both genomes. Whole-genome alignments reveal the Felis and Prionailurus genomes are colinear, and the cytogenetic differences between the homologous F1 and E4 chromosomes represent a case of centromere repositioning in the absence of a chromosomal inversion. Both assemblies offer significant improvements over the previous domestic cat reference genome, with a 100% increase in contiguity and the capture of the vast majority of chromosome arms in 1 or 2 large contigs. We further demonstrated that comparably accurate F1 haplotype phasing can be achieved with members of the same species when one or both parents of the trio are not available. These novel genome resources will empower studies of feline precision medicine, adaptation, and speciation. How are progesterone (P4)-induced repetitive intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) signals (oscillations) in human sperm generated? P4-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations are generated in the flagellum by membrane potential (Vm)-sensitive Ca2+-influx through CatSper channels. A subset of human sperm display [Ca2+]i oscillations that regulate flagellar beating and acrosome reaction. Although pharmacological manipulations indicate involvement of stored Ca2+ in these oscillations, influx of extracellular Ca2+ is also required. This was a laboratory study that used >20 sperm donors and involved more than 100 separate experiments and analysis of more than 1000 individual cells over a period of 2 years. Semen donors and patients were recruited in accordance with local ethics approval from Birmingham University and Tayside ethics committees. [Ca2+]i responses and Vm of individual cells were examined by fluorescence imaging and whole-cell current clamp. P4-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations originated in the f CLRB are recipients of a Chief Scientist Office (NHS Scotland) grant TCS/17/28. The authors have no conflicts of interest. E.T.-N. was in receipt of a postgraduate scholarship from the CAPES Foundation (Ministry of Education, Brazil). E.M-M received travel funds from the Programa de Apoyo a los Estudios de Posgrado (Maestria y Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas-Universidad Autonoma de Mexico). SGB and CLRB are recipients of a Chief Scientist Office (NHS Scotland) grant TCS/17/28. The authors have no conflicts of interest.The chronic relapsing nature of cocaine addiction suggests that chronic cocaine exposure produces persistent neuroadaptations that may be temporally and regionally dynamic in brain areas such as the dopaminergic (DA) system. We have previously shown altered metabolism of DA-target structures, the ventral and dorsal striatum, between early and late abstinence. However, specific changes within the midbrain DA system were not investigated. Here, we investigated potential time and region-specific changes of activity in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) in rats that had extended or limited access to cocaine and later underwent a period of abstinence. We found that DA activity is decreased only in the VTA in rats with extended access to cocaine, with no changes in SNc DA activity. These changes in VTA DA activity may participate in the negative emotional state and in the incubation of drug seeking that occur during abstinence from cocaine.N-ethylpentylone (NEP, ephylone, bk-EBDP) was the most prevalent synthetic cathinone detected by the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Toxicology Laboratory from 2016-2018. There is limited information regarding the toxicity of NEP, however the few published reports suggest that NEP can cause serious toxic effects and sudden death. The purpose of this publication is to describe a validated LC-MS/MS method for seven synthetic cathinones (methylone, ethylone, butylone, dibutylone, α-PVP, pentylone, and NEP) and to present a detailed summary regarding the presence of NEP in postmortem casework at the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Department. Post-mortem iliac blood, serum, liver, and brain specimens were prepared by solid-phase extraction with analysis by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS-MS). Analyte linearity was established from 0.01 to 0.5 mg/L on a six-point calibration curve. A total of 101 NEP quantitations were performed using this method. Concentrations in postmortem case samples ranged from 0.