iatric acute respiratory distress syndrome and may impact outcome. Modifiable factors exist that may improve adherence. An automated infrared pupillometer measures quantitative pupillary light reflex using a calibrated light stimulus. We examined whether the timing of performing quantitative pupillary light reflex or standard pupillary light reflex may impact its neuroprognostic performance in postcardiac arrest comatose patients and whether quantitative pupillary light reflex may outperform standard pupillary light reflex in early postresuscitation phase. PubMed and Embase databases from their inception to July 2020. We selected studies providing sufficient data of prognostic values of standard pupillary light reflex or quantitative pupillary light reflex to predict neurologic outcomes in adult postcardiac arrest comatose patients. Quantitative data required for building a 2 × 2 contingency table were extracted, and study quality was assessed using standard criteria. We used the bivariate random-effects model to estimate the pooled sensitivity and specificity of standard pupillary light reflex or quantitative pupillognostication algorithm. To investigate the association of socioeconomic status as measured by the average socioeconomic status of the area where a person resides on short-term mortality in adults admitted to an ICU in Queensland, Australia. Secondary data analysis using de-identified data from the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Centre for Outcome and Resource Evaluation linked to the publicly available area-level Index of Relative Socioeconomic Advantage and Disadvantage from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Adult ICUs from 35 hospitals in Queensland, Australia, from 2006 to 2015. A total of 218,462 patient admissions. None. The outcome measure was inhospital mortality. The main study variable was decile of Index of Relative Socioeconomic Advantage and Disadvantage. The ove