Furthermore, combination of ATRA or retinol with cisplatin significantly inhibited cell proliferation, colony formation and increased cisplatin-induced apoptosis. This increase in apoptosis may, at least in part, be due to differential gene expression of the retinoic acid (RARα/β) and retinoid X (RXRα) nuclear receptors in cisplatin-resistant lung cancer cells. These data support the concept of exploiting the retinoic acid signalling cascade as a novel strategy in targeting subsets of CSCs in cisplatin resistant lung tumours. We have previously shown an association with substantially improved survival in breast cancer and melanoma for desloratadine and loratadine users, and set out to find whether an improved survival can be seen in tumors with and without a known response to immune checkpoint therapy, such as anti-CTLA-4 or anti-PD-1. We investigated survival and use of six common H -antihistamines (cetirizine, clemastine, desloratadine, ebastine, fexofenadine and loratadine) in a nation-wide cohort of all 429,198 Swedish patients with ten types of immunogenic (gastric, colorectal/anal, pancreatic, lung, breast, prostate, kidney, and bladder cancer, melanoma and Hodgkin lymphoma) and six non-immunogenic (liver, uterine, ovarian, brain/CNS, and thyroid cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma) tumors diagnosed 2006-2017. Follow-up was until 2019-02-24. Desloratadine use was associated with an improved survival for all immunogenic tumors, but not for the non-immunogenic ones. Loratadine use was associated with improved survival for sses, such as pancreatic cancer. If our results can be confirmed in a clinical setting, new, potentially curative, therapies could result for several tumors, including ones with dire prognoses and limited treatment options.The sports medicine literature is filled with associations between injury and causal factors. However, those results have been inconsistent. We're left wondering which of our athletes might need more attention and where our efforts might be best spent. Resistance to injury is the result of interaction between many variables. These variables are interdependent with dynamic relationships which can be sometimes correlated, at times anti-correlated and from time to time show no relationship with injury risk. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/U0126.html Relationships we may have seen yesterday do not necessarily hold true for today and we should not use those to infer what will happen. This perspective piece builds on prior works and describes how the complex interaction between injury determinants presents in other systems, why determinants are not stable and instead vary over time due to internal and external forcing and why our prediction ability remains limited even when determinants are identified. Patterns built from frequent time series data in conjunction with nonlinear dynamical methods can offer us a new approach to thinking about injury prediction. 1) Determine the concurrent validity of using automated 2D video analysis relative to 3D motion capture for assessing frontal and sagittal-plane knee kinematics during landing, 2) compare the accuracy of visually estimating joint center locations (2D Manual) with computing joint center locations using anatomical markers (2D Automatic), and 3) compare landing kinematics between a controlled laboratory setting and a non-laboratory setting. Validity/repeatability study. Biomechanics research laboratory and non-laboratory athletic facility. Thirty uninjured recreational athletes. Peak knee flexion, knee flexion range of motion, peak knee frontal plane projection angle, and knee frontal plane projection angle range of motion during bilateral and unilateral landing were measured simultaneously in 3D using motion capture and in 2D using two low-cost video cameras during the first study session (biomechanics research laboratory), and in 2D only during the second study session (non-laboratory athletic facility). There was good to excellent agreement between 3D motion capture and both 2D Manual (ICC=0.86-0.99) and 2D Automatic (ICC=0.89-0.99) video analysis methods. There was good to excellent agreement between data collected in a laboratory and non-laboratory setting (ICC=0.75-0.95). The methods introduced in this study are inexpensive, reliable, and feasible for use in non-laboratory settings. The methods introduced in this study are inexpensive, reliable, and feasible for use in non-laboratory settings. Systematic review investigated efficacy of conservative therapy on pain and function in people with tendinopathy-related shoulder pain. Searches were conducted on six databases. All randomized controlled trials investigating efficacy of any conservative therapy on pain and function in people with tendinopathy-related shoulder pain were included. Estimates for each specific conservative therapy were presented as weighted mean differences (WMDs) or mean differences (MDs), with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Quality of the evidence was assessed using GRADE. Five randomized controlled trials were included. Extracorporeal shock-wave therapy (ESWT) was effective on pain at short-term (i.e., ≤3 months) when compared with control (WMD=-1.7 out of 101 points,-3.1 to-0.3; n=158). Individual trials also suggested effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (-13.7 to-2.3; n=365) and extracorporeal radial pressure pulse therapy (rESWT) (-40.0 to-27.0; n=79). Laser therapy and ESWT were not effective on pain and function at short-term, respectively. No trials investigated medium- or long-term effects, and quality of the evidence ranged from low to very low quality. Conservative therapies currently available for the rotator cuff management and biceps tendinopathy are not supported by low to very-low quality evidence. Conservative therapies currently available for the rotator cuff management and biceps tendinopathy are not supported by low to very-low quality evidence.In the cyber era, people interact with others not only face-to-face but also through social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Social media addiction has emerged as a problem of global concern, with researchers all over the world conducting studies to evaluate how pervasive the problem is. However, the prevalence rates of social media addiction reported in the literature vary dramatically. The present meta-analysis aimed to systematically synthesize the extant research on social media addiction prevalence. Subgroup analysis and meta-regression were conducted to investigate whether the prevalence rates would differ by classification schemes, cultural values, and demographic factors. The meta-analysis involved 63 independent samples with 34,798 respondents from 32 nations spanning seven world regions. The random-effects meta-analytic findings revealed variations in prevalence among studies adopting distinct classification schemes. The pooled prevalence estimate was 5% (95% CI 3%-7%) for studies adopting monothetic or strict monothetic classifications.