The analysis indicated high interventricular synchrony of the ion channels expressions and the substantially lower synchrony between the two atria and between the atrium and the ventricle from the same side.In this paper we develop an approach for detecting entanglement, which is based on measuring quantum correlations and constructing a correlation matrix. The correlation matrix is then used for defining a family of parameters, named Correlation Minor Norms, which allow one to detect entanglement. This approach generalizes the computable cross-norm or realignment (CCNR) criterion, and moreover requires measuring a state-independent set of operators. Furthermore, we illustrate a scheme which yields for each Correlation Minor Norm a separable state that maximizes it. The proposed entanglement detection scheme is believed to be advantageous in comparison to other methods because correlations have a simple, intuitive meaning and in addition they can be directly measured in experiment. Moreover, it is demonstrated to be stronger than the CCNR criterion. We also illustrate the relation between the Correlation Minor Norm and entanglement entropy for pure states. Finally, we discuss the relation between the Correlation Minor Norm and quantum discord. We demonstrate that the CMN may be used to define a new measure for quantum discord.There is no validated clinical biomarker for disease severity or treatment response for nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease (NTM-PD). We investigated the correlation between elevated serum carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 levels and NTM-PD disease activity, defined using an imaging severity score based on chest computed tomography (CT). We retrospectively examined 79 patients with NTM-PD who underwent serum CA19-9 level assessments and chest CT less than 1 month apart. NTM-PD severity was rated using a CT-based scoring system. The correlation between the CT score and serum CA19-9 levels was evaluated. Chest CT revealed nodular bronchiectasis without cavitation in most patients (78.5%). Serum CA19-9 levels were elevated in 19 (24%) patients. Serum CA19-9 levels were positively correlated with the total CT score and bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, cavity, and consolidation subscores. Partial correlation analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between serum CA19-9 levels and CT scores for total score and bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, cavitation, and consolidation subscores after controlling for age, sex, and BMI. Serum CA19-9 levels were positively correlated with the CT severity score for NTM-PD. Serum CA19-9 may be useful in evaluating disease activity or therapeutic response in patients with NTM-PD.Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is estimated to cause approximately 380,000 deaths annually during sporadic or epidemic outbreaks worldwide. Development of vaccines against ETEC is very challenging due to the vast heterogeneity of the ETEC strains. An effective vaccines would have to be multicomponent to provide coverage of over ten ETEC strains with genetic variabilities. There is currently no vaccine licensed to prevent ETEC. Nanobodies are successful new biologics in treating mucosal infectious disease as they recognize conserved epitopes on hypervariable pathogens. Cocktails consisting of multiple nanobodies could provide even broader epitope coverage at a lower cost compared to monoclonal antibodies. Identification of conserved epitopes by nanobodies can also assist reverse engineering of an effective vaccine against ETEC. By screening nanobodies from immunized llamas and a naïve yeast display library against adhesins of colonization factors, we identified single nanobodies that show cross-protective potency against eleven major pathogenic ETEC strains in vitro. Oral administration of nanobodies led to a significant reduction of bacterial colonization in animals. Moreover, nanobody-IgA fusion showed extended inhibitory activity in mouse colonization compared to commercial hyperimmune bovine colostrum product used for prevention of ETEC-induced diarrhea. Structural analysis revealed that nanobodies recognized a highly-conserved epitope within the putative receptor binding region of ETEC adhesins. Our findings support further rational design of a pan-ETEC vaccine to elicit robust immune responses targeting this conserved epitope.The emergence of ferromagnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals materials has aroused broad interest. However, the ferromagnetic instability has been a problem remained. In this work, by using the first-principles calculations, we identified the critical ranges of strain and doping for the bilayer Cr2Ge2Te6 within which the ferromagnetic stability can be enhanced. Beyond the critical range, the tensile strain can induce the phase transition from the ferromagnetic to the antiferromagnetic, and the direction of magnetic easy axis can be converted from out-of-plane to in-plane due to the increase of compressive strain, or electrostatic doping. We also predicted an electron doping range, within which the ferromagnetism can be enhanced, while the ferromagnetic stability was maintained. Moreover, we found that the compressive strain can reverse the spin polarization of electrons at the conduction band minimum, so that two categories of half-metal can be induced by controlling electrostatic doping in the bilayer Cr2Ge2Te6. These results should shed a light on achieving ferromagnetic stability for low-dimensional materials.Biological invasions by nonindigenous species can have negative effects on economies and ecosystems. To limit this impact, current research on biological invasions uses functional traits to facilitate a mechanistic understanding of theoretical and applied questions. Here we aimed to assess the role of functional traits in the progression of crayfish species through different stages of invasion and determine the traits associated with invasive success. A dataset of thirteen functional traits of 15 species currently occurring or available for sale in the Netherlands was evaluated. Six of these crayfish appeared invasive. Important traits distinguishing successful from unsuccessful invaders were a temperate climate in the native range, a medium to high egg count and producing more than one egg clutch per year. The most successful invaders had different functional trait combinations Procambarus clarkii has a higher reproductive output, can migrate over longer distances and possesses a higher aggression level; Faxonius limosus is adapted to a colder climate, can reproduce parthenogetically and has broader environmental tolerances.