This phosphorylation site corresponded with the casein kinase 1 substrate motif. These results suggest that Thr328 phosphorylation is an essential factor for HA synthesis by HAS2 and the role of HAS2-loop may be useful in analyzing the regulation of HAS2 synthesis in physiological and pathological conditions.Glycine oxidase (GO) is an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of the primary and secondary amines of various chemicals, including glycine, and the enzyme has been applied in a variety of fields, such as biosensor and genetically modified glyphosate resistance plants. Here, we report that the gene product of BC0747 from Bacillus cereus (BcGO) shows oxidase activity for glycine and small d-amino acids, such as d-proline and d-alanine. We also determined the crystal structure of BcGO complexed with the FAD cofactor at a 2.36 Å resolution and revealed how the cofactor binds to the deep pocket of the enzyme. We performed the molecular docking calculation of the glycine substrate to the BcGO structure and identified how the carboxyl- and amine-groups of the d-amino acid are stabilized at the substrate binding site. Structural analysis of BcGO also provided information on the structural basis for the stereospecificity of the enzyme to d-amino acids. In addition, we placed the glyphosate molecule, a plant herbicide, at the substrate binding site, and explained how the mutation of Gly51 to arginine enhances enzyme activity.Microorganisms can be photoinactivated with 405 and 450 nm irradiation, due to endogenous photosensitizers, which absorb light of these wavelengths and generate reactive oxygen species that destroy the cells from within. The photosensitizers assumed to be responsible are porphyrins in the spectral region around 405 nm and flavins at about 450 nm. The aim of this study was to investigate this hypothesis on enterococci, considering that they do not contain porphyrins. In photoinactivation experiments with Enterococcus moraviensis, 405 nm and 450 nm irradiation both led to a reduction of the bacterial concentration by several orders of magnitude with 405 nm irradiation being much more efficient. The measurement and analysis of the fluorescence spectra revealed no signs of porphyrins whereas flavins seemed to be rapidly converted to lumichrome by 405 nm radiation. Therefore, probably none of the usual suspects, porphyrins and flavins, was responsible for the photoinactivation of Enterococcus moraviensis during 405 nm irradiation. Fluorescence experiments revealed the spectra of lumichrome and NADH, which are both known photosensitizers. Presumably, one of them or both were actually involved here. As NADH and flavins (and therefore their photodegradation product lumichrome) are abundant in all microorganisms, they are probably also involved in 405 nm photoinactivation processes of other species.Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is an aggressive lung tumor subtype with poor survival. To identify genes that differentially expressed in SCLC with tumor promotion activity as candidate therapeutic targets, we analyzed the expression of 50 RhoGEFs family genes in published microarray data of SCLC and normal tissues (Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) dataset GSE43346). We identified ARHGEF19, a member of RhoGEFs family, as an overexpressed oncogene in SCLC. ARHGEF19 is up-regulated in SCLC tissues and ranks first in RhoGEFs family genes. Enforced ARHGEF19 expression promotes SCLC cell proliferation in vitro and its knockdown decreases cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo. ARHGEF19-DH and -PD domain interacts with HRAS and activates the MAPK/ERK pathway in SCLC cells and SCLC xenografts. Our study presents evidences that ARHGEF19 overexpression promotes SCLC cell growth and activates the MAPK/ERK pathway. These findings would shed light on the development of new therapeutics for SCLC management.The Caspian Sea littoral of Iran is home to various hard tick species, including Ixodes ricinus, the notorious vector of Lyme borreliosis (LB) in Eurasia. Here, in this area, we examined I. ricinus and other hard ticks, along with common rodents and small mammals for LB and relapsing fever (RF) borreliae infection. Ticks were collected from various mammalian hosts, including sheep, goats, cattle, camels, horses, dogs, donkeys, rodents, and hedgehogs. Rodents and small mammals were live-captured from different habitats. A real-time PCR for 16S rRNA sequence revealed borrelial DNA in 71 out of 501 (≈14 %) specimens belonging to I. ricinus and Rhipicephalus ticks. None of the rodents and small mammals showed borrelial infection in the viscera. PCR amplification and sequencing of a 600-bp sequence of the flaB identified Borrelia bavariensis, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia afzelii, and Borrelia valaisiana, and the RF Borrelia, B. miyamotoi in I. ricinus ticks. The RF-like Borrelia in Rhipicephalus ticks shared the highest identity (98.97 %) with an isolate infecting Haemaphysalis megaspinosa ticks in Japan. Our phylogeny and BLAST analysis suggest the range extension of the European I. ricinus-associated borreliae into the north of Iran.Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) has recently been added to the list of diseases under the European Union epidemiological surveillance in order to obtain updated information on incidence. The goal of this study was to identify temporal (yearly) variation, high risk geographical regions and risk groups, and seasonal variation for LNB in Denmark. This cohort-study investigated Danish patients (n = 2791) diagnosed with LNB (defined as a positive Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) intrathecal antibody test) between 1996-2015. We calculated incidence and incidence ratios of LNB by comparing 4-yr groups of calendar-years, area of residency, sex and age, income and education groups, and the number of new LNB cases per month. The incidence of LNB was 2.2 per 100,000 individuals and year in 1996-1999, 2.7 in 2004-2007 and 1.1 per 100,000 individuals in 2012-2015. Yearly variations in LNB incidence were similar for most calendar-year groups. LNB incidence was highest in Eastern Denmark and among males and individuals who were 0-14 yrs old, who had a yearly income of >449,000 DKK, and who had a Master's degree or higher education. The number of LNB cases was highest from July to November (p less then 0.001). In conclusion, based on Danish nationwide data of patients with positive B. burgdorferi s.l. intrathecal antibody index (1996-2015) the incidence of LNB was found to increase until 2004-2007 but thereafter to decline. European surveillance studies of Lyme borreliosis should be encouraged to monitor the incidence trend.