In human whole blood, metal oxides in gunshot smoke demonstrated intrinsic properties that activated platelets (release of soluble cluster of differentiation 40 ligand (sCD40L), platelet-derived growth factor B-chain homodimer(PDGF-BB), and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A)) and blood coagulation and induced concomitant release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from blood leukocytes that further orchestrate thrombogenesis. The model systems applied provide useful tools for health risk assessment of particle exposures, but more studies are needed to further elucidate the mechanisms of metal fume fever and to evaluate the potential risk of long-term cardiovascular diseases.This paper contributes to the debate on the patient-doctor relationship by focussing on a specific chronic disease type 1 diabetes. This field is characterised by an increasing use of technology, specifically therapeutic devices and a significant requirement of patient self-management. This paper presents the main findings of research conducted in Italy in 2018. It is argued that this relationship is more properly described as an interdependent figuration of actors characterised by a dynamic process of power balances, which recalls Elias' (What is sociology? Columbia University Press, 1978) figurational-processual and relational sociology. In this theoretical context, patients may manage their (dis)satisfaction with their diabetologists by choosing different behaviours that stem from Hirschman's archetype (Exit, voice, and loyalty. Responses to decline firms, organizations, and states. Harvard University Press, 1970) voice, exit, loyalty and, we would add, resignation. These categories are fluid, and all of them can be experienced by patients over time, depending on the quality of the figurations built among these transactors.Natural languages like English connect pronunciations with meanings. Linguistic pronunciations can be described in ways that relate them to our motor system (e.g., to the movement of our lips and tongue). But how do linguistic meanings relate to our nonlinguistic cognitive systems? As a case study, we defend an explicit proposal about the meaning of most by comparing it to the closely related more whereas more expresses a comparison between two independent subsets, most expresses a subset-superset comparison. Six experiments with adults and children demonstrate that these subtle differences between their meanings influence how participants organize and interrogate their visual world. In otherwise identical situations, changing the word from most to more affects preferences for picture-sentence matching (experiments 1-2), scene creation (experiments 3-4), memory for visual features (experiment 5), and accuracy on speeded truth judgments (experiment 6). These effects support the idea that the meanings of more and most are mental representations that provide detailed instructions to conceptual systems.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy, tisagenlecleucel, in August 2017. We sought to describe adverse events (AEs) reported to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) for tisagenlecleucel in the post-marketing period. We searched FAERS reports to identify U.S. patients treated with tisagenlecleucel between August 30, 2017-August 31, 2019. We reviewed individual reports, calculated AE frequencies and reporting rates (RRs), and used Empirical Bayesian Geometric Mean methods to identify disproportionate reporting. We identified 646 de-duplicated reports with a median age at AE of 18 (interquartile range 11-56) years. The overall RR was 81.0%, and more than 95% of reports described a serious outcome. Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) was the most frequently reported AE (51.1%) with a RR of 41.4%; neurotoxicity was reported less frequently (21.2%), with a RR of 17.2%. Most disproportionately reported AEs were listed on the package insert or confounded by indication. We identified 13 subsequent neoplasms (SPN), the majority occurring within 6 months of tisagenlecleucel administration, and none reporting evidence of insertional mutagenesis. A total of 165 reports (26%) described a death outcome; most deaths occurred >30 days after treatment. The majority of deaths (64%) were due to progression of the underlying lymphoid neoplasm, and few ( less then 5%) were attributed to CRS or neurotoxicity. We did not identify new safety concerns reported for tisagenlecleucel in the post-marketing period. Reporting rates for CRS and neurotoxicity were lower than identified in the prelicensure clinical trials.The black marlin Istiompax indica is an apex marine predator and is susceptible to overfishing. The movement ecology of the species remains poorly known, particularly within the Indian Ocean, which has hampered assessment of their conservation status and fisheries management requirements. Here, we used pop-up archival satellite tags to track I. indica movement and examine their dispersal. Forty-nine tags were deployed off Kenya during both the north-east (November-April) and south-west (August-September) monsoon seasons, providing locations from every month of the year. Individual I. indica were highly mobile and track distance correlated with the duration of tag attachment. Mean track duration was 38 days and mean track distance was >1800 km. Individuals dispersed in several directions north-east into Somalian waters and up to northern Oman, east towards the Seychelles, and south into the Mozambique Channel. Their core habitat shifted seasonally and overlapped with areas of high productivity off Kenya, Somalia and Oman during the first half of the year. A second annual aggregation off the Kenyan coast, during August and September, did not coincide with high chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations or thermal fronts, and the drivers of the species' presence and movement from this second aggregation was unclear. We tested their habitat preferences by comparing environmental conditions at track locations to the conditions at locations along simulated tracks based on the empirical data. Observed I. indica preferred cooler water with higher chl-a concentrations and stayed closer to the coast than simulated tracks. The rapid and extensive dispersal of I. indica from Kenya suggests that there is likely a single stock in the Western Indian Ocean, with individuals swimming between areas of high commercial catches off northern Somalia and Oman, and artisanal and recreational fisheries catches throughout East Africa and Mozambique.