In developing countries, Pakistan is one of the countries where access to health and health-related indicators is a major concern. Their improvement would reduce inequalities among various Communities/Districts or groups of Communities. A Community health index (CHI) in this regard is estimated to explore inequality ratio, inequality slope, and spatial analysis of inequalities among all Communities at regional and geographical levels. Data from Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurement (PSLM) survey, Round-VI, 2014-15 were used to construct CHI. The index was constructed in two steps. In the first step, the study indicators were standardized while in the second step, the standardized indicators were aggregated into a single metric by applying non-linear Geometric Mean formula. The inequality ratio of 16.59 estimated for Pakistan was found to be higher than the ratio of Atlanta city, GA (5.92), whereas, a lower slope coefficient was estimated for Pakistan than Atlanta city, GA (0.38 < 0.54). Thiical regions. To reduce or eradicate these inequalities, government and public health workers are recommended to set priorities based on access to composite index.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article. Cerebral folate deficiency (CFD) is a neurological disease, hallmarked by remarkable low concentrations of 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-MTHF) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The primary causes of CFD include the presence of folate receptor (FR) autoantibodies, defects of FR encoding gene FOLR1, mitochondrial diseases and congenital abnormalities in folate metabolism. Here we first present a Chinese male CFD patient whose seizure onset at 2 years old with convulsive status epilepticus. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed the development of encephalomalacia, laminar necrosis in multiple lobes of the brain and cerebellar atrophy. Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) uncovered a homozygous missense variant of c.524G > T (p.C175F) in FOLR1 gene. Further laboratory tests demonstrated the extremely low level of 5-MTHF in the CSF from this patient, which was attributed to cerebral folate transport deficiency. Following the intravenous and oral treatment of calcium folinate, the concentrations of 5-MTHF in CSF were recovered to the normal range and seizure symptoms were relieved as well. One novel variation of FOLR1 was firstly identified from a Chinese male patient with tonic-clonic seizures, developmental delay, and ataxia. The WES and laboratory results elucidated the etiology of the symptoms. Clinical outcomes were improved by early diagnosis and proper treatment. One novel variation of FOLR1 was firstly identified from a Chinese male patient with tonic-clonic seizures, developmental delay, and ataxia. The WES and laboratory results elucidated the etiology of the symptoms. Clinical outcomes were improved by early diagnosis and proper treatment. Informal carers suffer from worse health outcomes than non-carers due to their caregiving role. Yet, in a society carers health is as important as that of their care recipients. This study investigated the self-assessed mental and general health outcomes of informal carers in Australia. It evaluated the influence of carers' personal social capital- a logically linked sequence of their social behaviour such as community participation, social support and trust in others- on their health outcomes. The study estimated the magnitude of small area level variation at Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) along with individual level variation in carers' health outcomes. The study used a multilevel mixed effects cross-sectional design using data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics of Australia survey, wave 14. It included Australians aged 15 years and older that were surveyed in the year 2014. The sample consisted of 12,767 individuals and 5004 SA1s. The outcome measures included- mental health, general health e targeted community support programs for carers to build on their personal social cohesion and trust in their community could help in improving their poor health profiles. Moreover, improved informal carers' health may help the health system in better managing their resources. It seems that the positive influence of social capital for carers helps them in coping with the negative impact of their caregiving duty on health outcomes. Findings suggested that some targeted community support programs for carers to build on their personal social cohesion and trust in their community could help in improving their poor health profiles. Moreover, improved informal carers' health may help the health system in better managing their resources. Self-reported pre-pregnancy weight and weight measured in the first trimester are both used to estimate pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and gestational weight gain (GWG) but there is limited information on how they compare, especially in low- and middle-income countries, where access to a weight scale can be limited. Thus, the main goal of this study was to evaluate the agreement between self-reported pre-pregnancy weight and weight measured during the first trimester of pregnancy among Brazilian women so as to assess whether self-reported pre-pregnancy weight is reliable and can be used for calculation of BMI and GWG. Data from the Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium (BMCNC, n = 5563) and the National Food and Nutritional Surveillance System (SISVAN, n = 393,095) were used to evaluate the agreement between self-reported pre-pregnancy weight and weights measured in three overlapping intervals (30-94, 30-60 and 30-45 days of pregnancy) and their impact in BMI classification. We calculatedon of BMI and GWG when an early measurement of weight during pregnancy is not available. These results are especially important in a country where the majority of woman do not initiate prenatal care early in pregnancy. In Brazil, self-reported pre-pregnancy weight can be used for calculation of BMI and GWG when an early measurement of weight during pregnancy is not available. These results are especially important in a country where the majority of woman do not initiate prenatal care early in pregnancy.