Correction for 'Developing a Raman spectroscopy-based tool to stratify patient response to pre-operative radiotherapy in rectal cancer' by Chloe J. Kirkby et al., Analyst, 2021, 146, 581-589, DOI .Refeeding syndrome is a serious and life-threatening complication associated with oral, enteral and parenteral nutri-tional therapy. It appears in severely malnourished patients or in those at risk of malnutrition, such as persons with cerebral palsy. We present the case of an 8-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who was admitted with severe hypoglycemia. After starting enteral nutrition by nasogastric tube, she developed refeeding syndrome. In children with cerebral palsy, it is essential to assess the presence of risk factors for refeeding syndrome before starting any nutritional support, and then start feeding progressively and monitor serum electrolytes.Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES) is often overlooked in the differential diagnosis of chronic abdominal pain (CAP). An 11-year-old boy with CAP previously studied in emergency and digestive services without detecting organic pa-thology, suggesting a psychosomatic origin. On examination, he showed pain in the abdominal wall located to the area of the terminal branch of the Th11 intercostal nerve, with a positive Carnett's sign and a favorable response to injection with local anesthetic at the trigger point. Somatosensory evoked potentials revealed right anterior rectus nerve neuropathy. He was diagnosed with ACNES. As treatment, an ultrasound-guided subfascial injection with lidocaine and dexame-thasone into the trigger point was administered. After four months, he remains asymptomatic. For the treatment of ACNES in pediatrics patients, a step-up strategy should be applied, starting with trigger point in-jections of lidocaine and dexamethasone and reserving anterior neurectomy for those cases with limited effect of these injections.Acute iodide sialadenitis is a rare adverse reaction to iodinated contrast that causes self-limited salivary gland swell-ing. Its pathogenesis is still unclear, although kidney failure may be a risk factor. The diagnosis is initially clinical but angioedema, infections and lithiasis should be included in the differential diagnosis. No treatment or prophylaxis was proven to be beneficial. Although its prognosis is benign, associated complications have been reported. We report a case of 68-year-old man with swelling of the submandibular salivary glands after the administration of iodine-based contrast media during an abdominal computed tomography examination. Because of the widespread use of iodinated contrast enhanced imaging and interventional techniques, clinicians should be aware of this issue. The aim of this paper is to analyze the role of the biomarkers Interleukin 6, Tumoral Necrosis Factor a, sCD40L, high sensitive Troponin T, high sensitive C-Reactive Protein and Galectin-3 in predicting super response (SR) to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT), as they have not been studied in this field before. Clinical, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic data was obtained preimplant and after one year. SR was defined as reduction in LVESV = 30% at one year follow-up. Blood samples were extracted preimplant. Multivariate logistic regression and ROC curves were performed. 50 patients were included, 23 (46%) were SR. Characteristics related to SR were female (35 vs. 11%, p?=?0.04), suffering from less ischemic cardiomyopathy (13 vs. 63%, p?<?0.0001) and lateral (0 vs. 18%, p?=?0.03), inferior (4 vs. 33%, p?=?0.01) and posterior infarction (0 vs. 22%, p?=?0.01); absence of mitral regurgitation (47% vs. 22%, p?=?0.04), wider QRS width (157.7?±?22.9 vs. 140.8?±?19.2ms, p?=?0.01), higher concentrations of sCD40L (6.9?±?5.1 vs. 4.4?±?3.3 ng/mL, p?=?0.02), and left ventricular lead more frequent in lateral medial position (69 vs. 26%, p?=?0.002). QRS width, lateral medial position of the lead and absence of mitral regurgitation were independent predictors of SR. sCD40L showed a moderate direct correla-tion with SR (r?=?0.39, p?=?0.02) and with the reduction of LVESV (r?=?0.44, p?=?0.02). sCD40L correlates significantly with SR to CRT. QRS width, absence of mitral regurgitation and lateral medial position of the lead are independent predictors of SR in this cohort. sCD40L correlates significantly with SR to CRT. QRS width, absence of mitral regurgitation and lateral medial position of the lead are independent predictors of SR in this cohort.Patients with chronic spinal cord injury suffer from a number of pathophysiological alterations that can lead to im-portant morbidity and mortality in the perioperative period. The diaphragmatic pacemaker is a device that enables pulmonary ventilation in patients with high cervical cord injuries and provides them with a better quality of life when compared to mechanical ventilation. We present here the clinical case of a patient with chronic spinal cord injury who used a diaphragmatic pacemaker, and who was scheduled for percutaneous nephrolithotomy and double-J stent implantation. The anesthesiologist should know the pathophysiological situation of these patients in order to provide a safe perioperatory care. Cutaneous, superficial and or suprafascial leiomyoma are divided into three variants piloleiomyomas (PL), angioleiomyomas (AL) and genital leiomyomas (GL) that include the vulvar, scrotal and areolar forms. This study set out to establish the clinical and histological characteristics and incidence of each variant, and any likely associations with internal neoplasms. A review was carried out of 255 cases of cutaneous leiomyomas diagnosed between 1982 and 2018 at the Pathology departments of three hospitals (Navarra and Alicante). Demographic, clinical, histological and immunohistochemical variables were described and compared. The incidence of PL in Navarra was 4.3 cases per million inhabitants a year, with another 20 cases of AL and 1.4 cases of GL. Cutaneous forms make up approximately 3.5% of the total leiomyomas. The population with PL suffered more frequently from breast cancer (OR?=?4.8; CI 95% 1.3-17.4; p?=?0.006). Nipple leiomyomas are small, accompanied by localised pain, and are predominantly fascicular or solid, with very infrequent effect on the subcutaneous cellular tissue and scarce atypia.