naPPA speech was distinct from PSPS-CBS with shorter speech segments, more frequent pauses, slower speech rate, reduced verb production, and higher partial word production. In both groups, acoustic duration measures generally correlated with speech fluency, measured as words per minute, and grammatical performance. Speech measures did not correlate with standard neuropsychological measures. CSF pTau levels correlated with f0 range in PSPS-CBS and naPPA. Lexical and acoustic speech features of PSPS-CBS overlaps those of naPPA and are related to CSF pTau levels. Lexical and acoustic speech features of PSPS-CBS overlaps those of naPPA and are related to CSF pTau levels. Advantages of digital clock drawing metrics for dementia subtype classification needs examination. To assess how well kinematic, time-based, and visuospatial features extracted from the digital Clock Drawing Test (dCDT) can classify a combined group of Alzheimer's disease/Vascular Dementia patients versus healthy controls (HC), and classify dementia patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) versus vascular dementia (VaD). Healthy, community-dwelling control participants (n = 175), patients diagnosed clinically with Alzheimer's disease (n = 29), and vascular dementia (n = 27) completed the dCDT to command and copy clock drawing conditions. Thirty-seven dCDT command and 37 copy dCDT features were extracted and used with Random Forest classification models. When HC participants were compared to participants with dementia, optimal area under the curve was achieved using models that combined both command and copy dCDT features (AUC = 91.52%). Similarly, when AD versus VaD participants were compared, optimal aneurocognitive biomarkers that may be able to identify and tract dementia syndromes. The model of executive attention proposes that temporal organization, i.e., the time necessary to bring novel tasks to fruition is an important construct that modulates executive control. Subordinate to temporal organization are the constructs of working memory, preparatory set, and inhibitory control. The current research operationally-defined the constructs underlying the theory of executive attention using intra-component latencies (i.e., reaction times) from a 5-span backward digit test from patients with suspected mild cognitive impairment (MCI). An iPad-version of the Backward Digit Span Test (BDT) was administered to memory clinic patients. Patients with (n = 22) and without (n = 36) MCI were classified. Outcome variables included intra-component latencies for all correct 5-span serial order responses. Average total time did not differ. A significant 2-group by 5-serial order latency interaction revealed the existence of distinct time epochs. Non-MCI patients produced slower latencies on initial (position 2-working memory/preparatory set) and latter (position 4-inhibitory control) correct serial order responses. By contrast, patients with MCI produced a slower latency for middle serial order responses (i.e., position 3-preparatory set). No group differences were obtained for incorrect 5-span test trials. The analysis of 5-span BDT serial order latencies found distinct epochs regarding how time was allocated in the context of successful test performance. Intra-component latencies obtained from tests assessing mental re-ordering may constitute useful neurocognitive biomarkers for emergent neurodegenerative illness. The analysis of 5-span BDT serial order latencies found distinct epochs regarding how time was allocated in the context of successful test performance. Intra-component latencies obtained from tests assessing mental re-ordering may constitute useful neurocognitive biomarkers for emergent neurodegenerative illness. Coupling digital technology with traditional neuropsychological test performance allows collection of high-precision metrics that can clarify and/or define underlying constructs related to brain and cognition. To identify graphomotor and information processing trajectories using a digitally administered version of the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST). A subset of Long Life Family Study participants (n = 1,594) completed the DSST. Total time to draw each symbol was divided into 'writing' and non-writing or 'thinking' time. Bayesian clustering grouped participants by change in median time over intervals of eight consecutively drawn symbols across the 90 s test. Clusters were characterized based on sociodemographic characteristics, health and physical function data, APOE genotype, and neuropsychological test scores. Clustering revealed four 'thinking' time trajectories, with two clusters showing significant changes within the test. Participants in these clusters obtained lower episodic memory scoresormance were differentially associated with measures of cognitive and physical function and may constitute specific neurocognitive biomarkers signaling the presence of subtle to mild dysfunction. Such information could inform the selection and timing of in-depth neuropsychological assessments and help target interventions. Pre-loss grief increases as dementia advances. Caregivers who experience pre-loss grief face risks to their own physical and psychological health. The study examined factors associated with pre-loss grief in caregivers of older adults with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) to determine whether overall caregiver experiences differ based on the stages of DLB in care recipients. The study also compared pre-loss grief in caregivers of DLB patients with that in caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias. Using a cross-sectional design, 714 caregivers of older adults with dementia (488 DLB, 81 AD, 145 other dementias) completed an online survey on pre-loss grief. Multivariate linear regression identified risk factors associated with pre-loss grief and analysis of variance examined whether pre-loss grief in caregivers differed significantly based on type of dementia or stage of DLB. Being the caregiver of a spouse, lower level of caregiver well-being, lower psychological well-being of the caregiver, and higher level of burden were associated (p < 0.