-to-day clinical practice conditions in several Cuban medical institutions, replicate our previous findings in clinical trials CIGB-247 is safe and immunogenic.BACKGROUND Indigenous domestic chicken represents a major source of protein for agricultural communities around the world. In the Middle East and Africa, they are adapted to hot dry and semi-dry areas, in contrast to their wild ancestor, the Red junglefowl, which lives in humid and sub-humid tropical areas. Indigenous populations are declining following increased demand for poultry meat and eggs, favouring the more productive exotic commercial breeds. In this paper, using the D-loop of mitochondrial DNA as a maternally inherited genetic marker, we address the question of the origin and dispersal routes of domestic chicken of the Middle East (Iraq and Saudi Arabia), the northern part of the African continent (Algeria and Libya) and the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia). RESULTS The analysis of the mtDNA D-loop of 706 chicken samples from Iraq (n = 107), Saudi Arabia (n = 185), Algeria (n = 88), Libya (n = 23), Ethiopia (n = 211) and Pakistan (n = 92) show the presence of five haplogroups (A, B, C, D and E), suggestingigenous chicken across populations and countries.BACKGROUND Primary care networks in Germany are formalized regional collaborations of physicians and other healthcare providers. Common goals are optimized healthcare processes and services for patients, enhanced communication, agency for professional concerns and strengthened economic power. In the ARena study (Sustainable reduction of antibiotic-induced antimicrobial resistance), 14 primary care networks in two federal German states aimed to promote appropriate antibiotics use for acute non-complicated infections by fostering awareness and understanding. Factors related to the role of primary care networks were to be identified. METHODS For this study, audio-recorded telephone interviews were conducted with physicians, non-physician health professionals and stakeholder representatives. Pseudonymized verbatim transcripts were coded using thematic analysis. In-depth analysis was based on the inductive categories 'social support', 'social learning', 'social normative pressures' and 'social contagion' to reflecnetwork peer exchange. They assumed their employers joined networks to offer improved and continuous care. Stakeholders (n = 7) expected networks and their members to be drivers for care optimization. CONCLUSION Primary care networks play a crucial role in providing a platform for professional peer exchange, social support and reassurance. With regards to their impact on antibiotic prescribing for acute non-complicated infections, networks seem to facilitate and amplify quality improvement programs by providing a platform for refreshing awareness, knowledge and self-reflection among care providers. They are well suited to promote a rational use of antibiotics. TRIAL REGISTRATION ISRCTN, ISRCTN58150046. Registered 24 August 2017.BACKGROUND Developing fruit is considered as an excellent model to study the complex network of metabolites which are altered rapidly during development. RESULTS Metabolomics revealed that developing psyllium fruit is a rich source of primary metabolites (ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids and amino-acids), secondary metabolites and natural antioxidants. Eidonomy and anatomy confirmed that psyllium fruit followed five stages of development. Total lipids and fatty acids were synthesized differentially; saturated fatty acids (FAs) increased, whereas total polyunsaturated FAs decreased with increasing developmental stage. The unsaturation index and degree of unsaturation showed a catenary curve. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/talabostat.html Principal component analysis confirmed a significant shift in the FA profile from bud initiation to the maturation stage. Similarly, a similar level of total amino acids was present at different developmental stage following a temporal biosynthesis pathway. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents decreased in tandem with fruit development. Twenty-two different metabolites were identified, and metabolic changes were also observed during fruit development. Six metabolites were detected exclusively in the flowering stage, whereas two were detected in each of early and maturity stages of development. The metabolites apigenin and kaempferol were detected ubiquitously in all developmental stages. Time-dependent metabolomics revealed a shift in metabolite biosynthesis. CONCLUSION During fruit development, metabolites, FAs, amino acids, total phenolics, total flavonoids, antioxidants and scavenging activities changed progressively and were co-ordinately linked to each other. As a future perspective, further studies will focus on the validation of identified metabolites, which integrated with transcriptomics data and will reveal the metabolic regulatory network of development psyllium fruit.BACKGROUND Body size traits as one of the main breeding selection criteria was widely used to monitor cattle growth and to evaluate the selection response. In this study, body size was defined as body height (BH), body length (BL), hip height (HH), heart size (HS), abdominal size (AS), and cannon bone size (CS). We performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of these traits over the course of three growth stages (6, 12 and 18 months after birth) using three statistical models, single-trait GWAS, multi-trait GWAS and LONG-GWAS. The Illumina Bovine HD 770 K BeadChip was used to identify genomic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 1217 individuals. RESULTS In total, 19, 29, and 10 significant SNPs were identified by the three models, respectively. Among these, 21 genes were promising candidate genes, including SOX2, SNRPD1, RASGEF1B, EFNA5, PTBP1, SNX9, SV2C, PKDCC, SYNDIG1, AKR1E2, and PRIM2 identified by single-trait analysis; SLC37A1, LAP3, PCDH7, MANEA, and LHCGR identified by multi-trait analysis; and P2RY1, MPZL1, LINGO2, CMIP, and WSCD1 identified by LONG-GWAS. CONCLUSIONS Multiple association analysis was performed for six growth traits at each growth stage. These findings offer valuable insights for the further investigation of potential genetic mechanism of growth traits in Simmental beef cattle.